The Legendary Monkey Island FanArt



  • edited November 2009

    I love so much the Threepwood couple...
    Guybrush died, Elaine was so cool
    and I remembered that in the other games (CMI and EMI) she used to
    Guybrush!!! lol

    She really changed!!!
  • edited November 2009
    It was my little brother's birthday a few days ago, so I doodled something quick to try and make him laugh... and I succeeded at that at least. :D


    Didn't bother cleaning it up, but did slap some colour on it because it looked boring. xD I hope you guys can read my writing.

    On the opposite page I put an accompanying note, "Episode 4 was awesome!", which he also laughed at. He vehemently denies it being awesome, so I try and put him straight when I can. :)
  • edited November 2009
    guimero64 wrote: »

    I love so much the Threepwood couple...
    Guybrush died, Elaine was so cool
    and I remembered that in the other games (CMI and EMI) she used to
    Guybrush!!! lol

    She really changed!!!

    Awesome drawing. Why does this remind me of the Titanic scene (Guybrush playing the female role)? XD

    @Unicornfoal: Very cute, I like your style.
  • edited November 2009
    haha!!! thanks... and it's not really the titatic scene... it looks like!!!
  • edited November 2009
    guimero64 wrote: »
    haha!!! thanks... and it's not really the titatic scene... it looks like!!!

    You do have your own unique style. I wish you the best, I liked the one you did with the moon in the background and green clouds.
  • edited November 2009
    really, thanks for the encouragements!!!
  • edited November 2009
    Aaaaand quoting myself once again.

    Yeah, I kinda did decide to fix the trailer a bit. Anyway, this link leads to an updated and fixed and, in my opinion, better (plus quite HD) version of the trailer. Enjoy.
  • edited November 2009
  • edited November 2009

    In memory of guybrush threepwood
  • edited November 2009
    Wow, I love Guybrush's expression here, and the colored version is nice as well.
    Guybrush Threepwood, loving husband and Mighty Pirate
  • edited November 2009
    guimero64 wrote: »

    One of my favorite in the thread. You've got your own style. This work is brilliant. Your hand drawn text is a lot better than the text you've been placing on your work though in my opinion. Comic-sans or something might be more appropriate. Still you really got something there, your work keeps getting better and better.Sort of looks like water color paints with light pencil shades underneath, which produces a similar look. The hair actually looks sort of waxy, crayon, or maybe acrylic paints on Elaine and I love how you've made this look like it's been done in traditional media. Keep learning those tools, you've got something special there, something that I've only seen once in this thread. That might be a font but it's definitely not Adobe if it is...almost looks handrawn and brush stroked. I'd say calligraphy penned, lol.

    Plenty of great artists in this thread but your work definitely is present, I wouldn't even have to look at your user name to know what work is yours.

    By the way, Picasso DID also do realism.
  • edited November 2009
    that's really wonderful what you said...
    I'll keep training.
  • edited November 2009
    Aaand... yes it's hand-written with the tool calligraphy pen...
    You are a great observer!!!
  • edited November 2009
    guimero64 wrote: »
    Aaand... yes it's hand-written with the tool calligraphy pen...
    You are a great observer!!!

    :)...some times anyways. I just happened to be right. Keep at it.
  • edited November 2009
    upperchuck wrote: »

  • edited November 2009
    Guimero, your style is awesome, and I really like your art. Keep up the good work!
  • edited November 2009
    guimero64 wrote: »

    In memory of guybrush threepwood
    This is fantastic! *applauds*

    You know, it actually looks like the expression Guybrush could have when he
    "wakes up" in the Land of the Undead, just opening his eyes, like "Where am I?", you know
  • edited November 2009
    upperchuck wrote: »
    pluizig wrote: »

    My thoughts exactly. :|

    Anyway Guimero you draw a really cute Guybrush!
  • edited November 2009
    :-) thanks
  • edited November 2009
    To show how can the voodoo lady be manipulative!!!
  • LupLup
    edited November 2009
    a bit too much color for my taste but nice work though :)
  • edited November 2009
    yup lup!!!
  • edited November 2009
    Viva el Monkey Island!!!
    In this image Guybrush has a Stan Previously owned postronic hook metal hand...
    In fact, I noticed later that I drew his left real-hand so replaced it by a Stan Previously owned postronic hook metal hand as I didn't want to erase the full flesh hand and draw a traditional hook...

    And also, the head of the voodoo lady really changed... :)
  • edited November 2009
    My newest quickly-colored-on-one-layer sketch:

    I know, Elaine has green eyes in ToMI, but I really like her better with blue eyes. ;)
  • edited November 2009
    I forgive you with the eyes... sometimes I change little details to my liking as well.... Great work.
  • edited November 2009
    Man, I was about to go on a massive fanart streak in celebration of the upcoming last episode, but I got distracted into designing this little thing and went overboard. >:| At least I got some Guybrush and Elaine practice in for next time, though.

    This is Maya Threepwood, Adorable Little Pirate™, the hypothetical child of Guybrush and Elaine. Her idea was born from this chat log which CONTAINS A SPOILER TO EPISODE 4 and has also been censored slightly for your convenience.


    Concept Art

    Collection of Concept Sketches (WARNING: even though I scaled this down a big amount, it is still a pretty huge image)

    Also, a cookie to whoever recognizes the small cameo above.

    Notes (that I should have included in the sketch sheet): She should probably be around 3 or 4 years old in these pics (except for the teen concept), I haven't really decided, but I do want her to be young enough to mispronounce some words. She loves to sing and picks up on any shanty almost instantly. (which could be a bad thing if she happens to hear dirty ones) She actually has a sweet singing voice but most of the time will sing loud and obnoxiously for attention or to purposely annoy people. Her cuteness can come in handy for charming certain people or creatures into doing or giving stuff for her. She is tiny, which comes in handy if Guybrush needs her to get into places he can't fit into for an item or so. She is also fearless even when in a dangerous situation that she can't do much about, (sometimes due to ignorance of how dangerous it is) this trait comes from Elaine. She is still pretty naive and stubborn though, which will get her into said dangerous situations most of the time.
  • edited November 2009
    I love the character and outfit design.... well done.
  • edited November 2009
    I love the latest guybrush and Elaine editions, beautiful guys.
  • edited November 2009
    How cuuuute! :) I love that Adorable Little Pirate(TM), especially in the concept art (5 a.m., next island 100 miles,... *LOL*).
  • edited November 2009
    Nice touch adding the freddie fish doll.....
  • edited November 2009
    omg how cuuuuttee :3
  • edited November 2009
    yoshiwam wrote: »
    I couldn't resist ^^;;;
    (and neither can you xD)

    [EDITED BY STAFF: As much as the picture is well drawn, I think it best if we keep these to the disturbing art thread]
    Not my art. From the disturbing thread. As you can see why...
  • LupLup
    edited November 2009
    this is amazing work. I wish I had such great skills! ... would prefer a little guybrush junior though...

    EDIT: my statement goes to PecanBlue's work, not to the horrible picture Tpravetz just postet while i was typing. t h a n k y o u for making me see this again by the way! ò..ó
  • edited November 2009
    Lup wrote: »
    t h a n k y o u for making me see this again by the way! ò..ó

    It will haunt you. Every corner you turn, she will be there. Muahahhahaha -cough cough-
  • LupLup
    edited November 2009
    Tpravetz wrote: »
    It will haunt you. Every corner you turn, she will be there. Muahahhahaha -cough cough-

    OH NOEZ! O_O'
    At least I have this great Morgan Picture to make me forget about sister agnes again. - to be found here ;3
  • edited November 2009
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Nice touch adding the freddie fish doll.....

    You got the cameo! Here's that cookie I promised-


    Oops. :(

    PS. Thanks for the nice things said about Adorable Little Pirate™ everyone!
  • edited November 2009
    This stuff is awesome Pecan. Love the various concept sketches
  • edited November 2009
    PecanBlue wrote: »
    You got the cameo! Here's that cookie I promised-


    Oops. :(

    PS. Thanks for the nice things said about Adorable Little Pirate™ everyone!

    LOL awesome..... Its almost like she is channeling Max...

    I demand you make a webcomic........ My demands must be met or there will be dire consequences...
  • edited November 2009
    She's so cuuute! <3
    Love the arrrt, everyone. Keep up the good work!
  • LupLup
    edited November 2009
    Actually I made this for the "disturbing fanart" thread but it turned out less disturbing than I expected.
    so here it is for you normal people ;D

    SHORTS! ;>

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