No disrespect to borderlands writer Anthony Burch but thank goodness he did not write the script lol



  • He's not. The series makes no attempt to hide how much of the writing is cultural references.

    It's a bit much at times, but I don't think it's devolved into Shrek levels quite yet.

    Then why're you the only one who noticed?

  • who cares borderlands is still bad

    then why are you wasting your life in the borderlands section?

    Baldex posted: »

    my issues with the writing * Juvenile characters which are so underutilized that it makes them even more pointless then they alrea

  • because jokes

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    who cares borderlands is still bad then why are you wasting your life in the borderlands section?

  • Im starting to think you be trolling

    Baldex posted: »

    because jokes

  • Says the guy who is spamming internet memes.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Im starting to think you be trolling

  • Lol and that makes me a troll?

    Baldex posted: »

    Says the guy who is spamming internet memes.

  • "Because I'm a hater and I'm bored."

    Baldex posted: »

    because jokes

  • Essentially what he's saying. Also i think memes p*ss him off lol

    J-Master posted: »

    "Because I'm a hater and I'm bored."

  • "Borderlands is bad and I hate this franchise, but I stick around anyways" ????

    Baldex posted: »

    oooh damn ive been caught! i came here just to complain and not just to share my opinion about.... wait werent we talking about burch what happened to that

  • edited November 2014

    oooh damn ive been caught! i came here just to complain and not just to share my opinion about....

    wait werent we talking about burch what happened to that

    J-Master posted: »

    "Because I'm a hater and I'm bored."

  • Personally speaking, I enjoyed the writing of Borderlands 2. I hear all the "memelands" jokes, but honestly I still don't feel bombarded by memes or pop cultural references while playing. Hell, I can't even think of any off the top of my head. Maybe I'm just dense. That being said, the whole "More like MEMElands...More like BorderMEMES...MORE LIKE-" line in Pre-Sequel is definitely radiating salt.

    THAT being said, despite having no real problems with the writing of Borderlands 2, I'm definitely glad TFTBL doesn't have Burch and isn't just trying to emulate him. It's taking its own path of humor and writing, while (so far) remaining loyal to the universe. It's great.

  • if you dont know about a subject, dont talk about it. ANTHONY BURCH SAID that he ONLY WROTE 30% of BL;PS.


    only because he do all these interviews you think he wrote everything? please read more about a subject when you post a thread like this. annoying.

  • To be fair, it depends on how gearbox develop their games. Most game developers (at least used to) build the detail of the story as an afterthought. With Telltale, it's the otherway round. The story comes first and is the main focus of everything they do. Given that sort of room to work with a game, Burch might be able to do something interesting. Who knows though.

  • I think it's the idea of relying on references that will lose their comedic value over the course of a few weeks.

    never understood why people have issues with memes and I don't even want to.

  • Are you talking about the mention of gay people? The Walking Dead did that too, and it wasn't exactly "humor". It was realism.

    madSimon posted: »

    Oh, I agree. It was really refreshing to get some humor in this game that isn't cliches, tropes, or pushing a social agenda.

  • played borderlands 2 way after two weeks since release and I still found the humor to be funny. You people underestimate the power of memes. Most of them never die. It's only some of them which eventually fade.

    Mikejames posted: »

    I think it's the idea of relying on references that will lose their comedic value over the course of a few weeks.

  • The internet has run countless memes into the ground. I'm not saying that the entirety of Borderlands' writing and humor revolved around them, just that humor based on outside references and forum fads isn't expected to age very well.

    played borderlands 2 way after two weeks since release and I still found the humor to be funny. You people underestimate the power of memes. Most of them never die. It's only some of them which eventually fade.

  • You people underestimate the power of memes. Most of them never die.

    Yeah, there is no way you're being serious.

    played borderlands 2 way after two weeks since release and I still found the humor to be funny. You people underestimate the power of memes. Most of them never die. It's only some of them which eventually fade.

  • I'll say it.

    Anthony Burch is a terrible writer.

    His writing "style" is not suited to any game or any thing of any pace.

    Even his HAWP series is only saved by his sister and father's delivery.

    It doesn't mean Anthony is a bad writer (I know you're not saying that) I just think his writing style is suited to a more fast paced gam

  • Anthony Burch only wrote 30% of BL:PS

    Well that explains why 70% of it was decent.

    Mercyva posted: »

    if you dont know about a subject, dont talk about it. ANTHONY BURCH SAID that he ONLY WROTE 30% of BL;PS. its NOT fair to put a WHOLE GAM

  • Just want to point out that the much-maligned Pierre Shorette, the one who loads of people here hate on for "ruining" Carver's episode in The Walking Dead, also wrote this episode.

  • So? Walking Dead and Tales from the Borderlands are two completely different genres, maybe he just does dark comedy better.

    Bokor posted: »

    Just want to point out that the much-maligned Pierre Shorette, the one who loads of people here hate on for "ruining" Carver's episode in The Walking Dead, also wrote this episode.

  • Pierre also wrote the very good "Faith" from Wolf Among Us, as much as I HATED In Harms Way, I still think Pierre is a good writer, I just think the guy wasn't giving it his all or he's just better at writing at other things instead.

    Bokor posted: »

    Just want to point out that the much-maligned Pierre Shorette, the one who loads of people here hate on for "ruining" Carver's episode in The Walking Dead, also wrote this episode.

  • Fuck Anthony Burch's writing style. It's pretty shit.

  • I'm just saying that it's funny that people are praising this episode when one of its writers has been scape-goated for "ruining" another series' episode.

    So? Walking Dead and Tales from the Borderlands are two completely different genres, maybe he just does dark comedy better.

  • Honestly, I laughed more during just this two hour episode from Telltale than I did during both Borderlands games combined. And then add in the fact that the story is actually good in Telltale's version, and there is really no question which's writing is better.

  • Not sure what you're trying to say.

    Piggs posted: »

    Are you talking about the mention of gay people? The Walking Dead did that too, and it wasn't exactly "humor". It was realism.

  • B1's writing was practically absent as there wasn't much to the games plot. B2's writing is severely flawed because 1) It's far too one-dimensional while trying to tell an actual narrative and 2) it's always trying to outdo itself. You killed Superdeath well heres SUPERMEGANOVADEATH!!!XD!!!

    I like the games but I think Burch isn't a good writer. He also likes to shove his political agenda down your throat and it's sickening. I'd call it views but it's so forced that it's an agenda. Oh and Burch is a total D-bag so I feel even less inclined to like it. Then again Randy Pitchford is too.

  • You mentioned that the old Borderlands was "pushing a social agenda". I'm guessing you're referring to the few mentions of gay couples in it, because you'd really need to be digging deep to find any other "social agenda".

    The Walking Dead did the same with Matthew and Walter. It's just an attempt at diversity. No need to accuse the developers of an ulterior motive.

    madSimon posted: »

    Not sure what you're trying to say.

  • Pierre Shorette did a really good job writing this episode. It is clear that he wrote the awesome actions scenes, but I wonder if he wrote the comedy as well or did his co-writer wrote the comedy?

    Bokor posted: »

    Just want to point out that the much-maligned Pierre Shorette, the one who loads of people here hate on for "ruining" Carver's episode in The Walking Dead, also wrote this episode.

  • Anthony gave us Memelands. Telltale gave us Borderlands.

  • Yeah, I'd be genuinely curious to see what Burch could do with a more plot-centric game (like Tales). He's undeniably limited within Gearbox's Borderlands universe - it's a shoot 'n loot first and foremost, with not a lot of room for constructing narrative.

    I've always admired his characterisation, but once again that's within the limitations of an FPS.

    Revec posted: »

    To be fair, it depends on how gearbox develop their games. Most game developers (at least used to) build the detail of the story as an after

  • Telltale also uses memes fyi

    CaveRave posted: »

    Anthony gave us Memelands. Telltale gave us Borderlands.

  • We'd be getting "Bonerfart" every second... as if it's some new messiah.

  • Personally, I love Burch's writing. BL1 had a lousy story and he made BL2 so that it retroactively gave BL1 meaning. I love that he can do ironic references to memes and make silly jokes one second and be brutal the next.
    He provided the meta-humour the series really needed and that, in my opinion, created the most entertaining moments of TFTBL. And he realise that since games are always shaping the perceptions of those playing them and thus use it to be progressive rather than simply regurgitating existing norms. Fantastic!

  • Yeah, the retroactive stuff is a really good point.

    Gearbox themselves admitted that during the first series they didn't really have any idea where they were going with Angel, but I think Anthony really capitalised on that plot point and turned it into something cohesive. It made something that had previously been so inexplicable and wishy-washy have depth and meaning.

  • Example?

    zeke10 posted: »

    Telltale also uses memes fyi

  • The whaaambulance line. I am become death destroyer of bandits.

    Baldex posted: »


  • Iiiiin.....?

    zeke10 posted: »

    The whaaambulance line. I am become death destroyer of bandits.

  • Wtf does liiin mean?

    Baldex posted: »


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