4 hours

4 hours is what I clocked in at for the first episode. Averages I've seen from other people total to about 3 and a half hours, give or take minutes.

Impressive Telltale. I'm really psyched for more episodes this long (and especially of this quality)!


  • How did you get 4 hours? I clocked in about 2 and a half and I looked at everything I could :0

  • edited December 2014

    Actually the average time for most people is 2 and a half hours at most, don't know how you managed to add an hour and a half to that but good job :P

  • Are you sure you didn't black out at some point and lose time, or are you just really bad at QTEs?

  • Pretty sure I never blacked out, pretty sure I'm good with the QTEs.

    Some crazy shit.

    Are you sure you didn't black out at some point and lose time, or are you just really bad at QTEs?

  • It was a joke, Pumpkin, lighten up.

    I'm genuinely curious as to how you managed to clock that time - I'd personally love to be able to replicate it! I think both my playthroughs have been around the 2 and a half hour mark, and I thought I did everything I could, but clearly not?

    Pretty sure I never blacked out, pretty sure I'm good with the QTEs. Some crazy shit.

  • edited December 2014


    I was surprised too. It was definitely the longest Telltale episode I've ever played, and I've played plenty of Telltale games. I looked through a lot of the Steam reviews and it seemed pretty solid, at least for the positive reviews, to be about 3 - 3 1/2 hours each, with some going to 2 hours, some to 4, and negative reviews staying around 1 hour. No clue how I got that far though.

    It was a joke, Pumpkin, lighten up. I'm genuinely curious as to how you managed to clock that time - I'd personally love to be able to re

  • Colour me intrigued - this calls for a third playthrough!

    que I was surprised too. It was definitely the longest Telltale episode I've ever played, and I've played plenty of Telltale games. I loo

  • Tell us your secret! There's no way it lasted more than 2,5 hours for me (no pun or dirty joke intended).

  • I'm curious as hell as to how you mananged to play that long :)

    Because it took me about half of that lol (2:15 or something).

    Seeing as most choices have a timer, you can't take more time there. I always let them talk until it's almost too late.

    The hubs weren't very hard either. The only one that could take you maybe 5-10 minutes is the one where you have to 'find' the vent.

    All in all, it's close to impossible for it to take more than 160 minutes.

  • What the hell. I searched everything and only got at 2.5 hours. Did you die during every QTE or something lmao?!

  • Clearly you've never played anything they made before Back to the Future, if this was the longest episode you've ever played.

    que I was surprised too. It was definitely the longest Telltale episode I've ever played, and I've played plenty of Telltale games. I loo

  • You sure you didn't take a toilet break during the playthough? Because I did that and I still got over 2 and a half hour.

  • I got about 2 hours and 15 minutes. Fantastic Episode in all aspects, including length.

  • He left the game on, got some coffee, took a shower, get the groceries and finished it. 4 hours.

  • edited December 2014

    I am a bit dubious about this. I tend to take my time, even getting up to take little breaks and I got nowhere near four hours.

  • well 2 hours was the most a telltale game was before they shorten them for wolf and season 2 of walking dead. the only reason any of them made it to 3 was due to getting stuck so 2 seems to be the norm even back then.

    Clearly you've never played anything they made before Back to the Future, if this was the longest episode you've ever played.

  • Getting stuck is the entirety of the gameplay, and thus counts for time to complete. The points when you get stuck are literally the points in which you are actually playing the game, as in, applying logic in order to obtain a solution, which is the entire objective of playing.

    megamike15 posted: »

    well 2 hours was the most a telltale game was before they shorten them for wolf and season 2 of walking dead. the only reason any of them made it to 3 was due to getting stuck so 2 seems to be the norm even back then.

  • There are so many miss-able things in TellTaleGame's games, I guess you looked at every possible thing, interacted with every possible object, scanned and read everything and talked to every single person and you may have also let the time go down and made your decision right before time out like I do to hear all the dialogue :3 and maybe chose decisions that extended the length of gameplay o:

  • It depends on how you pace yourself though, not everyone is going to get on with the game, when I first played The Walking Dead Game Season 1 I never knew how much extra content I missed in each episode until I replayed it, just because one person takes a certain amount of time to finish an episode of a game doesn't mean it's unrealistic for another to take almost twice as longer.

  • I think it is unless this guy paused the game for about an hour or replayed scenes.

    prink34320 posted: »

    It depends on how you pace yourself though, not everyone is going to get on with the game, when I first played The Walking Dead Game Season

  • Well he might not read very fast for all we know or he could've admired the scenery, It took me a bit over 3 hours doing everything I could find but I'm a speed reader so :x

    KCohere posted: »

    I think it is unless this guy paused the game for about an hour or replayed scenes.

  • You can't not read fast because of the timers on the dialogue choices. Is this was a different kind of game, everyone could take as long as they want, but it kind of pushes you along at a certain pace. Four hours just seems unbelievable. That's almost twice as long as anyone else has reported.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Well he might not read very fast for all we know or he could've admired the scenery, It took me a bit over 3 hours doing everything I could find but I'm a speed reader so :x

  • Took me 2 and a half hours for both of the new TT episodes (if you don't count me having to redo scenes on account of my laptop continuously overheating and shutting down).

  • There are no timers when scanning objects and reading them though...

    KCohere posted: »

    You can't not read fast because of the timers on the dialogue choices. Is this was a different kind of game, everyone could take as long as

  • Really pushing for it, in other words, not coming by it naturally.

  • Took me three hours;

    -Played a quarter (30min)
    - Poop time (10min)
    -Ate some food (5min)
    -Played a half (1 hr)
    - Jumpscare took me 5min to revive
    - 10min shower
    -played last part (1 hr)

    Three hours.

  • I tried to get my sister to start gaming, figured Telltale would be a good place to start. It took her about two hours just to play through the demo for Game of Thrones...

    Are you sure you didn't black out at some point and lose time, or are you just really bad at QTEs?

  • The demo was 30 minutes at the most.

    nursethalia posted: »

    I tried to get my sister to start gaming, figured Telltale would be a good place to start. It took her about two hours just to play through the demo for Game of Thrones...

  • I like how the OP never commented on this thread again.

  • OP saw all the responses and was like:

    Alt text

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I like how the OP never commented on this thread again.

  • Checking from my stream time for my first playthrough, 3 hours, give or take -10 or -20 minutes for messing with the main menu and wasting time to give people a chance to join. I died once I believe, I kept forgetting if it was the arrow keys or wasd keys I needed to use for the plain arrows/I forgot about the quick time events. (Poor Rhys died to the bus full of Raiders.)

  • I know, it's hilarious. She was so proud of herself when she finally "beat the demo". Just felt like sharing, since OP said they spent 4 hours playing episode one of TFTBL.

    KCohere posted: »

    The demo was 30 minutes at the most.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited January 2015

    You can add a lot of time to your playthrough by looking at every item both with the regular look and with the bionic Eye of Rhys (I didn't even realize you could do that with every lookable object until the museum, and ended up with a longer playtime my second go through because of it).

    On a side note, If you haven't done that, I highly recommend it. There's a lot of funny jokes added into the game through the eye's printout description of objects. :)

  • I got like 2 hours and a half.

  • OP, come back! We're not judging, promise. You probably just took your time and enjoyed yourself. I usually save that for my second playthrough - I always get too impatient on the initial run.

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