The Best (and worst) People on youtube tribute!
My Favorite: Minx, Poods, Cry, and DooM.
My Worst: Dillion the hacker, Mari(Smosh Games)
post some fanart, or say speeches about them! no wrong here, just love and support! So Bros, DooMKillers, Cats, And Guys (Poods, cry, minx, and DooM's fans) join in!
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Worst: Pewdiepie nuff said
Best: theRadBrad I only watch him for those gaming videos anyway
Worst: Pewds. I just don't like the guys commentary style, and his annoying jokes and screaming and shit.
Best: Markiplier. This dude has a commentary style that I like, and is not annoying to me at all.
That's really ironic, because Markiplier is PewDiePie #2. His style of humor is making a funny face and saying things in a stupid voice. He may not scream into the microphone as often as PewDiePie, but he's about just as obnoxious as him.
Worst: WhiteBoy7thStreet
Best: PewDiePie
Best: FLuffeeTalks, CR1TIKAL, PeanutButterGamer, JonTron, BalrogTheMaster, oSketchMastao, JeremyJahns, SILVERMANIA
Worst: PEEEeeEeEeEeEWDiePie, SmoshGames, Continue?, iJustine, ShaneDawson, Onision
Opinion noted.
Onision is awesome
The Best (Bossest): Jacksepticeye. That Irish beauty makes me want to ejaculate everywhere every time I hear his voice.
The Worst: I'd have to say Pewdiepie. I watch him every once in a while and I really don't mind, but his humor isn't my style.
Best: TheGirlFromAus (her reactions are just awesome) EDIT: I'll also add CinnamonToastKen. He's pretty cool.
Worst: Pewdiepie. He annoys the fuck outta me.
Worst: DSPGaming, Pewdiepie
Best: TFS Gaming, videogamedunkey, Robbaz, birgirpall, Criken2, Markiplier, penguinz0 (a.k.a. Cr1TiKal)
did you know whiteboy, was busted with weed LOL
Best: PewDiePie, Cryaotic, CinammonToastKen, Minx, Lifesimmer, Epic Rap Battles of History, Dan Bull, BadComedian
Worst: Can't think of any bad youtubers, honestly
Worst: PewDiePie, Cryaotic, and Markiplier
Best: theRadBrad and jackspeticeye
Best: The Creatures, TwoBestFriendsPlay, Flimsii, KingGiraffeHat, Nigahiga, Screen Junkies, TFS, Shikasclouds
Worst: PewDiePie. I get why people like his humor but I'm not a fan
He wasn't always like that.
Best: AllShamNoWow, Flimsii, videogamedunkey. penguinz0 (A.K.A Critical)
Worst: PewDiePie, Markplier, FineBros.
Best: Angryjoeshow, Mr moon, Peanutbuttergamer, Merkmusic
Worst:Every minecraft youtuber,smosh.
Best: All of the Yogscast.
Worst: Pewdiepie.
Best: Inside Gaming, Achievement Hunter (RoosterTeeth branch), Jeremy Jahns, ProJared, Jontron, Peanutbuttergamer.
Worst: DarksydePhil, Smosh Games (except for Honest games trailers, that's actually pretty awesome at times).
I love Fluffee. He's awesome
Another Creature fan...Nice!
Best: kpopp, ImmortalHD and Dashiegames
Worst: pewdiepie . He seems like a nice guy, but he gets annoying at times. And it's also really annoying when his fans go on other people's videos and say they copied pewdiepie
Best: The Creatures, The Derp Crew, Inside Gaming
Worst: Pewdiepie (I don't hate him, I think hes an awesome guy but I don't like most of his videos)
I'm a fan of the Creature's too....
You get cake too!
high five for Mark!
Best Non Gaming Ytubers
Worst by far is DarkSydePhil no contest. "WHAAAAAAAAAT the game cheated" lol i f you don't know who he is heres an example
Angry Joe is great.
Ugh. DSP is just the worst.
LOL he has to be the dumbest guy alive.Also i bet his laugh could give you a disease
Even after that cringe-inducing moment with him and Clem, he still has fans that ACTUALLY support him. It's unfortunate he's making easy money off of people that are subscribed to him for whatever reason. >:(
I agree with you talking about his idiocy too, it certainly seems to be affecting his fans.
I honestly think he might be a sociopath/Pedo hell there were a couple a vids giving good examples of it the clem one is one of them
Best: JDFromNY206, 2BCProductions2BC, W2S, KSI, KittyPlaysGames,
Worst: TMartn, Drift0r, Ali a, PewDiePie, WingsOfRedemption.
Best: DoubleSwee