Plot twist: Rhys is really Handsome Jack

I know episode 1 came out, but I began getting the feeling at the finale we will find out that Rhy's is really Handsome Jack. And all of the story is just how he became him, and was stopped by the vault hunters on BL2.

I could be wrong, so please respect my thought, as I will always respect yours :).



  • No offense but this seems as stupid as Regular Show's drug theories. But I still respect your theory.

  • can you explain your reasoning why it's stupid, and I'm not aware of the regular show lol

    No offense but this seems as stupid as Regular Show's drug theories. But I still respect your theory.

  • edited November 2014

    That isn't going to happen. The game takes place after BL 2.

    If Rhys is going to become Handsome Jack, if, then it'll be because Jack has somehow taken over him.

  • Well, you either die as a bandit or live long enough to become Jack...

  • edited November 2014

    have you ever played borderlands 2? and do you even know much about who jack is? rhys is 100% not jack he may turn into the clone but he isn't the real thing

  • Because the game takes place after BL2. Maybe he can become a Handsome Jack like character but I doubt that he is Handsome Jack.

    can you explain your reasoning why it's stupid, and I'm not aware of the regular show lol

  • edited November 2014

    Doesn't the intro actually spell out who Jack is and what happened anyway? As far as I remember, it did.

    Edit: Yup, it does.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    have you ever played borderlands 2? and do you even know much about who jack is? rhys is 100% not jack he may turn into the clone but he isn't the real thing

  • The perfect life form

  • i watched a play through, so yes i played it to know Jack lol

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    have you ever played borderlands 2? and do you even know much about who jack is? rhys is 100% not jack he may turn into the clone but he isn't the real thing

  • well then you would know why rhys can't be jack

    i watched a play through, so yes i played it to know Jack lol

  • Hey Rosemary.

    Well...I shot the guy in the face with a sniper up front, back in Borderlands 2....Yeah...I think he is dead.

  • you misspeld worst

    SonEdo posted: »

    The perfect life form

  • edited November 2014

    you misspelled perfect...and misspelled.

    you misspeld worst

  • You guys should consider time travel.

  • oh, please...for the love of

    MaKTaiL posted: »

    You guys should consider time travel.

  • Maybe the vault is a time machine...

    oh, please...for the love of

  • I have not played the other Borderlands games but I thought it said in the opening monologue that Handsome Jack was dead.

  • edited November 2014

    u misspelled ur life HUEHEUHUEHUE SWAG -jack.
    this is what you call a perfect life form?

    you misspelled perfect...and misspelled.

  • Seriously Rosemary?

  • He doesn't take shit from anyone and does everything he needs to do to get shit done. Yes, that's pretty much the definition of a badass. And badassery is perfect.

    u misspelled ur life HUEHEUHUEHUE SWAG -jack. this is what you call a perfect life form?

  • Borderlands TPS already gave jacks backstory

  • [removed]

    He doesn't take shit from anyone and does everything he needs to do to get shit done. Yes, that's pretty much the definition of a badass. And badassery is perfect.

  • As forementioned, this is AFTER Borderlands 2

  • Rhys is likely himself, but if they really want to go the "super secret and sudden amnesia" route, then I'd believe Rhys is actually Timothy (Jack's double from the Pre Sequel). He just wouldn't know that. This is totally doable, as they share similar facial bone structure, Timothy has already gone through some pretty extreme surgery, and the implants in Rhys's head could have included a memory wipe.

    But I still think Rhys is himself, and not secretly someone else.

  • I don't think Rhys is Handsome Jack. However, he installed his credentials through the ID Drive, since Nakayama had it, because he was using it to possibly clone Handsome Jack. So, Handsome Jack is stuck in his brain, but I don't think he is him.

  • Pretty sure time travel might happen judging from the episode 5 description.

    oh, please...for the love of

  • Not really, it means the flashbacks and present day.

    Pretty sure time travel might happen judging from the episode 5 description.

  • Just to re-enforce the fact that Rhys cannot be Timothy, I'm going to point out that the vault hunters kill him in Borderlands 2 as well to get the voice modulator thingy to get to Angel

  • I don't think so, this game takes place after BL2, plus we see Jack's bacstory in the pre-sequel

  • He may become the NEW Jack.

  • well i'm still new to the series even though i watched the game play of BL2. This is just a speculation

  • Also, I feel like TT wanted to make Rhys look like Handsome Jack as much as possible, because Rhys wanted to be like him. So they made his appearance and intro similar and they had him install Handsome Jack's credentials. They want Rhys to see that being like Handsome Jack isn't as great as he would think.

  • My guess is that Handsome Jack will try to take over Rhys' body so that he literally becomes Jack 2.0.

    But I hope the writing won't be THAT predictable. TBH I really hope the main villain won't turn out to be Jack, that guy's been overused.

  • Yeah, I bet they regret killing off Jack so early in the franchise, having to think of ways to keep him

    Bokor posted: »

    My guess is that Handsome Jack will try to take over Rhys' body so that he literally becomes Jack 2.0. But I hope the writing won't be THAT predictable. TBH I really hope the main villain won't turn out to be Jack, that guy's been overused.

  • At least it wasn't as bad as Carver.

    darlingno posted: »

    Yeah, I bet they regret killing off Jack so early in the franchise, having to think of ways to keep him

  • Actually no Anthony Burch confirmed that the Doppelganger you killed in BL2 isn't Timothy as that one only had the pocket watch and his voice obviously wasn't Jack's.

    B-B-Wolf posted: »

    Just to re-enforce the fact that Rhys cannot be Timothy, I'm going to point out that the vault hunters kill him in Borderlands 2 as well to get the voice modulator thingy to get to Angel

  • I was arguing the same thing, but then someone pointed out that that particular double was using some sort of holographic camouflage, not surgery. And when he died, he turned back into an engineer.

    The best argument for Rhys not being Timothy I think is that Tim doesn't actually want to BE Jack, while Rhys looks up to Jack. Like I said, his implants could explain that away, but making Rhys a new and unaffiliated character is probably a neater and more likely solution.

    B-B-Wolf posted: »

    Just to re-enforce the fact that Rhys cannot be Timothy, I'm going to point out that the vault hunters kill him in Borderlands 2 as well to get the voice modulator thingy to get to Angel

  • Jack was a programmer after all, and a pretty darn good one. I mean come on, he was able turn Claptrap into a military force to be reckoned with!

    I think the Digital-Jack is either a copy, or a personally designed AI that Jack intended to use later as a contingency plan. Nakayama working in R&D probably nabbed it to be a part of his "make a Jack to love me and be awesome" idea. Thank the Seraphs for those stairs, right?

  • Agreed

    Bokor posted: »

    At least it wasn't as bad as Carver.

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