Who will wait for all episodes before playing?

For TWAU I did an experiment. Instead of playing episodes as they came out like I normally do for Telltale games, I waited for all episodes to be released. Then I played an episode every 1-2 week. Having your choices and the story so fresh in mind when playing really lifted the game. If you can resist the temptation, you should try the same :-)


  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited November 2014

    Nah, I'm one of those people who like to discuss the game and theorize what could happen later. I also like seeing the development process and finding out the things that were scrapped from the game, the modders usually find this stuff, it's like watching history in the making.

  • To be fair, I originally planned that I'd wait for the whole season and then play it, but now I'm too hyped for the game to just ignore it when the first episode comes out. So I'll play it as soon as possible. :)

  • I like playing the episodes as they come out. Being able to talk about things with other fans as it happens is fun and I won't have to worry about running into spoilers. I think waiting for the next episode is kinda exciting plus it's nice to have something to look forward to.

  • The waiting and the discussions about the episodes are a big part of the magical telltale way for me.

  • I like the episodic way. It makes the experience better because you get to discuss/hypothesize what is gonna happen in the next episode with other players. So nope, sorry I'm not gonna.

  • edited November 2014

    Well, chances are you played TWD in the meantime. That should have made the process much easier. Still, I applaud you for being able to resist:) Like the others said, waiting for the next episode to be released while talking about what could happen in the next one makes things so much fun. As @WalkerHH93 said, it's part of the Telltale way.

    It's also the first time I waited for a new Telltale game to be released after the older ones were finished. That means I won't be able to resist the temptation.

  • I probably will if I can resist, the thing is I would prefer to have the disk version for PS4, but we won't get any disks until the season is finished, so that'll be my reason for waiting.

  • I'm going to buying the season pass on X360. So I'm going to be playing the waiting game.

  • Not me. I don't mind waiting for the next episode. It gives me something to talk about on this forum until the next episode is due.

  • I was going to ,but the excitement is too big for me.

  • Then you have to wait until they release all episodes, and that will take them a year? Nearly? I wouldn't wait a whole year man lol.

  • I played TWD Seasons 1/2 and TWAU as they came out, and I think it made the experience better. As has been said already, the theorizing and discussions that can be had about what happens in each episode makes it all the more special, and I think you get to appreciate the game more. Also, in the time you have between the episodes, so many questions can be thought about and so you can better understand the whole picture. You could recreate this with your weekly plays, but you definitely wouldn't be able to benefit from the community that would develop from the game

  • If I were smart, I'd consider it.

    I can't not preorder Telltale Games. Too hyped not to play them ASAP.

  • edited November 2014

    It's the 'talking about what could happen' that makes the wait fun? I thought it was the complaining! (Seriously though, yeah it can be. Myself I'm not so keen on discussing things really, but I do like seeing various theories and what others think at times, depending on their thoughts how and how things are worded.)

    Well, chances are you played TWD in the meantime. That should have made the process much easier. Still, I applaud you for being able to resi

  • I will wait. I played 1 season TWD when whole season was out and it was amazing. TWAU and TWD season 2 I played as episodes were coming out and it was a torture. So I will play Tales and game of thrones when whole season is out.

  • After what happened with TWAU, I'm going to wait with Borderlands. GoT is still up in the air - I may just play the first episode and then forget about it until it's completed.

  • I think I'll avoid season passes in the future, but I'll probably play episode one when it comes out at least.

  • I've played every Telltale game that way so far, except I marathoned them in like 2 days or something, anyway I kinda want to try the episodic thing at least once so I'm thinking of doing it with Borderlands but I'm not really a fan of pre-orders so I'm not so sure, I mean I've liked Telltale's stuff but how do I know this isn't going to be the bad one?

    Eh... I just prefer not to pre-order, I might just break the rule for Borderlands just to see how entertaining this episodic thing is...

  • Fuck that

  • edited November 2014

    I'm not sure I'll play this, since I haven't played the original games. But if I'm more interested, then I'll do the waiting game (did that for TWAU and will do the same for GoT)

  • To me, the discussions and theories make waiting for the game much more enjoyable (especially TWAU) and I prefer to wait a bit for each episode and see what other people thought than waiting a long time and having no one to discuss the episodes with.

    Rob_K posted: »

    It's the 'talking about what could happen' that makes the wait fun? I thought it was the complaining! (Seriously though, yeah it can be. Mys

  • I don't think it matters if you haven't played the original games. Telltale have said that the game will suit both people who are familiar with the games, and those who aren't.

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    I'm not sure I'll play this, since I haven't played the original games. But if I'm more interested, then I'll do the waiting game (did that for TWAU and will do the same for GoT)

  • I wish I could... but it's just impossible for me to wait such a long time for these kind of awesome games ;_; god dammit

  • First of all, I do not posses that godly restraint and patience. I am terrified and in awe of you.

    Secondly, if I did wait I would then simply play all the episodes in one sitting because of....well, see my first point. The anticipation would be too much for me.

    So, the whole world of TFTBL would be over for me in a day. Where as now.....now I'm going to spend months there with other people.

  • Arise dead thread! I command thee!

    Bombummie posted: »

    I wish I could... but it's just impossible for me to wait such a long time for these kind of awesome games ;_; god dammit

  • I'm too addicted to these games to wait, literally I can't.

  • If i do, i can't whine about the delays. Who would do that?

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