
I just finished episode 1 and it was great! Funny, very nice atmosphere and even a hint of Full Throttle in there :D ( the post-apocalyptic destruction derby)
But - and this was a same feeling I had while playing The Walking Dead - I sometimes miss the lack of puzzles. As an old school adventure gamer, it's sometimes frustrating that the game won't let me pick up/search stuff myself (for example the ID-tag). Thoughts?

Nonetheless I'm waiting eagerly for ep 2!


  • Well the thing is that the walking dead Season 1 had puzzles and the puzzles in that game were a joke, and in some ways detracting from the overall experience, so if Telltale were to bring back Puzzles they would have to be Sam & Max/Tales From Monkey Island quality. Hell I'll even take Back To The Future's puzzles over TWD S1's.

  • Lol remember when Back to the Future's puzzles were shit?

    Well the thing is that the walking dead Season 1 had puzzles and the puzzles in that game were a joke, and in some ways detracting from the

  • I think a good approach to puzzles would be making them optional content that normally leads to a more enjoyable outcome of said situation. However what i'm about to say sounds like i'm trying to get a telltale but i'm not, however I think puzzles would conflict with their current model of game that leads to high sales without needing to add puzzles, hubs etc. So from a business standpoint I can't see them finding a reason to put puzzles in.

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