The walking dead roleplay



  • yes i even mentioned in the comment.... :)

    supersagig posted: »

    Me too :T

  • thanks , did you enjoy?

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I have. :P

  • I have too.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    i am willing to bet no one but super has read my posts yet..

  • Yes, i need to make sure Raymond can follow in the footsteps.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    thanks , did you enjoy?

  • did you enjoy it ?

    i tried to be fair to konnies character

    blueneon posted: »

    I have too.

  • You made me TOO badass. xD

    Not that I don 't like it, I looked awesome, but still. >_>

    But it was good, I get the feeling I will die within the next few comments though. xD

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    did you enjoy it ? i tried to be fair to konnies character

  • :) thanks i tried

    and that my friend will be up to you...

    blueneon posted: »

    You made me TOO badass. xD Not that I don 't like it, I looked awesome, but still. >_> But it was good, I get the feeling I will die within the next few comments though. xD

  • Up to me? Well, I am not too keen on getting my limbs cut in half just to live through this, I really am not, so I guess brutal death it is.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    thanks i tried and that my friend will be up to you...

  • how about another persons limbs?????? HINT HINT

    blueneon posted: »

    Up to me? Well, I am not too keen on getting my limbs cut in half just to live through this, I really am not, so I guess brutal death it is.

  • Depends on who it is. But I think your character will end up being the guy from "Saw".

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    how about another persons limbs?????? HINT HINT

  • If he kills Konni , he will end up like Carver

    blueneon posted: »

    Depends on who it is. But I think your character will end up being the guy from "Saw".

  • he is compleatly evil and crazy

    and hes very......creative expecially with his game....

    blueneon posted: »

    Depends on who it is. But I think your character will end up being the guy from "Saw".

  • You are basicly describing the guy from saw.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    he is compleatly evil and crazy and hes very......creative expecially with his game....

  • He will get a makeover?

    supersagig posted: »

    If he kills Konni , he will end up like Carver

  • edited December 2014

    basically but'll what im talking about soon but for now ill give you guys howerver long you need to write your parts :)

    blueneon posted: »

    You are basicly describing the guy from saw.

  • Well, I guess I should start then, See you in 15 at most.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    basically but'll what im talking about soon but for now ill give you guys howerver long you need to write your parts

  • @igormp, @Gustav_Kenny, @NoHopeLeft, @LordEAA, @RagingBlades, @supersagig

    You woke up in total darkess. You head was hurting like hell and your ears were ringing. You knew you were on something that was moving, but not quite what. You were afraid of the dark, this was just suffocating you. You used yur hand to look aroud the places you could reach.You found out you still had your knife on you. How the fuck did you allow him to capture you? You tried to pull out your knife, for quite a few minutes before actually managing to do so. You took it and started cutting the rope he had used to tie you with. You pulled your lighter out of your pocket and tried to help your sight a bit. You saw Bryan lying on the ground a couple meters away, a couple pieces of glass and metal walls. They didn 't look too thick but there was not way you would have enough time to cut through them before you reached wherever he wanted to get you to. You were fucked, weren 't you?

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    (Okay finally main story part) I saw them at another makeshift campsite (are those the new fad or something?).There was someone outside g

  • :P. I will write when i get in my computer :T

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    basically but'll what im talking about soon but for now ill give you guys howerver long you need to write your parts

  • edited December 2014

    @blueneon, @Gustav_Kenny, @NoHopeLeft, @LordEAA, @RagingBlades, @supersagig

    You woke up. you felt your body completely exhausted. you were sick, seemed paralyzed. you started to cough and almost puked. after a few minutes almost dead, you remembered what happened. You knew what to do in kidnapping situations, but now, in the middle of the apocalypse. no cops to call, what you could do ?. you put your head on the floor,trying to listening something. after focus you heard the sound of falling water. looked like you were going to a river, or a place close to it. you knew that the only chance of escape was killing that psychopath, or die trying

    You heard a noise and noticed Konni trying to cut the rope

    Bryan : *cough cough cough.... Konni cough.... are you okay?

    blueneon posted: »

    @igormp, @Gustav_Kenny, @NoHopeLeft, @LordEAA, @RagingBlades, @supersagig You woke up in total darkess. You head was hurting like hell an

  • OFC : Why is no one wonderng about gared or herman?

    igormp posted: »

    @blueneon, @Gustav_Kenny, @NoHopeLeft, @LordEAA, @RagingBlades, @supersagig You woke up. you felt your body completely exhausted. you wer

  • OFC: It´s in my last part it´s raining , so that could be the sound of the water falling XD

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    OFC : Why is no one wonderng about gared or herman?

  • because we are too fucked for think about anyone i guess lol

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    OFC : Why is no one wonderng about gared or herman?

  • @igormp, @Gustav_Kenny, @NoHopeLeft, @LordEAA, @RagingBlades, @supersagig

    You looked over at Bryan. You got up and walked over at him and then sat down again.

    Konni: How are you, Anti-Superman?

    igormp posted: »

    @blueneon, @Gustav_Kenny, @NoHopeLeft, @LordEAA, @RagingBlades, @supersagig You woke up. you felt your body completely exhausted. you wer

  • @blueneon, @Gustav_Kenny, @NoHopeLeft, @LordEAA, @RagingBlades, @supersagig

    Bryan: Still alive, but we have to make a plan, something to get the fuck out here, or we will die, Soon

    What happened to the others? do you know anything?

    blueneon posted: »

    @igormp, @Gustav_Kenny, @NoHopeLeft, @LordEAA, @RagingBlades, @supersagig You looked over at Bryan. You got up and walked over at him and then sat down again. Konni: How are you, Anti-Superman?

  • edited December 2014

    @igormp, @Gustav_Kenny, @NoHopeLeft, @LordEAA, @RagingBlades, @supersagig

    Konni: I was knocked out, but yeah, I know everything. I know where we are, who else is in here, who is out there, what happened to the camp. Oh... Wait. I don 't. How the hell was I suposed to?

    Wispering was the only you could yell at him. Still, yelling.

    igormp posted: »

    @blueneon, @Gustav_Kenny, @NoHopeLeft, @LordEAA, @RagingBlades, @supersagig Bryan: Still alive, but we have to make a plan, something to get the fuck out here, or we will die, Soon What happened to the others? do you know anything?

  • edited December 2014

    @blueneon , @Gustav_Kenny, @NoHopeLeft, @LordEAA, @RagingBlades, @supersagig

    Bryan: I dont know. but i had to ask. I just hope they're fine. they escaped and gonna rescue us.
    or.... they are dead.

    A tear came from your eyes. and you're tied so you cant clean it. You tried to hide, that wasnt the time to cry like a baby

    Bryan: Listen, we cant simple die here, we need to fight at least. We dont know how much time we have. try to cut it as fast as you can. I will keep listening to the ground , tryng to figure out where are we going.

    When you start to listen again. The truck hits something and almost crashed.

    Bryan: FUCK!

    blueneon posted: »

    @igormp, @Gustav_Kenny, @NoHopeLeft, @LordEAA, @RagingBlades, @supersagig Konni: I was knocked out, but yeah, I know everything. I know w

  • @igormp, @Gustav_Kenny, @NoHopeLeft, @LordEAA, @RagingBlades, @supersagig

    You hit your head hard on the floor. Somehow you managed to keep your stuff in your hands, who knows what would happen if you hadn 't. You took your knife in your hands once again and started cutting, and cutting, and cutting. The rope finaly broke and your run over at Bryan and realised him too within seconds. You took your backpack on your shoulders and even closed it in front and started kicking the door down, once you spoted it of course.


    You were hitting like a maniack, your stitches opened up, blood was pouring again. You got exausted after a while but you kept hitting, with whatever strenth you had. The tears broke in right after.

    igormp posted: »

    @blueneon , @Gustav_Kenny, @NoHopeLeft, @LordEAA, @RagingBlades, @supersagig Bryan: I dont know. but i had to ask. I just hope they're fi

  • "OPEN YOU SON OF A BICH" screamed the girl

    I knew those two were awake. Due to my extended fight with that cyborg wannabe time was wasted and the trank juice must have worn off by now. Well not wasted wasted would have implied there was nothing good coming out of it which there was......for me. Anyway we were already inside the city wall the mils made and they could'nt escape. They could'nt break the truck either. Not even if the girl had that knife i did'nt bother searching for. And why would i take my time taking it afther all it could make the game more fun.

    But again none of this mattered we were al ready in the Funland. I wondered for a second were was i going to put the girl? The Metalworks or the Tunnel of Love? .......That was a hard choice....... O well ill take care of that latter Afther alll she's not going anywhere............

    OFC: Blue do you want Konni at the Metalworks or the Tunnel of Love.........chose carefully.......

    blueneon posted: »

    @igormp, @Gustav_Kenny, @NoHopeLeft, @LordEAA, @RagingBlades, @supersagig You hit your head hard on the floor. Somehow you managed to kee

  • OFC: And Bryan?

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    "OPEN YOU SON OF A BICH" screamed the girl I knew those two were awake. Due to my extended fight with that cyborg wannabe time was wasted

  • OFC: He automatically goes to the other one

    supersagig posted: »

    OFC: And Bryan?

  • edited December 2014

    @igormp , @blueneon , @Gustav_Kenny , @NoHopeLeft , @LordEAA , @RagingBlades

    Herman´s POV

    3 Hours Later

    A while after finding Julia you discovered some kind of car marks. In th way , you stopped in a pet shop to give food to Asher. You also found some water , but you let Julia drink it. She didn´t wanted to talk much but she told that she had a kinda bad injury and the people that the fucker killed was his family. She had a little boy named Charlie. He only had 4 years. Tears came out of your eyes when you hear about it. You tried to hide them , it wan´t the exactly time to get emotional.

    You walked for hours until you reached the place. It was the Funland amusement park. You didn´t get why somebody will capture someone and bring they here , but you can´t think about it now. You needed to free them and kill the fucker who did it. After climbing the a wall that covered the park , you found a truck. There some blood in the back and under the driver seat there were some ammo. You grabed.

    You didn´t know where you should go to find them until you heard a scream...

  • OFC : Can you make this a about 3 hours afther my last part and btw the city next to the funland is covered by a hudge wall sould metion that....

    supersagig posted: »

    @igormp , @blueneon , @Gustav_Kenny , @NoHopeLeft , @LordEAA , @RagingBlades Herman´s POV 3 Hours Later A while after finding Julia

  • edited December 2014

    The pet shop was outside the city and they found Funland before the city and i put the wall thing

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    OFC : Can you make this a about 3 hours afther my last part and btw the city next to the funland is covered by a hudge wall sould metion that....

  • Okay thanks i REALLY appreciate that

    ill explain why later

    supersagig posted: »

    The pet shop was outside the city and they found Funland before the city and i put the wall thing

  • @blueneon , @Gustav_Kenny, @NoHopeLeft, @LordEAA, @RagingBlades, @supersagig

    Bryan: Tunel of love sounds too dangerous, lets stay there

    OFC: is someone named christa there? XD

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    OFC: He automatically goes to the other one

  • Maybe...............

    2 are you saying you want Konni in the tunnel of love?

    igormp posted: »

    @blueneon , @Gustav_Kenny, @NoHopeLeft, @LordEAA, @RagingBlades, @supersagig Bryan: Tunel of love sounds too dangerous, lets stay there OFC: is someone named christa there? XD

  • Still you get the other place she dosent you should probs talk to her

    igormp posted: »

    No, thats up to her

  • No, thats up to her

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Maybe............... 2 are you saying you want Konni in the tunnel of love?

  • OFC: Well, I am pretty sure I will be fucked in both, so you may choose, I don 't mind.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    "OPEN YOU SON OF A BICH" screamed the girl I knew those two were awake. Due to my extended fight with that cyborg wannabe time was wasted

  • well im going to the Tunel of love then. I hope Konni Kills a lot of assholes with something made with metal. Good luck

    blueneon posted: »

    OFC: Well, I am pretty sure I will be fucked in both, so you may choose, I don 't mind.

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