Unaddressed audio error?

If you choose the option to blow Augusts mind, when Rhys says the line, "Actually, that's okay, you don't know it yet", the sound quality is horribly low. This only happens with that line from what I've seen from my own playthrough and from watching a bunch of YouTubers. I haven't seen anyone point this out yet. Either that or I just haven't looked hard enough.

Scene I'm talking about is at 0:42



  • I...assumed he was whispering for dramatic effect.

  • Not trying to be nitpicky or anything :P

    It's just that I haven't really seen anyone talk about it before. It's not like it ruined the game for me or anything it's just that I find it weird that it's just THAT part that's messed up but the rest of the game is fine.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2014

    Yeah. He's definitely speaking low on purpose for dramatic effect. You can tell by his line immediately afterward "that this... this is it". He begins with the same low tone and then gradually increases it when he gets further into his speech.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I...assumed he was whispering for dramatic effect.

  • I thought it was weird, yeah, but I kind of forgot abot it by the time I had finished.

  • I noticed and thought it was weird but it was just 1 line so I was fine with it.

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