"Here is a lesson in creative writing. First rule: Do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you've been to college." -- Kurt Vonnegut
To me, I don't like the idea of messing with a universe that someone else has already created, and if they want to write a story, why not cr… moreeate their own unique world and come up with their own characters instead of using someone else's? I don't know, I just really feel weird about it.
Yet you like telltale games?
When people throw cats and chickens at you.
When people excuse verbal bullying and harassment as just a 'joke'.
When people provide no… more evidence on a topic you're discussing and only provide assumptions as evidence.
When someone asks you to do something and you do it and when you ask them to do something and they say they'll do it but don't.
When people get mad at you just for saying "Hi".
When people don't know you but they pretend like you're their best friend(awkwardness).
When people slap you with a rubber chicken and alternatively a raw fish.
When people won't leave you alone even when you ask politely.
When people steal your favourite games and pretend that they never had it.
When people joke about serious topics that you feel strongly about.
When people throw cats and chickens at you.
When people excuse verbal bullying and harassment as just a 'joke'.
When people provide no… more evidence on a topic you're discussing and only provide assumptions as evidence.
When someone asks you to do something and you do it and when you ask them to do something and they say they'll do it but don't.
When people get mad at you just for saying "Hi".
When people don't know you but they pretend like you're their best friend(awkwardness).
When people slap you with a rubber chicken and alternatively a raw fish.
When people won't leave you alone even when you ask politely.
When people steal your favourite games and pretend that they never had it.
When people joke about serious topics that you feel strongly about.
I appreciate your position but the 'he could speak english better than you could speak whatever-language' is very flawed.
We can't speak whatever-language....and we don't try to. Lots of people try to speak english when they can't, and hence I find annoyance understandable.
It should always be constructive criticism, but it seems that whenever someone's grammar is corrected you're automatically a grammar nazi.
I hate grammar nazis, they fucking annoy the brains out of my head.
I would like to see grammar nazis try speaking my language, so I could laugh their fucking faces in if even a one fucking word goes wrong.
I personally don't see any logical basis for that, but to each their own I suppose. To me it's akin to saying that keeping "do not" as two separate words is an incorrect thing to do just because there are more people that simply say "don't". Popular usage shouldn't dictate what is actually correct or not. Either something is acceptable or it isn't.
I don't think that in linguistics, unless two different spellings are believed by the exact same number of people, two divergent spellings can be equally correct, as 'correctness' is based on how many people use said spelling.
My addictions, having a addictive personality doesn't help. I would like to live a few days and feel like i don't need, like a rusty nail scratching at the back of my brain; constantly reminding me of the desire to indulge . The anxiety when i know i need to go back and resupply, i see it getting lower and lower, like a taillight fading from the distance.
I personally don't see any logical basis for that, but to each their own I suppose. To me it's akin to saying that keeping "do not" as two s… moreeparate words is an incorrect thing to do just because there are more people that simply say "don't". Popular usage shouldn't dictate what is actually correct or not. Either something is acceptable or it isn't.
I highly disagree with where you're trying to take that point, but I really don't want to veer too far off course here.
After further reading I have found that it is only necessary to include hyphens following prefixes when the prefix itself adds ambiguity to the word, or when same vowels match up side by side because of the prefix. It isn't necessary to place a hyphen after the prefix in the word "semicolon", so I suppose there probably shouldn't be one. Personally I have always found it to look better with a hyphen, but if there is no reason to have one, I'll avoid using it in the future.
To me, I don't like the idea of messing with a universe that someone else has already created, and if they want to write a story, why not cr… moreeate their own unique world and come up with their own characters instead of using someone else's? I don't know, I just really feel weird about it.
Everywhere I go, I somehow manage to make a friend who loves Fan Fiction.
Overall, this world tends to turn my stomach every now and then. And I don't really like America with the lack of gun control and violent it can get there. I mean, who wants to live somewhere that if you say one little thing... POW!, you're dead!
People who think they're superior because they watch and read obscure tv shows/movies/literature, or because they like to drink tea. Basically hipsters. Hipsters are annoying as hell.
Strictly things or people that annoy you? Ok, I can do that. I'll exclude the things and people I hate.
Social Justice Warriors. All they… more ever do is scream and cry about some "tragedy" on their blog, and attack/hate on people they deem "problematic". They don't actually contribute positively to their cause, in fact they don't even have a cause. They just want an excuse to complain, but make it look like they're doing something worth while. Lazy and selfish is what they are.
Over-sensitive people who get offended way too easily. Any opinion that isn't theirs offends them, all jokes are offensive if they don't think it's funny, even facts offend some of them. They always expect an apology if you unknowingly offend them, even though that's not enough most of the time, and everybody needs to be politically correct so nobody gets their feelings hurt. Just..wtf. Grow a thicker skin and get over it.
Race Baiters. Fuck you Al Sharpton.
O… [view original content]
Overall, this world tends to turn my stomach every now and then. And I don't really like America with the lack of gun control and violent it can get there. I mean, who wants to live somewhere that if you say one little thing... POW!, you're dead!
Gun Control would actually put our lives even more at risk imo. It would disarm our law abiding citizens, and the only people that have firearms would be the police. If someone breaks into your home threatening to kill you, and it takes 5+ minutes for the police to arrive, you can't afford to wait that long. Those few minutes could be a difference between life and death. Places that openly advertise they're a "no gun zone" have been the places that shooters have targeted as of late. And just because we ban guns, doesn't mean they'll disappear off the streets. Heroin and Cocaine are illegal, but criminals still get a hold of those drugs and sell them. Since when have criminals followed the law? What would happen if strict Gun Control was implemented is our law abiding citizens being left defenseless to the criminals.
Social Justice Warriors.
I feel the same way.
You think you're a fucking plant?
That's actually pretty funny. XD
… more Self hating Americans.
Overall, this world tends to turn my stomach every now and then. And I don't really like America with the lack of gun control and violent it can get there. I mean, who wants to live somewhere that if you say one little thing... POW!, you're dead!
People who think they're superior because they watch and read obscure tv shows/movies/literature, or because they like to drink tea. Basically hipsters. Hipsters are annoying as hell.
I abhor hipsters. I eat them for fun.
I hate untrustworthy people who gossip things you told them or people who are nice to your face then talk crap behind your back
Homophobes,sexists etc
Online friends I hate the type who only want to talk to you when it entertains them, they ignore your messages most times and sometimes switch to offline or invisible just to ignore you and they think you don't notice without just saying they are busy at least but when you say you have something important to tell them they suddenly appear every time for gossip :P
People who get easily offended
People without an open mind who is always right and never respects a persons opinion or try to learn from others, can actually accept when they are wrong
Negative people who hate life and everyone who always moan about themselves and their lives who never appreciate the gift what life is or even relish what a real hard life is
People who will always follow popular opinion and never speak their mind
People who mock honesty and are scared to appear weak, like when someones explains their troubles they instantly call then weak and drama queens
People who use the silent treatment if you have a problem with someone tell the person what it is and what they can do to make you forgive them then you can sort it don't just ignore them till they figure it out. If my TV was broken I wouldn't just turn my back and ignore it till it worked I'd be standing there forever fix it
When people judge you and try to explain how you should act and how they are better then you
People who take advantage of those who struggle to appear cooler in others eyes
Batman just die
When people get mad at you because you were honest instead of saying what they wanted to hear
People who interpret a line from the bible to make violence or evil actions acceptable or to hate on certain people you can technically interpret any line from the bible to mean whatever you like
I remember my first day on the forum I asked a question and every single answer complained about my grammar instead of answering the question it was like a spelling test or something even questioning my mental state it was so much abuse and bullying lucky I have a strong mental head
I have dyslexia so of course I will make a minor mistake but it was perfectly understandable question and so will some people with their comments it happens judge by the quality of the answer/question not the grammar
Answer the question/comment not a minor mistake that's what the forum is for
Thankfully after that day it was fine I made over 60 threads and that was my only bad encounter I nearly left after that experience thankfully I didn't
I hate grammar nazis, they fucking annoy the brains out of my head.
I would like to see grammar nazis try speaking my language, so I could laugh their fucking faces in if even a one fucking word goes wrong.
XD what I love about your list is someone could technically be everything on it in fact this sounds fairly common I met a few people like this be prepared if someone did all this at the same time to you I think you would explode it's possible
I hate when people are really angry, yet continue to smile. In 2nd grade, I had a friend's mom threaten me by saying that if I tell her daug… morehter Santa isn't real, I wouldn't be able to play with her again. All with a goddamn smile on her face.
People who take offense to every little thing.
When guys randomly spit on the ground, usually when they are walking.
People who are clingy, I need my space.
When people honk their horns at EVERYTHING while driving.
People who keep talking and don't know when to zip it.
Guys who catcall
Strictly things or people that annoy you? Ok, I can do that. I'll exclude the things and people I hate.
Social Justice Warriors. All they… more ever do is scream and cry about some "tragedy" on their blog, and attack/hate on people they deem "problematic". They don't actually contribute positively to their cause, in fact they don't even have a cause. They just want an excuse to complain, but make it look like they're doing something worth while. Lazy and selfish is what they are.
Over-sensitive people who get offended way too easily. Any opinion that isn't theirs offends them, all jokes are offensive if they don't think it's funny, even facts offend some of them. They always expect an apology if you unknowingly offend them, even though that's not enough most of the time, and everybody needs to be politically correct so nobody gets their feelings hurt. Just..wtf. Grow a thicker skin and get over it.
Race Baiters. Fuck you Al Sharpton.
O… [view original content]
True but what about the other possible occurrences? Sometimes it's not a criminal and is just a citizen with a gun in their hands. For example; there are school shootings that are sometimes caused by fellow students, even the last person they would suspect. Or say a kid stole their parent's gun and used it on someone they don't like. And sometimes when a marriage goes really bad, one of them ends up killing the other with the weapon they own. Common criminals aren't the only problem, it's also the regular citizens that could possibly end up using gun against another in a chaotic matter. It's honestly a lose-lose scenario.
Overall, this world tends to turn my stomach every now and then. And I don't really like America with the lack of gun control and violent it… more can get there. I mean, who wants to live somewhere that if you say one little thing... POW!, you're dead!
Gun Control would actually put our lives even more at risk imo. It would disarm our law abiding citizens, and the only people that have firearms would be the police. If someone breaks into your home threatening to kill you, and it takes 5+ minutes for the police to arrive, you can't afford to wait that long. Those few minutes could be a difference between life and death. Places that openly advertise they're a "no gun zone" have been the places that shooters have targeted as of late. And just because we ban guns, doesn't mean they'll disappear off the streets. Heroin and Cocaine are illegal, but criminals still get a hold of those drugs and sell them. Since when have criminals followed the law… [view original content]
Me to >:(
I remember my first day on the forum I asked a question and every single answer complained about my grammar instead of answe… morering the question it was like a spelling test or something even questioning my mental state it was so much abuse and bullying lucky I have a strong mental head
I have dyslexia so of course I will make a minor mistake but it was perfectly understandable question and so will some people with their comments it happens judge by the quality of the answer/question not the grammar
Answer the question/comment not a minor mistake that's what the forum is for
Thankfully after that day it was fine I made over 60 threads and that was my only bad encounter I nearly left after that experience thankfully I didn't
The schools that kids usually end up shooting up are Gun Free zones, so it takes a while for the police to be alerted of the shooting, to arrive, and to defuse the situation. If the teachers were trained and armed, I think that several deaths and injuries could be prevented. Not only because the kid will hesitate before making such a decision, but because if the kid still ended up going through with it, a teacher can incapacitate them before too many people are hurt. Kids who steal guns from their parents, that's on the parents hands. One extremely important rule that goes along with owning a gun is making sure that the guns are 100% inaccessible to kids, and to always have the keys to the gun safe on your person and/or very well hidden. A kid taking the gun is the parent's fault, not every other gun owning citizen's. As for a marriage going sour..well that's an isolated incident, and I don't think it's quite fair to punish every sane individual simply because there are people out there who snap and actually want to kill their wife/husband.
True but what about the other possible occurrences? Sometimes it's not a criminal and is just a citizen with a gun in their hands. For examp… morele; there are school shootings that are sometimes caused by fellow students, even the last person they would suspect. Or say a kid stole their parent's gun and used it on someone they don't like. And sometimes when a marriage goes really bad, one of them ends up killing the other with the weapon they own. Common criminals aren't the only problem, it's also the regular citizens that could possibly end up using gun against another in a chaotic matter. It's honestly a lose-lose scenario.
When people change the topic of conversation before you're finished talking.
"Here is a lesson in creative writing. First rule: Do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you've been to college." -- Kurt Vonnegut
Since they are given permission by the original creator(s) (or they get the rights) I don't consider it Fan Fiction.
When people beat you in PVP because you were lagging or your computer froze.
I hate grammar nazis, they fucking annoy the brains out of my head.
I would like to see grammar nazis try speaking my language, so I could laugh their fucking faces in if even a one fucking word goes wrong.
I agree with 80%.
I would agree with the other 20% (cause they never happened to me)
Yeah, who watches nickelodeon anymore.
I appreciate your position but the 'he could speak english better than you could speak whatever-language' is very flawed.
We can't speak whatever-language....and we don't try to. Lots of people try to speak english when they can't, and hence I find annoyance understandable.
It should always be constructive criticism, but it seems that whenever someone's grammar is corrected you're automatically a grammar nazi.
I personally don't see any logical basis for that, but to each their own I suppose. To me it's akin to saying that keeping "do not" as two separate words is an incorrect thing to do just because there are more people that simply say "don't". Popular usage shouldn't dictate what is actually correct or not. Either something is acceptable or it isn't.
My addictions, having a addictive personality doesn't help. I would like to live a few days and feel like i don't need, like a rusty nail scratching at the back of my brain; constantly reminding me of the desire to indulge . The anxiety when i know i need to go back and resupply, i see it getting lower and lower, like a taillight fading from the distance.
If that were true then we'd all be speaking the same language we spoke hundreds of thousands of years ago.
I couldn't stop laughing about how the eye was off and the language...It just matches perfectly. XD
lol I love the le lenny face, it's just genius.
Can I just say everything?
I highly disagree with where you're trying to take that point, but I really don't want to veer too far off course here.
After further reading I have found that it is only necessary to include hyphens following prefixes when the prefix itself adds ambiguity to the word, or when same vowels match up side by side because of the prefix. It isn't necessary to place a hyphen after the prefix in the word "semicolon", so I suppose there probably shouldn't be one. Personally I have always found it to look better with a hyphen, but if there is no reason to have one, I'll avoid using it in the future.
I hate this as well.
What game you playing lol.
That was nice thing to say.
I want to reply you with some witty comment but I suck at witty comments so I'll just give you a thumbs-up instead.
I know what you mean, this is why I can't stand OCs and self-inserts. It's extremely rare for me to find fanfiction that I actually like.
I feel the same way.
That's actually pretty funny. XD
Overall, this world tends to turn my stomach every now and then. And I don't really like America with the lack of gun control and violent it can get there. I mean, who wants to live somewhere that if you say one little thing... POW!, you're dead!
I abhor hipsters. I eat them for fun.
FUCK Wallstreet
That's a lot of stuff.
When someone talk with food in his mouth.
Gun Control would actually put our lives even more at risk imo. It would disarm our law abiding citizens, and the only people that have firearms would be the police. If someone breaks into your home threatening to kill you, and it takes 5+ minutes for the police to arrive, you can't afford to wait that long. Those few minutes could be a difference between life and death. Places that openly advertise they're a "no gun zone" have been the places that shooters have targeted as of late. And just because we ban guns, doesn't mean they'll disappear off the streets. Heroin and Cocaine are illegal, but criminals still get a hold of those drugs and sell them. Since when have criminals followed the law? What would happen if strict Gun Control was implemented is our law abiding citizens being left defenseless to the criminals.
I hate untrustworthy people who gossip things you told them or people who are nice to your face then talk crap behind your back
Homophobes,sexists etc
Online friends I hate the type who only want to talk to you when it entertains them, they ignore your messages most times and sometimes switch to offline or invisible just to ignore you and they think you don't notice without just saying they are busy at least but when you say you have something important to tell them they suddenly appear every time for gossip :P
People who get easily offended
People without an open mind who is always right and never respects a persons opinion or try to learn from others, can actually accept when they are wrong
Negative people who hate life and everyone who always moan about themselves and their lives who never appreciate the gift what life is or even relish what a real hard life is
People who will always follow popular opinion and never speak their mind
People who mock honesty and are scared to appear weak, like when someones explains their troubles they instantly call then weak and drama queens
People who use the silent treatment if you have a problem with someone tell the person what it is and what they can do to make you forgive them then you can sort it don't just ignore them till they figure it out. If my TV was broken I wouldn't just turn my back and ignore it till it worked I'd be standing there forever fix it
When people judge you and try to explain how you should act and how they are better then you
People who take advantage of those who struggle to appear cooler in others eyes
Batman just die
When people get mad at you because you were honest instead of saying what they wanted to hear
People who interpret a line from the bible to make violence or evil actions acceptable or to hate on certain people you can technically interpret any line from the bible to mean whatever you like
I could go on for ages but then again ^
Me to >:(
I remember my first day on the forum I asked a question and every single answer complained about my grammar instead of answering the question it was like a spelling test or something even questioning my mental state it was so much abuse and bullying lucky I have a strong mental head
I have dyslexia so of course I will make a minor mistake but it was perfectly understandable question and so will some people with their comments it happens judge by the quality of the answer/question not the grammar
Answer the question/comment not a minor mistake that's what the forum is for
Thankfully after that day it was fine I made over 60 threads and that was my only bad encounter I nearly left after that experience thankfully I didn't
XD what I love about your list is someone could technically be everything on it in fact this sounds fairly common I met a few people like this be prepared if someone did all this at the same time to you I think you would explode it's possible
XD jk I would expand on some points but you explained everything pretty much perfectly nice
I don't like it when bronies shove their interests down peoples throat and post MLP related stuff in non related places.
XD I know the feel
True but what about the other possible occurrences? Sometimes it's not a criminal and is just a citizen with a gun in their hands. For example; there are school shootings that are sometimes caused by fellow students, even the last person they would suspect. Or say a kid stole their parent's gun and used it on someone they don't like. And sometimes when a marriage goes really bad, one of them ends up killing the other with the weapon they own. Common criminals aren't the only problem, it's also the regular citizens that could possibly end up using gun against another in a chaotic matter. It's honestly a lose-lose scenario.
My best friend in highschool had Dyslexia.
IMO, i think we all have our problems and i think some people do that to make themselves feel better about themselves.
The schools that kids usually end up shooting up are Gun Free zones, so it takes a while for the police to be alerted of the shooting, to arrive, and to defuse the situation. If the teachers were trained and armed, I think that several deaths and injuries could be prevented. Not only because the kid will hesitate before making such a decision, but because if the kid still ended up going through with it, a teacher can incapacitate them before too many people are hurt. Kids who steal guns from their parents, that's on the parents hands. One extremely important rule that goes along with owning a gun is making sure that the guns are 100% inaccessible to kids, and to always have the keys to the gun safe on your person and/or very well hidden. A kid taking the gun is the parent's fault, not every other gun owning citizen's. As for a marriage going sour..well that's an isolated incident, and I don't think it's quite fair to punish every sane individual simply because there are people out there who snap and actually want to kill their wife/husband.
XD nice