What's with all the complaining?
I'm not sure anyone agrees with me on this. I've spent the last 24 hours reading these forums because I'm so excited telltales making a new monkey island series and I'm shocked at the level of complaints..you can't even enjoy the moment and this great news. Telltale secured the rights to monkey island. This is from a company that cancelled freelance police cancelled full throttle 2, has not released any of it's classic adventures on the ds or re-released them in America and showed no signs of having any interest in it's adventure game classics.
I'm sure that's quite a feat Telltale have pulled off and I'm sure they have been working on it for quite some time.
Yet in 24 hours people have complained about the control scheme, said the graphics and art style sucked, said it shouldn't be episodes, complained about the sound quality, about some of the voice actors, already are asking for dott/grim/ft sequels etc etc this is for a game that no one has even played yet and those that have had a first look say it's fantastic .. The puzzles will be trickier, you can combine inventory items, we get the original guybrush voice actor and original music composer. Yet all this criticism? That's the Internet for you I guess. We also need to remember Telltale is a small game studio with small teams who work very hard they just can't funnel millions of dollars and years of development time to do everything you want
There's a lot to be happy about:
- Telltale is making a new monkey island series!
- The writers working on it have been involved in the past games are ex Lucas arts in the golden era and are immensely talented
- Ron Gilbert has sat in on meetings had input on the game
- The first episode is being released in less than 40 days!
I find most people get riled up and will complain on the Internet while those that are happy won't even bother. So those that are just enjoying the fact that monkey island is back please reply so I can confirm I'm not going insane and we can enjoy this moment without criticizing every aspect of a game we haven't even played yet...
I'm sure that's quite a feat Telltale have pulled off and I'm sure they have been working on it for quite some time.
Yet in 24 hours people have complained about the control scheme, said the graphics and art style sucked, said it shouldn't be episodes, complained about the sound quality, about some of the voice actors, already are asking for dott/grim/ft sequels etc etc this is for a game that no one has even played yet and those that have had a first look say it's fantastic .. The puzzles will be trickier, you can combine inventory items, we get the original guybrush voice actor and original music composer. Yet all this criticism? That's the Internet for you I guess. We also need to remember Telltale is a small game studio with small teams who work very hard they just can't funnel millions of dollars and years of development time to do everything you want
There's a lot to be happy about:
- Telltale is making a new monkey island series!
- The writers working on it have been involved in the past games are ex Lucas arts in the golden era and are immensely talented
- Ron Gilbert has sat in on meetings had input on the game
- The first episode is being released in less than 40 days!
I find most people get riled up and will complain on the Internet while those that are happy won't even bother. So those that are just enjoying the fact that monkey island is back please reply so I can confirm I'm not going insane and we can enjoy this moment without criticizing every aspect of a game we haven't even played yet...
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First the excitement, then the doubts. Think it's normal. Sure thing this is a great day and not a complaining one.
Not everyone of course, but enough to leave a bad taste.
While all of us are extremely excited by its return after 10-12 years of weeping, pining and hoping for another game, we are also extremely apprehensive; TellTale shall have a hard time convincing us this early on. Though the Sam and Max episodes were thoroughly enjoyable - they also lacked depth and the ability to get lost and truly puzzled. Which is what is concerning me slightly.
All we have to go on thus far is previous Tell Tale releases and the look of the game: so it is understandable that some are curious as to what Tell Tale can do with the series.
but i think the graphics could be better ... but i prefer their guybrush compared to the one you can see on the lucasarts website, the lucasarts one is ugly, in the telltale game i don't like the le chuck face, the lips are so huge and the face is kinda strange
I totally agree with this. Every other post I've seen after this announcement has been something like, "Is Ron Gilbert involved??" He doesn't do Monkey Island anymore, deal.
Man, that Guybrush is one ugly...
No game is perfect though, and it's inevitable that people point out things that they would like to be different. As long as it's done in an constructive way, I don't see anything wrong with it.
Yes, "The Secret of Monkey Island" (the original one) has been an outstanding game at its time. "LeChuck's Revenge" (the second game) disappointed me with the end sequence. (I do not want to spoil something here, but if you have played the game, you will probably remember what I mean.) I hardly remember the third game, but in the fourth game ("Escape from Monkey Island") the newly introduced 3D characters (and the related keyboard control) finally killed that unique "Monkey Island atmosphere" for me.
But it seems the "marketing machine" works perfectly here, like it does for some movies where people still buy their ticket for part 3, 4 and 5, just because the original movie had been great and the second one was not too bad either...
Don't get me wrong: I will give TMI a fair chance and consider to buy it after I had the opportunity to play the demo, but I will certainly not worship Telltale just because they announced to make a new "Monkey Island" game.
I understand the desire for this game to be something incredible...something...more. I myself grew up playing SoMI. It was one of the very first computer games I ever played. And I'm just as much a die-hard fan as anybody else here. But that is exactly why I appreciate what is taking place here. :cool:
Also, the TellTale forum is one of very few forums where you can actually get a response from a game designer or programmer who will actually discuss things. There is a sense that complaints are heard and acknowledged, which is not true with most companies or forums.
While this is true and it is one of the many things I praise Telltale for. I have the eery feeling that listening to the complaints of fans is a battle fought against windmills. Again this discussion reminds me verry much of the words of Ben 'Yathzee' Crosshaw: "Fans are clingy, complaining dipshits who will never, ever be grateful for any concession you make. The moment you shut out their shrill, tremulous voices, the happier you'll be for it." As for me, while I can see the point in many complaints, none so far have been a deal-breaker for me and I find it verry unlikely that anything will be.Lastly I would advise people to ask politely, instead of whining and complaining. As the saying goes:"You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."
I do agree that some of the comments have been spiteful. I'm not trying to justify these comments, only the negative comments about the game that are trying to push for improvement of some aspect of the game.
You forgot "buy a zero punctuation t-shirt".
I think that's fair and reasonable, but how about waiting till you have actually played the game first? I'm sure there will be a great opportunity to provide feedback after episode 1 is released, and from past experience Telltale are able to respond to that in the latter half of the season.
Let me explain it, then - many people love point and click in adventure games, and rather dislike keyboard controls. Their favourite game series of all time is changing to keyboard controls (well, I know MI4 had it already, but that one hardly even counts as a MI game
And as for everything else: BE PATIENT. You'll find out stuff in the fullness of time, Telltale always announce things when they have them confirmed themselves. The only secrets they keep from us are new developments like ToMI because such a huge announcement comes as a pleasant surprise
So... will the game be on Steam? Until it's announced, the answer is No. It /might/ be on Steam, but because it hasn't been announced, it probably means "not yet, nothing is confirmed". What controls will the game have? I don't know. No use speculating until someone from TTG tells us what they are. Stop asking which characters are coming back - why not just play the game and be surprised if Murray or Stan make an appearance?
I thought things went downhill on these forums when all the H*R/Strong Bad fanboys joined when SBCG4AP was announced, and a vast vocal majority of the new seemed to have no concept of playing nice or keeping discussions relevant and intelligent. The forums were swamped with idiotic and poorly spelled posts. That's calmed down a bit now... but we have a huge influx of new people due to this Monkey Island announcement (and welcome to you all!) but please please please stop posting crap! Read all the other threads (and use the search feature!) before you post, so we don't have six threads about the same topic!
Argh. Rant over. I'll go back to lurking.
Yes, but it's a wonderful thing that many seem to be taking completely for granted. (I'm not saying you're guilty of this, by the way LuigiHann.)
The people stamping their feet, saying they'll scream until they're sick unless their graphical/control demands are met, aren't really in keeping with the spirit of constructive discourse.
If people act unreasonably, there's no reason for Telltale to listen to the boards.
Secret of..., LeChuck's Revenge and Curse of... were meant to be 2D.
I'm no expert, but I'm fairly sure Escape and Tales were meant to be 3D. I don't think something like an extra dimension occurs accidentily during game production.
The control scheme thread made me slightly sick to read.
I would have expected a thread like that to be much nastier than it is.
oh man... that quote has been ringing in my ears for awhile now. Gotta love Yahtzee.
man. i've spent to much time in that other thread. it's like a breath of fresh air in here
As for complaints about the controls, it's a game, it's going to chage with the times and people have to move with it. It's MI! I wouldn't care if I had to play the game stading on my head and control Guybrush with my wang. It's MI!!!!
While I haven't complained about anything yet and don't plan to at this stage, I feel the need to reply. Why make noise before the first episode comes out?
Because if people are concerned about things they see in the trailer and there is time to change things in the first episode still--which there is, to some extent and in some ways--then why not share the concern in advance instead of (as I am sure some people fear) dealing with a less-than-ideal first episode and giving feedback to get better ones later in the season.
You're paying for the first one, same as the others. Trailers and info are given so fans have interest in the game and some idea of what it's like; for many people, it seems, they have seen things that concern them with the graphics or control. Since they're paying for the first episode, they would like to have that addressed before it comes out, if the concern already exists.
Some comments are ridiculous, some are not, but it's silly to not say anything when you have a forum to do just that, not voice a concern when the info given raises one. I know I, at least, would be annoyed with myself if I had concerns from the preview information, didn't say anything, and had problems with the first episode--ESPECIALLY if they were addressed in later episodes. (Though there is such a thing as a patch.)
Nonsense. The Audio compression thread is a positive toned thread, requesting a change in a polite manner.
And saying a change 'lots of people really dislike' - you also need to factor in the silent majority of people who don't care about the change, or like the change, and have no reason to comment. The further away you get from the 'dedicated forums' - Telltale, adventuregamers, mixnmojo, and into more general forums - Kotaku, Nintendo Life, the less and less complaints you see and a much more happy crowd.
Outside of here in particular, most people seem really happy with the direction of the game(s).
Anyway, telltale obviously know this. But it must wear them down a bit reading all these demands and threads of not purchasing the games unless they're point and click, differently styled, 2D, on steam, blah blah blah...
Exactly, you shouldn't expect these people to post in a thread like that, I don't see what this has to do with anything. Even if lots of people like this system, there are still lots of people that absolutely do not. And you should expect hearing complaints, anything else would be miraculous.
Good controls is important to people. It's not just 'blah blah blah'.
I don't care if you're happy with these controls, imagine if they implemented another system that you personally hated.
Negative TONE, not negativity.
All I'm saying is these complainers, while vocal, are the very small minority of people who will purchase (or potentially purchase) the game. Complains are fine, but people are being very rude and demanding with it, and it's unnecessary.
I would suck it up and deal with it, perhaps even giving the new controls / game a try before blubbering all over the forums.
I do not like them Sam-I-Am, I do not like Green Eggs and Ham