Happy 10 Year Anniversary Telltale!
Saw this in the blog:
2014 is Telltale's tenth anniversary year; seeing in the climactic finales of the critically acclaimed and best-selling The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead: Season Two. With the recent premieres of both Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands, our 2015 lineup will include the remainder of both of those new series, and now it will also include the premiere of Minecraft: Story Mode.
After ten years of making games, Telltale is JUST getting started! We would like to thank all of our incredible fans across the world, as we continue to forge ahead in creating adventures where the most important author of each story is YOU. We'll have more in the months ahead, but for now, we thank you again, and wish you a safe and happy holiday and a prosperous New Year!
Thank you Telltale for making such amazing story-driven games. Hope to see you guys continue to do so in the future.
Merry Birthversary Telltale.
GG Telltale.
Happy birthday Telltale, thanks for bringing back these point and click games to my life.
Is it appropriate to say happy birth day to telltale? Either way, happy birthday telltale and here's to many more!
Happy 10th!
Telltale used to make this? Wow, they made a huge jump in the past couple years.
Happy (Not so) Birthday!!!
If you want to see a really big jump, check out this - Telltale's first game, Telltale Texas Hold'em (from 2005).
Each Telltale game uses an updated version of the same engine from previous titles. The same engine that runs games like Wolf Among Us, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, etc could also run old titles like this from when Telltale was first made.
They from that to games that make wanna cry my eyes out.
That really shows how much a company can change.
They do comedy and drama equally as well, and sometimes both. The finales of Tales of Monkey Island: The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood and Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse - The City That Dares Not Sleep were real tearjerkers.
I never really got to play those games, were they PC exclusives?
Both Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse and Tales from Monkey Island are available on PlayStation 3 as well (and Tales from Monkey Island is also available for the Wii and iOS). If you have a PlayStation 3, I'd recommend picking them up, as they're both quite good.
I just got rid of my PS3
Happy Birthday ^^
You're - the BEST!
I love that profile picture.
Thank YOU ^^
I'm going to guess you're a fan of Korra?
Yes! ^^
I'm Ultra-Mega-Super fanboy
You talk to Green yet? :P
We're friends with this man
Green's a pretty awesome dude.
He's cool person
Happy 10th.
Telltale's reaction to this thread:
Seriously, happy 10th anniversary guys!
Thank you Telltale!