Because it made the most sense to me. One All-Powerful and All Mighty God. I read through Christianity, was taught, and thought it to be true. And the more I delve into it the further I believe.
I do believe my religion is the Truth. If I didn't believe my religion to be true, then why would I follow it? Would seem like a waste of time to me.
Can I ask you a simple question? Why do you believe in the Christian God? There are thousands upon thousands of gods from several different … morereligions. Do you deny other peoples beliefs and believe your religion is the one and only true religion and has the one and only true god?
As I said above... the Israelites sucked pretty bad. It is whether or not God ordered these things that is debatable. That is why I for sure follow The Ten Commandments and Jesus' Teachings, not the laws in the Book of Leviticus.
The type of punishment is what the problem is...
A man looks as a woman and admires her. Today what does that get him...A divorce or rest… moreraining order at best. Back then they would tie him down in the town square, say he disgraced God, tell him he's going to hell, then kill him with rocks.
One of these sounds a little evil...I'm going to say the one that kills a man in the name of a God. God is another name for control over the people. I'm Agnostic, I don't know if there is a God or not, but if there is one thing i'm sure of is that no religion accurately portrays them. We don't murder someone (Which is morally wrong) or something they did, if it was wrong or not.
As I said above... the Israelites sucked pretty bad. It is whether or not God ordered these things that is debatable. That is why I for sure follow The Ten Commandments and Jesus' Teachings, not the laws in the Book of Leviticus.
How do you know that though? Who says there has to be one god? I mean with your statement, one could say the same exact thing regarding Islam, or even Hinduism (a polytheistic religion) ; "Because it made the most sense to me." You can't possibly say for certain that your religion is 100% true, especially when there are different sects within Christianity as well as many Christians who have their own personal beliefs regarding a god. And even then, what may be true to you is not true for everyone else.
Because it made the most sense to me. One All-Powerful and All Mighty God. I read through Christianity, was taught, and thought it to be t… morerue. And the more I delve into it the further I believe.
I do believe my religion is the Truth. If I didn't believe my religion to be true, then why would I follow it? Would seem like a waste of time to me.
A) The Bible disregards what the Israelites did in the past (I'm pretty sure Jesus did this in The New Testament).
I said it was debatable. Which means that God may have had a hand in certain things regarding things like that, but not all. I do believe that God ordered the complete whipping-out of the Canaanites, but since we weren't there I don't think we would truly understand what actually went on there. Literally almost every outside historical records that I saw say that the Canaanites were pretty much the definition of pure evil. I haven't read through all of The Old Testament in a very long time, though.
You can't just pick the good parts to follow in your religion. It isn't something you nitpick.
Oh this part seems good, i'll follow this.… more Oh...God killed babies...Well I'll forget that.
It is an entirety, you either believe it all or believe none.
How do you know that though? Who says there has to be one god? I mean with your statement, one could say the same exact thing regarding Isla… morem, or even Hinduism (a polytheistic religion) ; "Because it made the most sense to me." You can't possibly say for certain that your religion is 100% true, especially when there are different sects within Christianity as well as many Christians who have their own personal beliefs regarding a god. And even then, what may be true to you is not true for everyone else.
That my friend is one of the questions i make myself every day, also what would there be if there was nothing, just an space? and how would that space be? black? but black is a color so that's something, so what is exactly nothing?
A) You can't do that. It's like a murderer going to a orphan who's mother he killed and saying "Hey, no hard feelings right? We can just forget that." and then the kid saying okay...You can't do that.
So God can't stop them wiping out the Canaanites? The all powerful being can't stop something he made from killing other things he made?...I see something wrong here. Then you pull the whole "We weren't there so we don't know"...Were you in the Holocaust? Was it bad? You should read it again, I find those stories more fun because God isn't a hippie and actually murders people and orders murders. He takes over free will in order to murder people...Pretty fun.
I'm not nitpicking.
A) The Bible disregards what the Israelites did in the past (I'm pretty sure Jesus did this in The New Testament).
… more I said it was debatable. Which means that God may have had a hand in certain things regarding things like that, but not all. I do believe that God ordered the complete whipping-out of the Canaanites, but since we weren't there I don't think we would truly understand what actually went on there. Literally almost every outside historical records that I saw say that the Canaanites were pretty much the definition of pure evil. I haven't read through all of The Old Testament in a very long time, though.
...So do the people of other different religions. Therefore, no one can really say their religion is 100% true, since proof and evidence are needed to determine what is true and what is false.
That's why I think there was never "Nothing" but another universe here. That universe blew up and created this one...But how would we prove that and where did the other come from... Nobody knows and maybe one day our universe will explode and everything we ever did...Ever WERE...Is gone.
That my friend is one of the questions i make myself every day, also what would there be if there was nothing, just an space? and how would that space be? black? but black is a color so that's something, so what is exactly nothing?
Exactly, we don't know where all of this matery came from, we only know that now we call it universe, existence is something so simple but at the same time so incredibly complicated that i don't think a human mind can comprenhend it.
That's why I think there was never "Nothing" but another universe here. That universe blew up and created this one...But how would we prove … morethat and where did the other come from... Nobody knows and maybe one day our universe will explode and everything we ever did...Ever WERE...Is gone.
Life is indeed worthless in the end.
Exactly, we don't know where all of this matery came from, we only know that now we call it universe, existence is something so simple but at the same time so incredibly complicated that i don't think a human mind can comprenhend it.
A) Says who? Christianity is in large a religion of forgiveness and loving those who persecute you. I will have to read through the testament again before I give a solid answer on what the current situation the Israelites were in.
If God intervened, that means that God would have to force His will upon the people. God doesn't do that, He doesn't force His will, that would make him unjust, and since God is perfectly just, forcing His will would make Him ceasing in an aspect. That is why God just doesn't kill sin: because WE chose sin, and God doesn't force His will on us. Plus, God wants us to choose Him because we want to follow Him, not because we need Him. We all need God, but we don't all want God.
It would also suggest that you would support what the Canaanites were doing, which was some pretty gnarly stuff. If the Canaanites had survived, the Israelites would never had made it to the Promised Land (because the Canaanites were hostile and dug in), the Israelites would likely have been killed themselves, and the Canaanites would spread their corrupt and evil culture.
I would also like to avoid the argument of the Canaanites, because I would have no time to respond with such a long message tonight. I've been in an argument regarding the Canaanites before and it goes on forever.
A) You can't do that. It's like a murderer going to a orphan who's mother he killed and saying "Hey, no hard feelings right? We can just for… moreget that." and then the kid saying okay...You can't do that.
So God can't stop them wiping out the Canaanites? The all powerful being can't stop something he made from killing other things he made?...I see something wrong here. Then you pull the whole "We weren't there so we don't know"...Were you in the Holocaust? Was it bad? You should read it again, I find those stories more fun because God isn't a hippie and actually murders people and orders murders. He takes over free will in order to murder people...Pretty fun.
I don't need proof to have faith. The powerful thing about faith is that you don't rely on the material to know something is true.
I have felt experiences from God that I cannot explain. I cannot doubt in Him after those experiences. Not the same for everyone, no, but I felt these things myself. That is why I cannot doubt.
...So do the people of other different religions. Therefore, no one can really say their religion is 100% true, since proof and evidence are needed to determine what is true and what is false.
That's why I think there was never "Nothing" but another universe here. That universe blew up and created this one...But how would we prove … morethat and where did the other come from... Nobody knows and maybe one day our universe will explode and everything we ever did...Ever WERE...Is gone.
Life is indeed worthless in the end.
Yep, and all we were our memories and actions are lost forever in time, the only one who remember them, will also be forgotten.
Sometimes i think that a human shouldn't try to answer all of this, i mean life is something so awesome, so rare, so beautiful that we should be glad we have it, it might be meaningless, but without life the universe wouldn't have a purpose to exist, since ( at least for me) the universe's purpose is to mantein life, why? who knows, but we should be glad that we're the reason why existance exists (not only humans,also every life.form in the universe)
A) Oh yes because stoning a person to death is so forgiving. You know that there are Christians who kidnap young children, take them to the Caribbean, then force them to accept Jesus or they are beat or have basic rights taken from them. Man! Jesus is really in their hearts!
You remember when God took away the Pharaoh's will and hardened his heart...Why? God later kills him when the red sea collapses in on itself. Free will is amazing!
So because I disagree with killing an entire nation i'm evil...Pure evil...Man Christians go to any heights to try and make the other person's argument seem wrong. How about I don't support pure evil but I also don't support your God ordering on nation of his followers to attack another nation and kill them all. Corrupt and evil culture...Why? Is it because it doesn't enforce your God's will upon people? You know the Israelites went from town to town slaughtering people for shelter...then leaving. They really did a good job.
A) Says who? Christianity is in large a religion of forgiveness and loving those who persecute you. I will have to read through the testam… moreent again before I give a solid answer on what the current situation the Israelites were in.
If God intervened, that means that God would have to force His will upon the people. God doesn't do that, He doesn't force His will, that would make him unjust, and since God is perfectly just, forcing His will would make Him ceasing in an aspect. That is why God just doesn't kill sin: because WE chose sin, and God doesn't force His will on us. Plus, God wants us to choose Him because we want to follow Him, not because we need Him. We all need God, but we don't all want God.
It would also suggest that you would support what the Canaanites were doing, which was some pretty gnarly stuff. If the Canaanites had survived, the Israelites would never had made it to the Promised Land (because the Canaanites we… [view original content]
Life is indeed worthless in the end.
No, not worthless. Because there is no proof for something doesn't mean something doesn't exist.
We have one time to figure it out. We need to make that count.
We should enjoy the life we got, try and make the best of it. When it's over...If there is something after it...Then we will deal with that. We should attempt to help later generations and not waste time. Life can end in the blink of an eye...Why waste it preparing for the chance there is something after.
Yep, and all we were our memories and actions are lost forever in time, the only one who remember them, will also be forgotten.
Sometimes… more i think that a human shouldn't try to answer all of this, i mean life is something so awesome, so rare, so beautiful that we should be glad we have it, it might be meaningless, but without life the universe wouldn't have a purpose to exist, since ( at least for me) the universe's purpose is to mantein life, why? who knows, but we should be glad that we're the reason why existance exists (not only humans,also every life.form in the universe)
Life is indeed worthless in the end.
No, not worthless. Because there is no proof for something doesn't mean something doesn't exist.
We have one time to figure it out. We need to make that count.
You're not understanding. What you're saying is the exact same thing that many individuals say who believe in a god or gods from different religions. There are Hindus who say they've felt experiences from Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma.
There are Muslims who say they've spoke to Allah. What makes your experiences any more valid and truthful than theirs? Faith is just not enough. You can't say for certain that Yahweh/Jehovah/Elohim is true anymore than a Hindu can say Brahma is true without backing it up. Without proof there's no law that says they both can't exist.
I don't need proof to have faith. The powerful thing about faith is that you don't rely on the material to know something is true.
I hav… moree felt experiences from God that I cannot explain. I cannot doubt in Him after those experiences. Not the same for everyone, no, but I felt these things myself. That is why I cannot doubt.
Yep, the best we can do is try to make this a better world, people might not remember us but at least we know that our life meant something at least one person.
We should enjoy the life we got, try and make the best of it. When it's over...If there is something after it...Then we will deal with that.… more We should attempt to help later generations and not waste time. Life can end in the blink of an eye...Why waste it preparing for the chance there is something after.
Yep, the best we can do is try to make this a better world, people might not remember us but at least we know that our life meant something at least one person.
That's worthless, everyone that is decent will find a good excuse not to do it and everyone that's more questionable will find an excuse that justifies their actions, everything is easily bendable to make room for the outcome you want and revenge is hardly a good example as most people would stop because of the law and fear of what will happen to them if they do rather than religious beliefs.
Like I said Religion is fine but if you need it in order to do what is right you probably have some issues you have to work with, besides guiding your actions considering what your religion thinks is right is pretty much the same as guiding them by what your culture thinks is right, so technically speaking everyone has the capacity to make the right call by considering what others say is right, so again it's kind off pointless, in any case while religion may have some advantages it also has a lot of disadvantages and in some cases I'd say it makes people worse, since it's old fashioned values promote certain conducts that are detrimental to society such as sexism and homophobia and I'm saying this based on personal experience not some bullshit statistics or new article I found laying around, I used to go to a Christian school that had written as a fucking rule that you weren't allowed to be homosexual, so I know for a fact that it promotes as many negative values as it does right ones so I prefer to stay away from it.
So I don't want to be that guy but I've actually been in a similar situation to what you describe, I mean not exactly as it wasn't revenge related but anyway I can tell you that none of that "What is right and what is wrong?" mattered, I just didn't think about that and we're talking about not only religion but societal taboos and general morality, everything every single one of those things didn't matter, the only thing that mattered is that guy was pissing me off and my sister was missing and the only reason I stopped was because I would've hurt her more than helped her if I had killed him, it sucked and at the time I was really angry that I didn't kill him because I really wanted to, and I was so close too, it was frustrating, in any case what I'm saying is that everyone, and I do mean everyone has something they care about and that's the thing they will think off when they are in a situation like that and for some people I guess it could be religion but for most people, even religious people it's probably not and it's not what they are going to think about when in that situation, I mean I'm a mentally unstable crazy person that's way too fixated on superheroes and vigilantism to the point that I've gone out at night to fight crime (I wasn't successful but I did it) and base my whole moral code around what Superman would do, to the point that I've risked my life to save a total stranger's fucking car and not even I thought about what was right and what was wrong, and everyone I know agrees that I'm probably the best person they've ever met when it concerns morality, which is weird because I just admitted to vigilantism which I'm pretty sure it's a crime and it probably makes me a bad person but whatever.
Lets say there is a moral dilemma of some sort: revenge.
Someone has royally pissed you off and you are thinking about revenge. There is… more an atheist and a religious individual.
The atheist will ask, "Is revenge right?" and the atheist must decide on his own conscious if it is so.
The religious individual will ask the same question, "Is revenge right?" and still will have to decide on his/her own moral conscious, but having a moral absolute and a religion will help guide the action. The follower will ask, "what does my religion say about revenge?" and it will influence their actions. It may not change it, but it will give them a light to follow. They still have a choice to not listen to their religion, but it is there nonetheless to guide.
I trust the Ten Commandments and Jesus' Teachings. There are denominations within Christianity.
That my friend is one of the questions i make myself every day, also what would there be if there was nothing, just an space? and how would that space be? black? but black is a color so that's something, so what is exactly nothing?
There is only one true God, and I have felt the touch of his noodly appendage.
Props to you for being serious though; I'm not sure what to else to say. (and sorry to interject myself, I saw multiple people on this line so I thought it would be alright to do so). Usually when somebody brings out the 'because I have faith,' line, it's really difficult to take it as more than 'because I said so.' It's an argument which is inherently irrational and acknowledges itself as irrational (to the point of taking pride in its inherent irrationality). Not everything can be rational, and there is a rationale to belief in a creator, but I honestly don't understand how anyone can follow Christianity (or really any religion for that matter); even the most brief look into history would show how something which purports to be divine revelation has evolved over time and from other religions.
For a good example of what I mean, watch PBS's Empires: The Kingdom of David. One of the things it follows is the evolution of Judiasm from its polytheist roots into a monotheist religion.
You're not understanding. What you're saying is the exact same thing that many individuals say who believe in a god or gods from different r… moreeligions. There are Hindus who say they've felt experiences from Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma.
There are Muslims who say they've spoke to Allah. What makes your experiences any more valid and truthful than theirs? Faith is just not enough. You can't say for certain that Yahweh/Jehovah/Elohim is true anymore than a Hindu can say Brahma is true without backing it up. Without proof there's no law that says they both can't exist.
Thanks. And you don't need to apologize, you did nothing wrong. So feel free to interject and express your thoughts and opinions.
Yeah, I agree with you wholeheartedly. I mean, if faith was all it took to determine what was true, then there are almost as many gods as there are people in the world since everyone has their own personal belief on what a god is or does. I could wake up one day and say, "I've spoken to, had visions, and felt the touch of the deity who goes by the name... 'Nameless', (lol) who wishes for me to spread the word that everyone should live in harmony and let people live and let live, doing and believing in whatever they want in life as long as they don't go around harming individuals and subjugating people to his...uh... name." Of course if I went around actually telling people I've had these experiences I would be labeled mentally challenged and most likely thrown into a mental institution. XD
There is only one true God, and I have felt the touch of his noodly appendage.
Props to you for being serious though; I'm not sure wh… moreat to else to say. (and sorry to interject myself, I saw multiple people on this line so I thought it would be alright to do so). Usually when somebody brings out the 'because I have faith,' line, it's really difficult to take it as more than 'because I said so.' It's an argument which is inherently irrational and acknowledges itself as irrational (to the point of taking pride in its inherent irrationality). Not everything can be rational, and there is a rationale to belief in a creator, but I honestly don't understand how anyone can follow Christianity (or really any religion for that matter); even the most brief look into history would show how something which purports to be divine revelation has evolved over time and from other religions.
For a good example of what I mean, watch PBS's Empires: The K… [view original content]
So you can't worship a God and help later generations? Atheists make me laugh. They can't proclaim to not worship a God without putting down other Gods. You seem like a very angry atheist and I've drawn this from reading your other posts. Jesus is real, be saved man.
We have time to live our life because we don't get a second.
Don't push your Christianity on me, I'm going to use my life to help later generations and not worship a God.
Atheism is simply the absence of belief, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're against religion. Personally, I am, and it's for a number of reasons. First and foremost, I believe religions are factually wrong, and while there may be certain moral lessons they are better gained through philosophy (though, somewhat hypocritical of me, as I like Kierkegaard who was uber-Christian), and I don't believe in false hope, even if it is comforting. Also, I believe there are a number of pernicious effects of religion on society, whether it be denial of science, homophobia, misogyny (all of which certainly do not require religion - but it helps); although most importantly, I believe for the majority of people it actually takes away moral and intellectual responsibility. There are plenty of well reasoned Christians (like Kierkegaard), but too often instead of going into detail about why x is good or bad, it simply devolves into 'because God says so.' The psychologist Kohlberg had a theory of the hierarchy of moral development, the highest of which is principle, the second lowest of which is punishment. Kohlberg placed religious belief in the top category; although it can be I think far more often it is a matter of the second - the fear of God or more specifically the punishment of hell.
I'll also say, I got signficantly more vocal during college, because where I'm from people consider religion a private matter. It's actually somewhat rude to bring it up. But when I went to college in California, there were a number of vocal Christians and Evangelicals and if they get to go on about their beliefs I can go on about mine.
As to the 'putting down' - it's something I'm conflicted with. On the one hand, you need to respect your interlocutor, but on the other hand, nonsense beliefs defying all logic should be treated as such. Moreover, when you're trying to reason with something which inherently cannot be reasoned with, sometimes the only appropriate response is ridicule, not of the person but of the belief.
So you can't worship a God and help later generations? Atheists make me laugh. They can't proclaim to not worship a God without putting down… more other Gods. You seem like a very angry atheist and I've drawn this from reading your other posts. Jesus is real, be saved man.
So you can't worship a God and help later generations? Atheists make me laugh. They can't proclaim to not worship a God without putting down… more other Gods. You seem like a very angry atheist and I've drawn this from reading your other posts. Jesus is real, be saved man.
They can't proclaim to not worship a God without putting down other Gods.
You seem like a very angry atheist
… more Nope, just tired of people believing this...Plus i'm Agnostic not just Atheist.
Jesus is real, be saved man
I'm going to quote the Youtuber DooM's Answer to that.
"Heres the answer for everything, Who the fuck knows? We're here for a reason, thats all we need to know, so shut the fuck up all of you aitheists and say, Who the fuck knows?"
Because it made the most sense to me. One All-Powerful and All Mighty God. I read through Christianity, was taught, and thought it to be true. And the more I delve into it the further I believe.
I do believe my religion is the Truth. If I didn't believe my religion to be true, then why would I follow it? Would seem like a waste of time to me.
As I said above... the Israelites sucked pretty bad. It is whether or not God ordered these things that is debatable. That is why I for sure follow The Ten Commandments and Jesus' Teachings, not the laws in the Book of Leviticus.
You can't just pick the good parts to follow in your religion. It isn't something you nitpick.
Oh this part seems good, i'll follow this. Oh...God killed babies...Well I'll forget that.
It is an entirety, you either believe it all or believe none.
How do you know that though? Who says there has to be one god? I mean with your statement, one could say the same exact thing regarding Islam, or even Hinduism (a polytheistic religion) ; "Because it made the most sense to me." You can't possibly say for certain that your religion is 100% true, especially when there are different sects within Christianity as well as many Christians who have their own personal beliefs regarding a god. And even then, what may be true to you is not true for everyone else.
I'm not nitpicking.
A) The Bible disregards what the Israelites did in the past (I'm pretty sure Jesus did this in The New Testament).
I said it was debatable. Which means that God may have had a hand in certain things regarding things like that, but not all. I do believe that God ordered the complete whipping-out of the Canaanites, but since we weren't there I don't think we would truly understand what actually went on there. Literally almost every outside historical records that I saw say that the Canaanites were pretty much the definition of pure evil. I haven't read through all of The Old Testament in a very long time, though.
I don't know. I have faith.
Every single belief system requires some amount of faith.
That my friend is one of the questions i make myself every day, also what would there be if there was nothing, just an space? and how would that space be? black? but black is a color so that's something, so what is exactly nothing?
A) You can't do that. It's like a murderer going to a orphan who's mother he killed and saying "Hey, no hard feelings right? We can just forget that." and then the kid saying okay...You can't do that.
So God can't stop them wiping out the Canaanites? The all powerful being can't stop something he made from killing other things he made?...I see something wrong here. Then you pull the whole "We weren't there so we don't know"...Were you in the Holocaust? Was it bad? You should read it again, I find those stories more fun because God isn't a hippie and actually murders people and orders murders. He takes over free will in order to murder people...Pretty fun.
...So do the people of other different religions. Therefore, no one can really say their religion is 100% true, since proof and evidence are needed to determine what is true and what is false.
That's why I think there was never "Nothing" but another universe here. That universe blew up and created this one...But how would we prove that and where did the other come from... Nobody knows and maybe one day our universe will explode and everything we ever did...Ever WERE...Is gone.
Life is indeed worthless in the end.
Exactly, we don't know where all of this matery came from, we only know that now we call it universe, existence is something so simple but at the same time so incredibly complicated that i don't think a human mind can comprenhend it.
Then in a flash of an eye it can be gone and we wouldn't even know...Weird huh?
A) Says who? Christianity is in large a religion of forgiveness and loving those who persecute you. I will have to read through the testament again before I give a solid answer on what the current situation the Israelites were in.
If God intervened, that means that God would have to force His will upon the people. God doesn't do that, He doesn't force His will, that would make him unjust, and since God is perfectly just, forcing His will would make Him ceasing in an aspect. That is why God just doesn't kill sin: because WE chose sin, and God doesn't force His will on us. Plus, God wants us to choose Him because we want to follow Him, not because we need Him. We all need God, but we don't all want God.
It would also suggest that you would support what the Canaanites were doing, which was some pretty gnarly stuff. If the Canaanites had survived, the Israelites would never had made it to the Promised Land (because the Canaanites were hostile and dug in), the Israelites would likely have been killed themselves, and the Canaanites would spread their corrupt and evil culture.
I would also like to avoid the argument of the Canaanites, because I would have no time to respond with such a long message tonight. I've been in an argument regarding the Canaanites before and it goes on forever.
I don't need proof to have faith. The powerful thing about faith is that you don't rely on the material to know something is true.
I have felt experiences from God that I cannot explain. I cannot doubt in Him after those experiences. Not the same for everyone, no, but I felt these things myself. That is why I cannot doubt.
No, not worthless. Because there is no proof for something doesn't mean something doesn't exist.
We have one time to figure it out. We need to make that count.
Yep, and all we were our memories and actions are lost forever in time, the only one who remember them, will also be forgotten.
Sometimes i think that a human shouldn't try to answer all of this, i mean life is something so awesome, so rare, so beautiful that we should be glad we have it, it might be meaningless, but without life the universe wouldn't have a purpose to exist, since ( at least for me) the universe's purpose is to mantein life, why? who knows, but we should be glad that we're the reason why existance exists (not only humans,also every life.form in the universe)
A) Oh yes because stoning a person to death is so forgiving. You know that there are Christians who kidnap young children, take them to the Caribbean, then force them to accept Jesus or they are beat or have basic rights taken from them. Man! Jesus is really in their hearts!
You remember when God took away the Pharaoh's will and hardened his heart...Why? God later kills him when the red sea collapses in on itself. Free will is amazing!
So because I disagree with killing an entire nation i'm evil...Pure evil...Man Christians go to any heights to try and make the other person's argument seem wrong. How about I don't support pure evil but I also don't support your God ordering on nation of his followers to attack another nation and kill them all. Corrupt and evil culture...Why? Is it because it doesn't enforce your God's will upon people? You know the Israelites went from town to town slaughtering people for shelter...then leaving. They really did a good job.
We have time to live our life because we don't get a second.
Don't push your Christianity on me, I'm going to use my life to help later generations and not worship a God.
We should enjoy the life we got, try and make the best of it. When it's over...If there is something after it...Then we will deal with that. We should attempt to help later generations and not waste time. Life can end in the blink of an eye...Why waste it preparing for the chance there is something after.
We're worthless for the universe, but what we should really care is what is the value that people we know see in us.
You're not understanding. What you're saying is the exact same thing that many individuals say who believe in a god or gods from different religions. There are Hindus who say they've felt experiences from Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma.
There are Muslims who say they've spoke to Allah. What makes your experiences any more valid and truthful than theirs? Faith is just not enough. You can't say for certain that Yahweh/Jehovah/Elohim is true anymore than a Hindu can say Brahma is true without backing it up. Without proof there's no law that says they both can't exist.
Yep, the best we can do is try to make this a better world, people might not remember us but at least we know that our life meant something at least one person.
Indeed, nice conversation we had.
That's worthless, everyone that is decent will find a good excuse not to do it and everyone that's more questionable will find an excuse that justifies their actions, everything is easily bendable to make room for the outcome you want and revenge is hardly a good example as most people would stop because of the law and fear of what will happen to them if they do rather than religious beliefs.
Like I said Religion is fine but if you need it in order to do what is right you probably have some issues you have to work with, besides guiding your actions considering what your religion thinks is right is pretty much the same as guiding them by what your culture thinks is right, so technically speaking everyone has the capacity to make the right call by considering what others say is right, so again it's kind off pointless, in any case while religion may have some advantages it also has a lot of disadvantages and in some cases I'd say it makes people worse, since it's old fashioned values promote certain conducts that are detrimental to society such as sexism and homophobia and I'm saying this based on personal experience not some bullshit statistics or new article I found laying around, I used to go to a Christian school that had written as a fucking rule that you weren't allowed to be homosexual, so I know for a fact that it promotes as many negative values as it does right ones so I prefer to stay away from it.
So I don't want to be that guy but I've actually been in a similar situation to what you describe, I mean not exactly as it wasn't revenge related but anyway I can tell you that none of that "What is right and what is wrong?" mattered, I just didn't think about that and we're talking about not only religion but societal taboos and general morality, everything every single one of those things didn't matter, the only thing that mattered is that guy was pissing me off and my sister was missing and the only reason I stopped was because I would've hurt her more than helped her if I had killed him, it sucked and at the time I was really angry that I didn't kill him because I really wanted to, and I was so close too, it was frustrating, in any case what I'm saying is that everyone, and I do mean everyone has something they care about and that's the thing they will think off when they are in a situation like that and for some people I guess it could be religion but for most people, even religious people it's probably not and it's not what they are going to think about when in that situation, I mean I'm a mentally unstable crazy person that's way too fixated on superheroes and vigilantism to the point that I've gone out at night to fight crime (I wasn't successful but I did it) and base my whole moral code around what Superman would do, to the point that I've risked my life to save a total stranger's fucking car and not even I thought about what was right and what was wrong, and everyone I know agrees that I'm probably the best person they've ever met when it concerns morality, which is weird because I just admitted to vigilantism which I'm pretty sure it's a crime and it probably makes me a bad person but whatever.
I don't think I'm making a good case for myself.
Good questions no one can answer?
The answer is in the King James Bible.
Black isn't actually a colour, it's the absence of any light.
There is only one true God, and I have felt the touch of his noodly appendage.
Props to you for being serious though; I'm not sure what to else to say. (and sorry to interject myself, I saw multiple people on this line so I thought it would be alright to do so). Usually when somebody brings out the 'because I have faith,' line, it's really difficult to take it as more than 'because I said so.' It's an argument which is inherently irrational and acknowledges itself as irrational (to the point of taking pride in its inherent irrationality). Not everything can be rational, and there is a rationale to belief in a creator, but I honestly don't understand how anyone can follow Christianity (or really any religion for that matter); even the most brief look into history would show how something which purports to be divine revelation has evolved over time and from other religions.
For a good example of what I mean, watch PBS's Empires: The Kingdom of David. One of the things it follows is the evolution of Judiasm from its polytheist roots into a monotheist religion.
Thanks. And you don't need to apologize, you did nothing wrong. So feel free to interject and express your thoughts and opinions.
Yeah, I agree with you wholeheartedly. I mean, if faith was all it took to determine what was true, then there are almost as many gods as there are people in the world since everyone has their own personal belief on what a god is or does. I could wake up one day and say, "I've spoken to, had visions, and felt the touch of the deity who goes by the name... 'Nameless', (lol) who wishes for me to spread the word that everyone should live in harmony and let people live and let live, doing and believing in whatever they want in life as long as they don't go around harming individuals and subjugating people to his...uh... name." Of course if I went around actually telling people I've had these experiences I would be labeled mentally challenged and most likely thrown into a mental institution. XD
Cool. I may check that out sometime.
So you can't worship a God and help later generations? Atheists make me laugh. They can't proclaim to not worship a God without putting down other Gods. You seem like a very angry atheist and I've drawn this from reading your other posts. Jesus is real, be saved man.
Atheism is simply the absence of belief, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're against religion. Personally, I am, and it's for a number of reasons. First and foremost, I believe religions are factually wrong, and while there may be certain moral lessons they are better gained through philosophy (though, somewhat hypocritical of me, as I like Kierkegaard who was uber-Christian), and I don't believe in false hope, even if it is comforting. Also, I believe there are a number of pernicious effects of religion on society, whether it be denial of science, homophobia, misogyny (all of which certainly do not require religion - but it helps); although most importantly, I believe for the majority of people it actually takes away moral and intellectual responsibility. There are plenty of well reasoned Christians (like Kierkegaard), but too often instead of going into detail about why x is good or bad, it simply devolves into 'because God says so.' The psychologist Kohlberg had a theory of the hierarchy of moral development, the highest of which is principle, the second lowest of which is punishment. Kohlberg placed religious belief in the top category; although it can be I think far more often it is a matter of the second - the fear of God or more specifically the punishment of hell.
I'll also say, I got signficantly more vocal during college, because where I'm from people consider religion a private matter. It's actually somewhat rude to bring it up. But when I went to college in California, there were a number of vocal Christians and Evangelicals and if they get to go on about their beliefs I can go on about mine.
As to the 'putting down' - it's something I'm conflicted with. On the one hand, you need to respect your interlocutor, but on the other hand, nonsense beliefs defying all logic should be treated as such. Moreover, when you're trying to reason with something which inherently cannot be reasoned with, sometimes the only appropriate response is ridicule, not of the person but of the belief.
Nope, just tired of people believing this...Plus i'm Agnostic not just Atheist.
It's a shame so many good people are going to be lost when he does return.
Don't really care because he isn't coming.
I'm going to quote the Youtuber DooM's Answer to that.
"Heres the answer for everything, Who the fuck knows? We're here for a reason, thats all we need to know, so shut the fuck up all of you aitheists and say, Who the fuck knows?"
We'll see
You keep watching for your Jesus to come down from Jerusalem.
That guy has a nice fedora.