I Like u too. but was Konni who took out the bullet :P. i wanted to find you, but that group caught you right after i find your tent in the woods. then I see ethan and his asshole grandpa shoot me. everyone abandoned me why?! why?!
you're awesome
You was feeling better. after removing the bullet and feed yourself. you fall you fell exhausted into bed..... what have you done those days? Killing a old man, removing bullets, carrying a pregnant lady........ how you're gonna raise a child? you got totally insane didint you?. After wake up. you and Poly started to move again. lucky she was alive. and the child too.... I hope so.........
You saw foot marks on the ground and drag marks close to it.you started to follow them. vegetation decreased. it seems that the dense forest was ending. You continue to walk unitil Poly pushes you
Bryan : what the fuck?!
Poly : you almost fell in that trap. Look
SHIT! a chain with blood marks. Why everyone alive in this world have to be a fucking asshole? your bastards..........
Some minuts later you saw a big camp. you didint knew if you could trust these people. There's only one way . You
you needed to attract the attention of any of those guards and interrogate him. suddenly Poly took out her clothes approached to one of the guards
Poly: help. im woonded. and freezing........ some bandits caught me and stole my clothes. Come here....... help
What the fuck was she doing. how could she act that way? holy shit! she was fucking insane too!
the guard came....... what a dumb. she kicked her and hit his head against the ground. he punched her and tried to get his gun. he was a good fighter; Shit! you crawled towards him and put a gun in his head
Bryan: not a fucking peep .!
He was scared. you knew he was. but you have to do it. was him a kid? goddamit!
He calmed down. them you hit his head with your gun. Done. You get the other gun. You and Poly dragged the guard into the woods. after after tying him. you throw water to wake him
Bryan : who are you. what is this place?! help us and we we let you alive kid.
Great. now beating a kid....... well you had to. everyone is a fucking monster anyway.
Reverse Konni
"Oh hey its that loser were killing later. O wait i forgot were 'Forgiving' him. I mean look at him well fed,wearing comfor… moretable clothes. If it were me this guy would already be dead"
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. Oh god. Okay stay cool stay cool.
"The weathers good. It reminds me of Europe before we left." I said as the girl sat down.
They closed the door. And locked us in....
Konni: Well, we are not here to kill anyone. So you can take that out of your mind.
You looked at the guy next to you.
Konni: So, you orginate from Europe... It is very beautifull there, especially during winter.
Konni: Well, yeah, I am aware... And by the way, none of us has hearing problems, you may speak a bit... not as loud maybe. Cause really, that is not the way to pick chicks up.
Reverse Konni
"Hey i said i would'nt try to change you. So don't try to change me either.
"It is. Its almost sad we had to l… moreeave. But Randolf was right it is probably worst there."
Say something to not look awkward, say something to not look awkward
......................And there goes any attempt at not looking nervous.....
You looked at the Hope.
Konni: Well, yeah, I am aware... And by the way, none of us has hearing problems, you may speak a bit... not as loud maybe. Cause really, that is not the way to pick chicks up.
Reverse Konni
"And now your being NICE to him. God help you girl."
Oh god shes telling me to calm down oh god. Oh god. Calm calm.
"Yes sir ........i mean mam.....No no i mean m'lady" oh god i just called her a man god help me.
Konni: You just put an almost there.
Reverse was standing in front of you, your look turned to her.
Konni: Cause look at him, he is so fragile, we can play with him, it will be fun.
Gus facepalmed
Gus: Ethan, Ethan, I think I'll take control for a second.
Suddenly you felt like you weren't there, suddenly your lips… more started moving, saying the same words as Gus.
Gus & Ethan: Listen here you fucking cunts, you either release me or I kill the whole fuckin' lot of you.
"Oh yeah i forgot how unbelivebly hopeless you are. And YOU'RE the dufus"
I honestly did not know how to reply to that without looking stupid. Both girls dumped me the night i planned to make 'that' move. So i would lose the argument. Wait was she talking to us again. Oh god she was.
"...Friends are very important..." was all i heard
FRIENDS was she talking about us? Or maybe she was talking of her old friends. Or maybe it was those imaginary friends milky kept talking about. Or maybe....
Do you have any idea how many died because of you?
i leaned close to the girl.
"Trust me child there is NOTHING we could do. So unless you know anyone in the inner council your fate is dire"
Konni: Of course I don't, you dufus.
The rest had been quiet for a while.
Konni: So I am guessing you are not very talkative. Sad more than anything. Friends are very important when hell is right above out heads.
Reverse Konni
"Oh yeah i forgot how unbelivebly hopeless you are. And YOU'RE the dufus"
I honestly did not know how to reply t… moreo that without looking stupid. Both girls dumped me the night i planned to make 'that' move. So i would lose the argument. Wait was she talking to us again. Oh god she was.
"...Friends are very important..." was all i heard
FRIENDS was she talking about us? Or maybe she was talking of her old friends. Or maybe it was those imaginary friends milky kept talking about. Or maybe....
Do you have any idea how many died because of you?
i leaned close to the girl.
"Trust me child there is NOTHING we could do. So unless you know anyone in the inner council your fate is dire"
Konni: I have already suffered too much in a world that used to be invated by only "humans", I am not worried about a monster when I have came across so many before.
Konni: I have already suffered too much in a world that used to be invated by only "humans", I am not worried about a monster when I have came across so many before.
Konni: I would like a change after getting cut, druged, nearly amputed, raped, stabed, burned, shot, opareted on without anesthesia multiple times and I was actually forced to drink poison once, thank God for hospitals. So... What does he have to possibly offer?
i looked side to side. No one but the 2 of them would hear me.
"He made a pregnant woman eat escrement. He made a man kill his children and eat them. He amputates people without anesthetics. He carves words into peoples chests because he thinks its artistic. He puts dead peoples corpses to hang. He........has opened peoples chests and made Dogs eat out of them. He .....he is worse"
Konni: I would like a change after getting cut, druged, nearly amputed, raped, stabed, burned, shot, opareted on without anesthesia multiple… more times and I was actually forced to drink poison once, thank God for hospitals. So... What does he have to possibly offer?
Konni: Well, I guess he will be a nice addition to my torture album. Sadly this time I will have no pictures to remember the "fun" time I had. And some artistic additions would be fun as well... I see every each one of my scars as art. Want to see them?
You pulled up your sleeve, reavealing marks all over it sticking out from your skin. You pointed at the bigest one, it was going around your whole arm.
i looked side to side. No one but the 2 of them would hear me.
"He made a pregnant woman eat escrement. He made a man kill his children a… morend eat them. He amputates people without anesthetics. He carves words into peoples chests because he thinks its artistic. He puts dead peoples corpses to hang. He........has opened peoples chests and made Dogs eat out of them. He .....he is worse"
You smiled.
Konni: Well, I guess he will be a nice addition to my torture album. Sadly this time I will have no pictures to remember the … more"fun" time I had. And some artistic additions would be fun as well... I see every each one of my scars as art. Want to see them?
You pulled up your sleeve, reavealing marks all over it sticking out from your skin. You pointed at the bigest one, it was going around your whole arm.
Konni: This one is my favourite.
"You sound like you met Klaus already. I am sorry to say your pain has just begun. This may be worse that all you've been through.....whatever happens you WILL suffer"
Reverse Konni
Lets add liar to her 'qualities'. My god she lied to HERSELF. 'The past is dark' 'I must build a bright future' 'other emo bs'. I got tired of it.
I went over to mr betterhopeinevergetachancetokill and tried punching him. Of course i was like a ghist and went through him. I still i kept trying to hurt him. Even if i looked pathetic as hell.
Holly fuck. If shes been throught all that imagine how many ideas she has to tourture the people she hates......
"You sound like you met Klaus already. I am sorry to say your pain has just begun. This may be worse that all you've been through.....whatev… moreer happens you WILL suffer"
Reverse Konni
Lets add liar to her 'qualities'. My god she lied to HERSELF. 'The past is dark' 'I must build a bright future' 'other emo bs'. I got tired of it.
I went over to mr betterhopeinevergetachancetokill and tried punching him. Of course i was like a ghist and went through him. I still i kept trying to hurt him. Even if i looked pathetic as hell.
Holly fuck. If shes been throught all that imagine how many ideas she has to tourture the people she hates......
Well if i wasent such a forgiving person
"Fine no problem want a cookie?"
And after the shootout with Jason´s group?
@Gustav_Kenny , @blueneon , @supersagig , @NoHopeLeft , @Lord_EAA , @RagingBlades
10 hours later
You was feeling better. after removing the bullet and feed yourself. you fall you fell exhausted into bed..... what have you done those days? Killing a old man, removing bullets, carrying a pregnant lady........ how you're gonna raise a child? you got totally insane didint you?. After wake up. you and Poly started to move again. lucky she was alive. and the child too.... I hope so.........
You saw foot marks on the ground and drag marks close to it.you started to follow them. vegetation decreased. it seems that the dense forest was ending. You continue to walk unitil Poly pushes you
Bryan : what the fuck?!
Poly : you almost fell in that trap. Look
SHIT! a chain with blood marks. Why everyone alive in this world have to be a fucking asshole? your bastards..........
Some minuts later you saw a big camp. you didint knew if you could trust these people. There's only one way . You
you needed to attract the attention of any of those guards and interrogate him. suddenly Poly took out her clothes approached to one of the guards
Poly: help. im woonded. and freezing........ some bandits caught me and stole my clothes. Come here....... help
What the fuck was she doing. how could she act that way? holy shit! she was fucking insane too!
the guard came....... what a dumb. she kicked her and hit his head against the ground. he punched her and tried to get his gun. he was a good fighter; Shit! you crawled towards him and put a gun in his head
Bryan: not a fucking peep .!
He was scared. you knew he was. but you have to do it. was him a kid? goddamit!
He calmed down. them you hit his head with your gun. Done. You get the other gun. You and Poly dragged the guard into the woods. after after tying him. you throw water to wake him
Bryan : who are you. what is this place?! help us and we we let you alive kid.
Great. now beating a kid....... well you had to. everyone is a fucking monster anyway.
"I just wanted to know that if your daughter beat my ass really hard there was something i can heal me or something"
Konni: Well, we are not here to kill anyone. So you can take that out of your mind.
You looked at the guy next to you.
Konni: So, you orginate from Europe... It is very beautifull there, especially during winter.
Reverse Konni
"Hey i said i would'nt try to change you. So don't try to change me either.
"It is. Its almost sad we had to leave. But Randolf was right it is probably worst there."
Say something to not look awkward, say something to not look awkward
......................And there goes any attempt at not looking nervous.....
You looked at the Hope.
Konni: Well, yeah, I am aware... And by the way, none of us has hearing problems, you may speak a bit... not as loud maybe. Cause really, that is not the way to pick chicks up.
Reverse Konni
"And now your being NICE to him. God help you girl."
Oh god shes telling me to calm down oh god. Oh god. Calm calm.
"Yes sir ........i mean mam.....No no i mean m'lady" oh god i just called her a man god help me.
Konni: And that is why you will never get laid in your life again, if you have that is, but with this attitude I would guess it is a no.
"Hey i lll have you know i almost got laid TWICE....m'lady"
Reverse Konni
"Why don't we just off this loser afther all the things he put us through"
Konni: You just put an almost there.
Reverse was standing in front of you, your look turned to her.
Konni: Cause look at him, he is so fragile, we can play with him, it will be fun.
You smiled.
Ethan: Well, if this is a 'kingdom', by the right of birth and blood, I, Lord Ethan, demand a trial by combat!
I started to laught at the pathetic fool.
"You can't demand anything. You are screwed here till the king proclaims"
"It would be more fun to dance on his squished brains"
You grinned.
Ethan: Talking about being screwed... I screwed your mom.
Gus: That's something a five year old would say you cunt.
Konni: Of course not, our shoes could get messy.
"So NOW you want to kill him .....or are you being sarcastic?"
I laughted harder. This trully was a lame idiot.
"Your attempts to infuriate me are halarious continue"
Konni: Of course I don't, you dufus.
The rest had been quiet for a while.
Konni: So I am guessing you are not very talkative. Sad more than anything. Friends are very important when hell is right above out heads.
Gus facepalmed
Gus: Ethan, Ethan, I think I'll take control for a second.
Suddenly you felt like you weren't there, suddenly your lips started moving, saying the same words as Gus.
Gus & Ethan: Listen here you fucking cunts, you either release me or I kill the whole fuckin' lot of you.
I couln't stop laughthing. This hopeless fool really thought he was threatning.
"My god you are incomparable"
"Loom that was kinda insulting" said Broff
"Are you kidding that was funny. This boy is such an ignorant loser. Im still suprised he somehow almost choked stan. Hes THAT pathetic"
I am sorry I always tag you but I have no such thing as patience.
Lol thats ironic considering your fans have nothing but patience.
Wait.....do you like my writting that much?
Reverse Konni
"Oh yeah i forgot how unbelivebly hopeless you are. And YOU'RE the dufus"
I honestly did not know how to reply to that without looking stupid. Both girls dumped me the night i planned to make 'that' move. So i would lose the argument. Wait was she talking to us again. Oh god she was.
"...Friends are very important..." was all i heard
FRIENDS was she talking about us? Or maybe she was talking of her old friends. Or maybe it was those imaginary friends milky kept talking about. Or maybe....
Do you have any idea how many died because of you?
i leaned close to the girl.
"Trust me child there is NOTHING we could do. So unless you know anyone in the inner council your fate is dire"
Yes, and I am a lazy incosiderant fuck so you really have a point about my fans.
and also you are the very considerate don't downplay yourself
Konni: I know, but meh, I am not worried, if I should go out then I will go out.
I am not.
"Your calmness is appreciated but Klaus has special methods ......he knoes how to make you suffer.
Konni: I have already suffered too much in a world that used to be invated by only "humans", I am not worried about a monster when I have came across so many before.
"Perhaps....but trust me Klaus is........special"
Konni: I would like a change after getting cut, druged, nearly amputed, raped, stabed, burned, shot, opareted on without anesthesia multiple times and I was actually forced to drink poison once, thank God for hospitals. So... What does he have to possibly offer?
i looked side to side. No one but the 2 of them would hear me.
"He made a pregnant woman eat escrement. He made a man kill his children and eat them. He amputates people without anesthetics. He carves words into peoples chests because he thinks its artistic. He puts dead peoples corpses to hang. He........has opened peoples chests and made Dogs eat out of them. He .....he is worse"
You smiled.
Konni: Well, I guess he will be a nice addition to my torture album. Sadly this time I will have no pictures to remember the "fun" time I had. And some artistic additions would be fun as well... I see every each one of my scars as art. Want to see them?
You pulled up your sleeve, reavealing marks all over it sticking out from your skin. You pointed at the bigest one, it was going around your whole arm.
Konni: This one is my favourite.
I will never 'get' women
I looked at her scar it was preatty big
"And what made that?"
Konni: A pen...
"You sound like you met Klaus already. I am sorry to say your pain has just begun. This may be worse that all you've been through.....whatever happens you WILL suffer"
Reverse Konni
Lets add liar to her 'qualities'. My god she lied to HERSELF. 'The past is dark' 'I must build a bright future' 'other emo bs'. I got tired of it.
I went over to mr betterhopeinevergetachancetokill and tried punching him. Of course i was like a ghist and went through him. I still i kept trying to hurt him. Even if i looked pathetic as hell.
Holly fuck. If shes been throught all that imagine how many ideas she has to tourture the people she hates......
Konni: I know.
"We have medical supplies but its mostly Dean that keeps them"