Steam Sale Starts today?

in General Chat
I heard Noon, but its past noon. Hurry up steam. Anyone know if its 12:00 Pacific time, which would be 3:00 normal time.
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It should start at 10 AM pacific time.
Hopefully something good goes on sale, not sure what i want to buy, but If its cheap enough. Sometimes i buy games just because their cheap. Anything on your wish list, that you want on sale.
I want to play this game called Lifeless Planet. It looks kind of cool, exploring Mars.
Welp, R.I.P. everyones wallet.
I am not sure what i want, if something good catched my attention i might buy it. The holiday sale is also coming up at some point near Christmas that might have better games on sale as it's one of their major sale events (the other being the summer sale).
Oh yeah, the only game recently i played was DA:I, starting to get bored of that so i want something new.
Battleblock Theater is 90% off. I already have it elsewhere, but it's a pretty good deal if you don't already have the game!
It's only around $1.49 or so, and has a nifty level editor.
Evil Within 66% off, right now its like 20 dollars... So if you don't have it . I suggest get it.
Can anybody recommend or dissuade me from getting "This War of Mine"? I've had my eye on it since it was recommended by ExtraCredits, it's medium priced ($18, but only 10% off), and it looks like my increasingly dying computer might still be able to handle it... It has really good reviews, but the gameplay looks a lot like Zafehouse Diaries which, although really good and engrossing, had me beating my head on the wall because it is practically impossible to win...
Oh, and what good are trading cards? They're worth pennies, but I could still probably make up a couple bucks... I just thought they were more valuable if you got a set or something?
I'm not sure, i never heard of that game,
I personally like the cards, i have Rambo the video game, and some of those cards are worth a few dollars for some reason, not sure what the cards do myself. I think you need a whole set for something to happen.