You're deff not the one. xD I was like wait whoa whoa whoa at first especially when this dumb-dumb started to smile and acting like they're not gonna die in about 2 minutes. And all the sparkles in his eyes didn't help either. xD
Why is this music not in the game, it would've been so cool.
anyone has a meme for the issue the game is having now for the PC where it keeps telling people to update the game but they already updated it though the provided link and the game will not give episode 2 to the person because the TotB servers thinks the person did not update their game yet?
(Sorry very bitter right now that I can't play episode 2 due to this issue Episode 2 is getting on release for countless people who did not install the PC version on the 17th.)
Is this a question for 100$ or something? Because the answer is pretty obvious. In the show only one answer is correct and since 3 of them are practically saying the same thing then that leaves only B.
Is this a question for 100$ or something? Because the answer is pretty obvious. In the show only one answer is correct and since 3 of them a… morere practically saying the same thing then that leaves only B.
Sorry Green, you shot yourself in the foot here.
I'll have you know that our cave is lined with the righteous truth that is Rhysha.
It's also next to your cave, which is filled to the brim of lies and deceit.
Ahh. Good one. Good one.
Vaughn is Flanders
I thought it was pretty romantic too
this is clearly fake, where are his abs?
Jack was a freaking gold mine in this episode! Especially with his facial expressions.
Jack and Rhys both appreciating just how ripped Vaughn is. Fucking hilarious.
You're deff not the one. xD I was like wait whoa whoa whoa at first especially when this dumb-dumb started to smile and acting like they're not gonna die in about 2 minutes. And all the sparkles in his eyes didn't help either. xD
Why is this music not in the game, it would've been so cool.
Is that Kony?
We said we'd never forget... But we did.
That would happen if Fiona took her shield...

The modders are too strong.
Ahh... Janey? I think there's something wrong with your spine... Your stomach's kind of on your back.
I'm sorry.
It's not actually TFTBL related, but the Bro scene reminded me a lot of this:
Bro Down
Was I the only one?
There must be a glitch in the system.
The Yuck option is supposed to be further left! Whose the wise guy who misprogrammed this cheap piece of crap?
Also, Choice D should say "Pick B."
Oh, gosh, Ethan. This was pretty short, but hilarious. xD
anyone has a meme for the issue the game is having now for the PC where it keeps telling people to update the game but they already updated it though the provided link and the game will not give episode 2 to the person because the TotB servers thinks the person did not update their game yet?
(Sorry very bitter right now that I can't play episode 2 due to this issue Episode 2 is getting on release for countless people who did not install the PC version on the 17th.)
Even this guy gets it!
Someone's gonna get fired for this...
Lol, you guys are both heretics. Go back to whatever cave you nubz crawled out of, filthy Rhysha shippers
royal with cheese
Is this a question for 100$ or something? Because the answer is pretty obvious. In the show only one answer is correct and since 3 of them are practically saying the same thing then that leaves only B.
Sorry Green, you shot yourself in the foot here.
I'll have you know that our cave is lined with the righteous truth that is Rhysha.
It's also next to your cave, which is filled to the brim of lies and deceit.
the guilty king supports you
Had to choose it just for the Back To The Future reference...
[broship intensifies]
I hope there will be hand puns at some point. Especially when things for Rhys are gonna get out of hand. I'm hopin'.
Dunt worry Green your not the only one on team Rhyona im with you till the end when sasha gets crushed (accidentaly) by a car huehuehue