Dev here, checking in with you guys!

Hiya! Mark Darin here. Those of you who have been on these forums for a while might recognize me. I've been with Telltale as a designer for nearly 10 years! I've worked on everything from Tales of Monkey Island to Puzzle agent to (of course) Walking Dead!
I've been working with the team to make sure "Tales from the Borderlands" is everything you guys expect from a Telltale game and maybe a few surprises! I've made a lot of games here and I gotta say that this is the most stylish thing I've worked on yet! It's exactly the kind of game I've always wanted to make!
I admit, I sometimes dread posting on forums because I fear it might come across as hype, but the truth is that I'm just here because I am really proud of the work we've done and I can't wait to show it off!
I'm also here because I want you guys to know that we are always looking at these forums and love hearing from the community. Your opinions are important to us. And while I can't really answer and direct questions about the game at this time, I'm always happy to interact with you guys.
Too bad you can't answer questions, but understandable
I'll ask one thing anyway: Can you tell us what will release first, Tales from the Borderlands or Game of Thrones?
I was pretty sure it would be Tales, but there are so many updates right now that indicate it might be GoT, so I'm curious about that.
And I would also be interested to know what your job was on The Walking Dead. I mean, you mentioned you're a Designer, but what did you do, it's still a pretty big field
Anyway, thanks for passing by!
Can't wait for the game, I have no doubt it'll be great :P
Hey there! Not too often we see Telltale staff (openly) show up nowadays.
I'm certainly a fan of both the old and new Telltale titles, and this looks like it will be interesting!
I know that you aren't allowed to answer direct questions about the game, but if you are allowed to answer general/generic questions, what was your favorite thing from the Borderlands games that you got to add some Telltale flair to for Tales from the Borderlands?
Also, what is your favorite class from Borderlands 2?
Have you worked in a Banang gag yet?
(Oh, man... What are you going to do for Game of Thrones?)
For Season 1, I was lead writer and designer Episode 2: Starved for Help as well as Designer for Ep 5.
I was the lead designer for 400 Days, specifically writing and designer Shel & Becca's chapter.
I was the season Designer for Season 2, and did lead design work on Ep 1 & Ep 4.
Hope that helps!
Are you writing an episode of TFTBL?
The writing in Episode 2 of Season 1 was INCREDIBLE. I'd love it if you wrote an episode of TFTBL
Not to offend, but why did you make Becca so... unlikable?
When playing BL2, I typically play as Zer0. I'm a fan of the Assassin class generally speaking.
Getting a chance to explore the worlds of Borderlands in a Story driven way is what drew me to the project in the first place, so that's one of the most exciting aspects for me.
This must be answered Mark!
(Borderlands is a fairly goofy franchise, so I imagine they easily could sneak some in.)
I'm more of a Gunzerker kind of guy. :P
(Personally enjoyed seeing a sibling-oriented relationship that didn't simply recycle the moral dynamic that Lee had with Clementine)
Thanks for the info Mark :P Can't wait for Tales and glad to have developers that listen to the community ^^
Commando or Siren... Jumping into a Mod conversation... :P
First, the mandatory question that we know you won't answer: when will ep.1 premiere?
Secondly – could you answer when Athena's story in The Pre-Sequel takes place in relation to TFTBL? Before, during or after? I'm excited regardless, but I'd love to have some sort of timeline...
Becca was meant to represent what kind of person Clementine could have become without someone like Lee to help her. Becca hardened early and shut down her emotions as a survival tactic.
Oh, that's reasonable. Thanks for the answer.
Hey now! This comment chain is reserved for Telltale Staff, Moderators, and VIPs. Begone filthy peasant!
...Nah, just kidding.
I have felt offended and now shall report you to the Mods...Wait...
Starved for Help is one of my favorite episodes from Telltale (alongside A House Divided), nice work, Mark!
So could you describe the basic personality of both lead characters for us?
What's Banang?
Ah, a fellow Zer0 fan I see!
Thank you. This should clear the whole "Becca debate"... or make it worse. These forums are unpredictable like rain in Florida.
Knowing what I know Borderlands?
Both are crazy ass psychos xD
Are... are you another fan of The Room?
You're not allowed to live within 10 miles of San Francisco unless you've at least seen the highlights reel!
So when can we expect The Room: A Telltale Games Series?
Yep... no questions about the game answered before the game releases!
Looking forward to the game. Im sure it will be great fun.
You're Tearing Me Apart, Laura!
Quick question, are you all going to get more Mods here anytime soon?
BTW Looking forward to the upcoming series and think you all are doing great!
Of course I can't. That would take all the fun out of it!
You're tearing me apart, Laura!
Hahah! What a story Mark!
We've been eyeing up some potential additions for a while now. I'm not sure how much/little else I'm allowed to say beyond that, but we've been searching though!