If 5 Characters From the Borderlands Series Got to appear, who would you want?
Tiny Tina
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Tiny Tina
Only two.
Face McShooty and Tiny Tina.
Zero, Moxxi, Lilith, Maya, Tiny Tina.
1) Krieg
2) Axton
3) The Guardian Angel (I kinda expect this to be the last Borderlands related thing to majorly focus on Hyperion, so it would be nice to see her lingering plot points get some closure).
4) Vice President Blake (for similar reasons, but I want to know if he ever got to be CEO or if he still has a terrible boss)
...and I'm tired and can't think of a 5 right now.
I'll be satisfied with a scene of Gaige getting hyped over Loader Bot.
Random. But wasn't moxxi already confirmed to appear in Tales? Or did I imagine that xD.
She already appeared, just not in person. She's the one talking to Zer0 at the end of the episode. I think it's just a matter of time we get to actually see her as an NPC.
Gaige, Axton, Maya, Lilith, Salvador
Not to familiar with Borderlands characters even though i've played both games (no presequel)

but i'd like to see Tina here, the dialog with her would be interesting.
She's a flagship character. They have to have her make an appearance at some point. Time line, it's BL 1, Presequel, BL2 and then Tales. One of the funny things Moxxi says in Presequel is, "Don't tell anyone you saw this. Seriously, or I'll have my son kill you and bury you somewhere deep.." Why is it funny, because release wise, there's a chance you already did fight and kill him in BL2, which was the second release, but remains the 3rd game. And yet, somehow Tector Hodunk is guarding the door in Hollowpoint as the bouncer in Episode 1 of Tales, the 4th game. I look forward to some serious back pedaling by someone, somewhere. XD
I have a feeling Claptrap is going to make an appearance. I hope that Telltale can write him better than Gearbox. I also hope that Tiny Tina will make an appearance.
Scooter will make an appearance, I am sure. Because one of the episodes is named Catch' A Ride
i gota say Gaige, Tiny Tina, Krieg, Mr Torgue, and maby claptrap
Crazy Earl.
1) kreig
forgot crazy earl existed xD but yay i would go with him over claptrap
In no particular order-
Tiny Tina
Mr. Torque
Face Mcshooty (if Tector can be alie so can he!)
and Claptrap of course!
Borderlands isn't Borderlands without Claptrap.
I think the son she's referring to in that line is Scooter, actually. Who I can't see making an appearance in Tales unless they make a detour into Sanctuary, unfortunately.
Mister Torgue High-Five Flexington
Assuming we go to Sanctuary, which if the trailer is anything to go one, we will, but I would want the group to MEAT Krieg. I'd love to meet the rest of the cast, but I really wanna know who Krieg was. They have Nakayama's ID, and though that may be compromised maybe Yvette can get that info.
I'd like to see Mordeacai and Talon, maybe a copy of Angel, and I hope we meet Athena/Lilith to get a short inclusion on what happened after The Presequel.
Timothy would be a very interesting character, especially if we meet him as Rhys with Digi-Jack in his head!
Maya, Krieg, Salvador, Torgue, Hammerlock.
I'd add Athena, but the preview's hinting that it's already happening.
Sir Hammerlock and Gaige.
Yes - this needs to happen. Just don't let AI Jack too close to him or next thing we know Jack'll be back in mind and flesh (which I'm obviously not against, just please not Timothy, the poor guy has been through enough)!
Guardian Angel, Tiny Tina, Krieg, Mr. Torque, Gaige.
The Baroness isn't a Siren. If they want a Siren, they have Maya and Lilith.
Fairly sure one of the episodes is called Catch A Ride. Plus, in the first trailer, it showed Fiona and Rhys going to Marcus' shop in Sanctuary.
Claptrap, Sir Hammerlock, Gaige, Maya and Moxxi.
I would say Janey, but it looks like she will be in, yay.
Torgue, Tiny Tina, Moxxi, TK Baha, and Sir Hammerlock
lol, i don't think Face McShooty has too many possibilities of being in the game
Well Zero is already in the game
Axton, Tiny Tina, Mordecai, ClapTrap and Lillith
Indeed, Jenny Sparks from TPS looks like she made it down to Pandora.
1) Claptrap 2) Moxxi 3) Athena 4) Zed 5) Scooter
Claptrap!! lol
I only have one - Moxxi