Anyone gonna buy this once it gets released?



  • I won't want to argue, so...

    Alt text

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Meh - mediocre; lackluster; unexceptional; uninspiring.

  • So uh are u scared of the uh immature fanbase incoming from minecraft i love the game but im scared of the immature players in the fanbase that will be on the forums

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    yea... no knowing myself i won't i don't have any interest in minecraft at all i will have to be really bored and have nothing to play if i am gonna get this which most likely won't happen

  • oh yea the immature fanbase is another reason why i think this was a bad choice

    Lehfeels posted: »

    So uh are u scared of the uh immature fanbase incoming from minecraft i love the game but im scared of the immature players in the fanbase that will be on the forums

  • I'll watch some playthroughs and if it looks like fun,I'll try it. Telltales track record of late had been good so I don't doubt they'll do something interesting with the concept. I'm not judging it until I see it.

  • I am :) Can't wait :)

  • edited December 2014

    Yes, i will give it a chance :) Telltale didn't leave me any reason not to :) So fars so good. Never dissapointed.

  • Well, my opinion is that..... oh wait, i can't have one... You can't have an opinion without even PICTURES of the game, never mind a trailer. I was... to say the least... surprised when i read about it, but I'm open-minded. As much as Minecraft is open-world and wouldn't make much sense with a storyline, I'd like to see how they take it. TellTale are amazing with their storylines and random surprises, and the fact they announced it would "involve the community a lot" to make it more "Minecraft-y" is great, considering Minecraft is a community.

  • I will not buy it, but I'm curious to see what they will create. But i played this game in 6th grade, how can this possibly be a story game?

  • I like this perspective.....

    KCohere posted: »

    I'll watch some playthroughs and if it looks like fun,I'll try it. Telltales track record of late had been good so I don't doubt they'll do something interesting with the concept. I'm not judging it until I see it.

  • I love all the TTG games. I will buy it.

  • edited December 2014

    I honestly have mixed feelings about this, but seeing as TellTale has been on a roll with their recent releases, I see no problem with giving this one a try. And I'm a bit surprised to see how many people are already talking how this is a bad decision and how this game will flop before even watching a trailer for the game? Does anyone here remember how many people bashed Tales From the Borderlands before it even came out? And now almost everybody loves it.

  • Stop comparing this to Tales.

    They are different, people didn't like Tales because they thought it would take up space for TWD but people dislike this because they dislike the idea. Two different things...

    I honestly have mixed feelings about this, but seeing as TellTale has been on a roll with their recent releases, I see no problem with givin

  • I don't want to jump to decisions since Telltale proved me wrong with Borderlands, but I will be waiting to hear what others are saying once it's out. I just cannot fathom how this will turn out good...

  • edited December 2014

    Well um im gonna link some intresting stuff that they could do i found this 1 backstory called backstory of herobrine sounds like something the game could do possibly

  • when i first saw The Wolf Among Us, I was i told myself i would never buy they stupid ass looking game, and i questioned why people would think about buying that game because it looked ridiculous, well i bought it because it was on sale and i just finished it today, and well telltale made a great f*cking game, so the moral of this story is you can't judge a book by its cover

  • have u tried sam and max i heard its good u can get 3 seasons of it for 10 bucks on steam not to go off topic but on topic i agree i love minecraft so this is a pro for me and i think it could be a intresting game

    when i first saw The Wolf Among Us, I was i told myself i would never buy they stupid ass looking game, and i questioned why people would th

  • I'm curious to see how they go about it, but I don't know if I'll buy it when the first episode comes out or wait for the retail version so I can rent it. I only played a little bit of Minecraft with my nephew so it's not something I'm that knowledgeable of.

  • I think I'll try out the demo, and if it really tickles my fancy I might buy it. I don't know how TTG will make Minecraft into one of their games, I could see Borderlands working out when it was being shown but I can't really see Minecraft working out.

  • not a chance.

  • edited December 2014

    Its a Telltale Game, so of course. Might not purchase season pass immediately like I have done with previous Telltale works but I am for sure gonna buy the first episode the day it gets released.

  • Well I love Telltale's stories they make usually, eh.... I'll just play the demo first to see if it's good or not. If not, then why do I care? It's not going to ruin my life or anything like that.

  • I don't get the joke

    CrazyGeorge posted: »


  • They shoulda just made sam and max season 4 !!! WHY TELLTALE WHY !! There is only so much i can replay the 3 seasons every year :\ how about instead of buying this we go play the 3 sam and max seasons and remember when telltale was funny and made actual hard games

  • edited December 2014

    I'll read the reviews and make my decision from there.

    Also, I bet that most of the people here saying no WILL in fact buy it.

  • Or they won't.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I'll read the reviews and make my decision from there. Also, I bet that most of the people here saying no WILL in fact buy it.

  • I've seen a lot of empty gamer-threats in my time.

    Or they won't.

  • Yeah, however a lot of people here hate this idea and they might keep their word.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I've seen a lot of empty gamer-threats in my time.

  • Meincraft shall conquer the world unless we do something about it.

  • Sam & Max is FAR from being anything remotely hard especially Season 3, and if you managed to play Tales from the borderlands you would know that Telltale still haven't lost their touch when it comes to comedy. I want a season 4 too, but patience is a virtue and if the games Telltale are making right now are any indication. I seriously don't mind waiting for another Season if were getting GREAT games like Tales From The Borderlands and Game Of Thrones.

    They shoulda just made sam and max season 4 !!! WHY TELLTALE WHY !! There is only so much i can replay the 3 seasons every year how about i

  • Remember when everyone hated the idea of Wolf Among Us?

    Or...Tales from the Borderlands?

    Or hell, Walking Dead Season 1 got a bit of hate before release.

    Yeah, however a lot of people here hate this idea and they might keep their word.

  • Yes, that was because they thought it was going to take up the resources for other games, people don't like this because of the asic idea and/ or the fanbase coming.

    Mrbman9001 posted: »

    Remember when everyone hated the idea of Wolf Among Us? Or...Tales from the Borderlands? Or hell, Walking Dead Season 1 got a bit of hate before release.

  • Idea and fanbase was the reason for Tales from the Borderlands' hate.

    Yes, that was because they thought it was going to take up the resources for other games, people don't like this because of the asic idea and/ or the fanbase coming.

  • I saw more hate for it taking up TWD's time than it did for the fanbase. I literally saw one or two threads hating the fanbase and only a few hating the idea, however there were some for hating the idea. The thing is that hating the idea was more down to skepticism because Borderlands had story yet people forget that.

    Mrbman9001 posted: »

    Idea and fanbase was the reason for Tales from the Borderlands' hate.

  • I'm doing what I do with any game. I'm waiting to see reviews and information and deciding from there. I like most of Telltale's material so I'm definitely going to be following this title closely.

  • What I don't understand is how people act like this is already the worst game in the world. The Lego movie did well by using a lot of other franchises in Lego form, it's entirely possible that there could be a mix of Telltale characters in this game. Don't count this game out just because it's Minecraft.

  • it's entirely possible that there could be a mix of Telltale characters in this game

    Please no.

    I've come to the fact that there will be a Minecraft game and I shouldn't hate it yet but please anything but that.

    What I don't understand is how people act like this is already the worst game in the world. The Lego movie did well by using a lot of other

  • edited December 2014

    I bought every TTG since Walking Dead Season 1. I will preorder it as soon as it is possible on Steam. I trust Telltale to make Minecraft to something epic.

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