Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • That's what I'm assuming as well. I'm also assuming that the room they are in is the "dark room", and it is the same room where Nathan drugged Kate.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I'd assumed that they were stories by-and-gone since they precede Rachel's, but who knows.

  • I must say, I'm absolutely digging the game's atmosphere and the vibes it gives off, especially the way it portrayes the life of a serene and charming coastal American town.

    The whole setting, consisting of them low-rise streets, sunlight filled hills, forests in nostalgic autumn tones and a bay creates that kind of image I've always found myself attracted to (moreover, for the same reason the location called Pawnee was probably the thing I liked most about Watch_Dogs), not to mention the story, beautifully narrated from a regular teenager's perspective, itself, which I consider to be a real breath of fresh air. I have every confidence that by the end of the season Life Is Strange will likely outdo any currently existing Telltale game for me, except for TWAU probably, and even that might change, however.

    As strange as it may sound, but I'm being entirely sincere when I call this game "the highest form of musicality in the sphere of videogaming". Pure brilliance indeed.

  • I saw some theorists who believe that Rachel is actually Max who played around a bit too much with her power.

    They back up the theory with various elements of the game:

    • Rachel disappears from Arcadia bay as soon as Max moves in;

    • Rachel was appreciated by almost everyone which could be a result of rewinding time to fix her mistake , just like Max is doing;

    • And finally, the severals comparaisons Chloe makes between Max and Rachel might be forseshadowing.

    I'm not a backer of this theory but I thought it was interesting enough.

  • edited March 2015

    Dunno if anyone else noticed but the guy with the treiler car and dog is present at Blackwell Academy during ep1. Just an interesting fact.

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  • I think that the fact that Chloe knows Rachel's parents, sinks this theory.

    CatySky posted: »

    I saw some theorists who believe that Rachel is actually Max who played around a bit too much with her power. They back up the theory wit

  • edited March 2015

    Hmmm... maybe Frank was there because Chloe called him, and told him she would pay off a part of her debt... then again, Chloe tells us in episode 2 that she never planned on paying her debt to Frank.

    Maybe he was there to sell some drugs to Nathan?

    Dunno if anyone else noticed but the guy with the treiler car and dog is present at Blackwell Academy during ep1. Just an interesting fact.

  • I agree. For a new developer at something that TT has been doing for a while they are up there, even in my books giving TT a run for their money possibly. Alot of people have called it cheesy high school drama written but I think its been done pretty well. So much so that I actually care about Chloe and Max (so much so I never let the train hit her in Episode 2, as soon as she screamed it was rewind time as I just couldnt bare it.)

    The music it self is that high school cheesy stuff but it suits the game so its very well added. Episode 2 I thought was weaker than Episode 1, but its still very good for their first attempt and also unlike TellTale choice actually do matter (different cutscenes, where as TelleTale tend use the same no matter what choice.)

    TheZorkij posted: »

    I must say, I'm absolutely digging the game's atmosphere and the vibes it gives off, especially the way it portrayes the life of a serene an

  • Ah... the mini-games to tell them . I wanted them into The Walking Dead s3... I changed my mind :)).
    And about the story , I am the only one who didn't give a f... for kate ? When she ( Spoilers ) off , and the put me to rewinds , i was like : Please , let her die ; please let her die :)) . If she want to ( Spolers ) , do it ! She is just a teenager :)) And I don't get it with the video , why is it so important ...

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    She is just a teenager :))

    Uh, not to be rude but that's a bit horrifying.

    And I don't get it with the video , why is it so important ...

    Because people are constantly bullying her over it when she has no recollection of ever doing it. She's constantly harassed for it and it's driving her to the edge. As well it's something that anyone in the world can see, including future employers who most likely won't hire her due to the video, it's not just something that'll affect her for a few days or months, it'll have ramifications on her for the rest of her life. It's sadly something that happens a lot in the world, with notable cases such as Amanda Todd and Rehtaeh Parsons. It's horrible.

    Rhaegar- posted: »

    Ah... the mini-games to tell them . I wanted them into The Walking Dead s3... I changed my mind ). And about the story , I am the only one

  • edited March 2015

    What @dojo32161 said + consider the fact she comes from a seriously religious family . If you care enough to search her room , you will find a truly hurting letter from her aunt . Imagine the effect this kind of stuff can have on a teenager , being abandoned by at least a part of her family , getting harassed even more than before , and not having any friends while she's leaving all by herself . Not to mention the probable rape she has suffered at that party . Anyone in that situation(for god's sake , it's RAPE we're talking about) regardless of age , will be devastated after all these .

    P.S : Saving Kate was one of the best moments in games I've played over the course of years .

    Rhaegar- posted: »

    Ah... the mini-games to tell them . I wanted them into The Walking Dead s3... I changed my mind ). And about the story , I am the only one

  • Did the creators of LiS love Firefly or something? While doing a lot of obsession fueled searching online I ran into something related to Firefly that read:

    "But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure."

    And I found this picture (towards the bottom on the thread) on a stall in the game!

    I like these guys/this game more and more.

  • Agreed.

    pratikrockz posted: »

    Just saying i dont like this game as good as telltale games thats all

  • After playing some more today Im pretty sure that Jefferson was actually romantically involved with Rachel Amber. This conversation shows it so well.

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  • I have a teacher in real life that looks just like Mr Jefferson but with black hair, strange enough he also teaches in the "arts" section.

    After playing some more today Im pretty sure that Jefferson was actually romantically involved with Rachel Amber. This conversation shows it so well.

  • Do you guys know if Max said something about the Principal drinking lots or something?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    It's possible, when the homeless lady was describing the guy Rachel was with she thought it might have been Rachel's Dad, so it is an older gentleman.

    After playing some more today Im pretty sure that Jefferson was actually romantically involved with Rachel Amber. This conversation shows it so well.

  • edited March 2015

    Here's my theory about Life is Strange:


    In the first episode, She rewound far too back when the boat came down crashing her causing temporal amnesia woke up in Mr. Jefferson's class. She didn't have any recollection of what happened to her and the future event that will occur. Max also didn't realised that she had this "gifted" power to rewind time. The whole five episode we played is just her journey to the Tornado incident... and maybe her death.


    Max stuck in a Tangent Universe, her tornado nightmare is just a glimpse of her corrupted universe in the making (snowfall and eclipse). Max didn't realise that Chloe was destined to die. By rewinding back time and saving her, she created a Tangent universe where Friday is the end of the world. That is why, Max kept getting visions of tornado and in episode 2, we can witness that Death always following Chloe.

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    Max is in a coma after a horrible accident she had with Chloe and it was all just a dream... within a dream. * inception bwaaaahhhh *

    Nope, scratch that third theory. I can only come up with two theories right now. Still thinking about other theory. Man, this game is too deep!

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  • Maybe Chloe was there because she bought the weed from Frank?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Hmmm... maybe Frank was there because Chloe called him, and told him she would pay off a part of her debt... then again, Chloe tells us in e

  • i was like : Please , let her die ; please let her die :)) .

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    Rhaegar- posted: »

    Ah... the mini-games to tell them . I wanted them into The Walking Dead s3... I changed my mind ). And about the story , I am the only one

  • PM.

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    I had been digging through LiS file, and... I found a really, really BIG spoilers regarding MAJOR CHOICES in Episode 3. I am gonna shut up now.

  • do you have a pic.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    I have a teacher in real life that looks just like Mr Jefferson but with black hair, strange enough he also teaches in the "arts" section.

  • Is it me or:

    • When Kate dies, Nathan wil lbe smiling at Victoria.

    • When you save Kate, Nathan will have a blank/frowning face.

    Oh yeah, the leaked Episode 2 shows the computer screen with Kate's pictures before panning to the red book.

  • Looking around youtubers are really struggling to save Kate, i've only seen 1 or 2 manage so far.

    It seems to be most do all the options right however forget her mother hates her and which bible verse she likes. Also nearly everyone has this exchange

    Kate: " You're such a good person max, even if you're full of crap.... but I'll come with you your my friend"

    Player: "Yes , great I did it"

    Max: "Forever, can we hug on it"

    Player: "Phew I did it"


    Player: "...wait what?"

  • It seems that the "right" option to choose just to properly get the flow is the "Everybody will forget" option and yeah....

    People who are suffering depression gets major mood swings wherein they go full 180 and flip out. But, I don't blame them.

    Looking around youtubers are really struggling to save Kate, i've only seen 1 or 2 manage so far. It seems to be most do all the options

  • The first mess up varies (if you photo david and her can you actually not have her step back?)

    The main one is most people choosing "Everybody will forget"

    After that its either they pick the mom

    the bible quote is the clincher though, the people who get to that point usually lose her, thought eh fastest I've seen is in two dialogues, someone photo'd her and david and didnt answer kate and picked the wrong answers (he was trying to save her)

    It seems that the "right" option to choose just to properly get the flow is the "Everybody will forget" option and yeah.... People who are suffering depression gets major mood swings wherein they go full 180 and flip out. But, I don't blame them.

  • Hi guys,

    I'm part of the writing team down at Throwing Digital Sheep, a console oriented video gaming website. Here's a look at my review of Episode Two, completely spoiler-free -
    Do let us know what you think :)


  • Here's an HD version of the teaser for Episode 3.

  • Tell me, how did you manage to convert BIK file?

    Here's an HD version of the teaser for Episode 3.

  • I think whether or not you water the plant results in possibly owning kates rabbit.

    I think the site max is looking at, about cosmonauts, might be very important to the story im sure at least one other character has some sort of time power, for some reason right now I suspect frank

  • She says something about smelling alcohol on his breath in her diary after the first encounter with him

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Do you guys know if Max said something about the Principal drinking lots or something?

  • Oh... How can I forget important such important things? Anyways, thanks again for pointing it out :)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I think that the fact that Chloe knows Rachel's parents, sinks this theory.

  • Just wanted to say i love talking to yall about the game. I really enjoy all the positivity and great conversations and discussions :)

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited March 2015

    When Kate dies, Nathan will be smiling at Victoria.
    When you save Kate, Nathan will have a blank/frowning face.

    Let's compare:

    Dead Kate (24:34):

    Living Kate (13:26):

    I can't see a difference honestly.

    Is it me or: * When Kate dies, Nathan wil lbe smiling at Victoria. * When you save Kate, Nathan will have a blank/frowning face.


  • It''s alright. It's already been 2 months since the first episode was released, so it can be easy to forget some details. Really, the only reason I remember it so well, is because I replayed it the day before episode 2 was released.

    CatySky posted: »

    Oh... How can I forget important such important things? Anyways, thanks again for pointing it out

  • edited March 2015

    That could be it as well.

    Another thing that I've been thinking about, is, Nathan got the gun from Frank. I'm not sure, but in one of the the preview pics for episode 4, one them is someone pointing a gun at somebody. The gun looks exactly the same as Nathan's, and the jacket looks a lot like Frank's.

    Then again, the gun could just be a reused asset.

    Edit: Added pics

    Nathan, with the gun:

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    Episode 4 preview pics:

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    prink34320 posted: »

    Maybe Chloe was there because she bought the weed from Frank?

  • The Universe is a big troll. It bestows upon Max the ability to rewind time, and change events, like saving Chloe, but then it doesn't want things to stray from their intended course, so there are things that keep repeating, like Chloe dying or Alyssa getting hit in the head with an object, and, sort of, as way to punish Max for changing events, a huge cyclone is going to destroy Arcadia Bay. Or maybe it'll be chaos throughout the entire world?

  • Isnt that hard.

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    Tell me, how did you manage to convert BIK file?

  • Episode 3 Choices has been lefted in the files,beware do not ENTER 4chan you could get spoiled,i found them in my files too.This could mean that episode 3 will get leaked too after 2-3 days later,hope not, dontnod watch what're you doing.

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