What's your stance on fan fiction?
To be honest, fan fiction is one of the few things that I really hate in this world. So I thought it would be interesting to hear other people's perspectives on it.
I should probably give an explanation as to why I don't personally like them. It isn't because they're poorly written or something (as I've never read a fan fiction in my life, though grammar and a terrible story would certainly irk me), it's just that to me it feels like messing around with someone else's world, messing with someone's creation, and it just doesn't sit well with me.
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I like them
, I like to see how other people make up stories or how they would like something to be...
Lol, when I read it I thought it said Like

I like them. I love reading, and sometimes writing. I have my own fan fictions, but I hate the sound of the words "fan fiction" I just like to call it a story based on the game. They're pretty cool, in my opinion.
I actually hate them too, well hate is a strong word. I don't mind them being there but I hate to read them.
fan fictions are great if written well.
Most fanfics are good concepts executed poorly, but I like them. I don't see any problem with them as long as the author acknowledges the original creators.
Well I've written a few, so it'd be weird if I said I hated them. In truth, fan fics can be awesome, horrible, or anywhere in between. Just like any regular story.
I'm writing one and reading a bunch, but they can be screwed up pretty badly. Especially if it's based around someone's ship, then it ALL goes downhill.
If writing fan fictions positively contribute to a person's imagination and/or creativity, then I say they should go for it.
Not a big fan of fanfics because most of them don't or can't stay true to the real characters' personalities even though the stories are good. Very few of them tend to remain faithful to what you would expect from the characters you are reading about. I've written some before (and still do, rarely) but I've never put them online.
Fanfics CAN be amazing but very few of them; maybe my standards are too high!!! Can't say I hate or love them because it really depends on the story and how it's written. They can be anywhere from boring to super excellent.
They're a great way to get people interesting in Writing. I wouldn't be surprise if this generation of great authors first honed their skills by writing fanfiction.
I myself have tried my hand at it once or twice, though I mostly stick to poetry.
That said, I tend to shy away from the weird stuff. Erotic/Highschool AU/etc, especially in the Walking Dead series.
People should be allowed to do it, of course. But I personally don't like it. Too much Mary Sue-ing. I find people who write fan fiction aren't terribly good at writing. The people who are good are imaginative and creative, thinking up their own stories.
Too broad of a generalization. I've read fanfics that were far better than the original material.
Agree about Mary Sues though. Way too many people have no idea how to build a realistic and human character.
Yeah, I was generalizing. I was just describing my experience. Obviously that isn't everyone's experience, or even the majority's experience. I suppose I just prefer original stories. I don't really seek out fan fiction, so I have little knowledge of it.
I've been a fanfic writer since I was 15 and although I don't read fics as often as I did when I was in my teens, I do enjoy it when I find myself some good ones to read on my favorite series. To me I view it like an art form like fanart, but also I think it's a great training ground for learning to write.
I like writing them but I don't like reading them, because so many of them are so poorly written and they completely butcher the personality and attitude of the characters their writing about. So I understand why some people hate them. Mostly I like using them as practice for when I write my own novels one day. It's nice hearing what others have to say, I get feedback from some of my closest friends on here before actually posting my FF, and they'll tell me if I'm doing good or bad.
It's a way to get the creative juices flowing. Not fond of it when it's made to get certain other juices flowing as well....
i dont understand why yall hate it?? i never read them, but why hate something like that??? its clearly that they love whatever they are writing about so why hate that? is it affecting you in some way? its clearly not official so why hate it? the writing is bad? so they are not professional, so why hate becuz its bad writing? its fucking stupid
Sometimes they're good, sometimes they're bad, and sometimes the writers get sued (if the intellectual property owner is a real jerk).
What I really like are parodies, which aren't the same thing, but they bring out a smile even if I enjoy and respect the original.
My stance is that I don't like it. I try to read some and get myself encapsulated into it if it seems like it has a good story, but then I lose interest real quickly. And there are some that make me want to gouge my eyes out when it deals with weird ass shippings.
I don't hate them, everybody is free to do what they enjoy doing. I just don't read them because I'm not really a fan of reading. One thing that I do hate though is when somebody tries to create a fan fiction using existing characters and they end up making them do or say things that their character actually wouldn't, therefore being out of character. Can it still be considered a fan fiction if it were to take place in the same universe, just with a new set of entirely made up characters?