Im kind of ashamed to admit it but Borderlands 1 is one of few games that have bored me to sleep

i don't know what it was about that first game but when ever I tried to play it I would just start to feel bored and tired

No video game has ever had that effect on me and I tried replaying several times but i would always end up dozing off at the beginning lol

Thankfully that didn't happen with borderlands 2 and i ended up beating that game several times


  • I like Borderlands 1's open world and superior loot system... but the shooting mechanics were awkward, there was no FOV slider and every gun type had just one sound and gun design making them all look and feel the same.

    I imagine it was great in 2009 but it hasn't aged well.

    Luckily that's not the case with BL2.

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