I'm not into shipping really, but I think Rhys and Sasha have some chemistry. Anyway, i'm fine with anything Telltale want to do... as long as The Gang doesn't die... please? :<
I'm not into shipping really, but I think Rhys and Sasha have some chemistry. Anyway, i'm fine with anything Telltale want to do... as long as The Gang doesn't die... please? :<
I'm not into shipping really, but I think Rhys and Sasha have some chemistry. Anyway, i'm fine with anything Telltale want to do... as long as The Gang doesn't die... please? :<
Lol, that's pretty much canon what you just described... xD
More like when.
Listen this is Telltale's TWD, people are gonna die, it's just the way it is.....oh wait....TFTB never mind they may have a chance here.
I hope so, cause that cliffhanger kinda made me second guess myself...
She is? When do we find that out?
We can scan her with the echoeye.
Both in ep1 and 2.