Last Choice

Am I the only one who thinks that the last choice will be the classic character A for character B so in this case save Rhys or Fiona ?


  • edited November 2014

    You're not the only one, it could also be the predictable "Who should we sacrifice in order to get the other person in one of the Vaults" as well.

  • Ya, it'll probably be from the perspective of the person with the gun threatening the pair. You'll have to shoot the person who you think is lying, probably.

    Which will suck because both characters seem awesome :(

  • Well it depends on if this is more "Telltale" or "Borderlands". If Borderlands sets the story likelihood than no one is safe except the main characters and they are inextricably immortal (until they are no longer the main character).

  • Well If I ever have a choice then right now I'd most likely kill Fiona. As of this episode Rhys just appeals more to me (also because i made him be a good pal to his friends and not a douche)

    If I start to dislike Rhys more as the series goes on though, my opinion my change......

  • save Rhys or Fiona

    Alt text

    Please no...

  • The picture for episode 5 does show them in a bit of a standoff, and it does seem very in line with a Telltale decision, I'd just hate to have to make it.

  • Watch it happen. Classic TellTale. PLEASE NO THOUGH.

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