Who do you prefer?


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M. Bison

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John Marston

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Max Payne

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  • edited January 2015

    For a moment I thought you were going to say Vaas or Pegan Min, but here's my list:

    1) This one was hard, but I choose Clem. I liked the most about how si transformed from an innocent child to a younger "Ellie", if you get what I mean about it.

    2) This one was also hard (geez, you know how to make decisions hard), but I choose Joel

    3) Vass. His charismatic skills and his most famous quote made me love him and the game instantly.

    4) I haven't played those games, so it would be wrong for me to choose something I do not know. Sorry.

    5) Mario, for being an Italian plumber

    6) John Marston, for being a cowboy (or cow-man?) returning from crime to save his family in a harsh landscape. By the way, I like games set in the past, so Cowboy America Time is c00l for me.

  • edited January 2015
    1. Clementine, haven't played TLOU

    2. Lee, tough choice but I haven't play TLOU

    3. Vaas It would be insane not to

    4. Albert Wesker, them sunglasses though.

    5. Surprisingly Link. I prefer the Zelda games to Mario games.

    6. John Marston, one of the best protagonists of all time.

  • Joel has that old man strength.

    1. Ellie

    2. Aaaaa... I say 50/50, too hard to choose between these two badass madafackas

    3. Vaas

    4. M. Bison

    5. Mario

    6. John Marston

    1. Ellie Mostly because of Left Behind. We know much more about her than Clem, and she's a lot more competent in a fight.

    2. Joel I really, really love Lee, but man is Joel a complex character. Plus, he's probably capable of stomping Lee's head in (if he had a brick to throw first).

    3. Vaas Just for being so unstable and reminding me of Heath Ledger's Joker.

    4. Wesker Simply for those leather coat and sunglasses.

    5. Link Dude can use a sword and saves the world instead of just one princess. Besides, Mario never had to endure the water temple.

    6. Marston Incredibly cool protagonist I was very invested in. Max Payne is just so... Alcohol-fueled PTSD,

  • None of the above.

    1. Ellie
    2. Tough choice, but I'm gonna say Joel
    3. Vaas
    4. Wesker
    5. Mario
    6. Marston
    1. Clementine
    2. Lee
    3. Don't care
    4. Don't care
    5. Link
    6. Don't care
    1. Ellie cause she's a badass.
    2. Lee cause he's urban.
    3. Vaas cause he's crazy and I don't know that other dude.
    4. Wesker, don't know that other guy.
    5. Link I guess idc
    6. And John Marston cause he's a motherfucking cowboy.
    1. Clementine, i don't like Ellie's character. I would of exploded on her by now, because of her potty mouth.
    2. Lee- Easier to get along with than Joel.
    3. No idea who that is
    4. M. Bison at least we know he likes drinking, and having fun. Wesker is a butthurt child, who cries every time Chris Redfield spoils his plans like a cartoon version of Scooby Doo villain.
    5. Max Payne BABY, Alcoholics gotta stick together.

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    1. Clementine - She's my darling.

    2. Can't decide love them both.

    3. Vaas - A psychopath that spoke truth.

    4. Wesker - "Poor performance indeed!"

    5. Link - Grew up playing his games.

    6. Yet again, I can't decide soooo many good memories from both games!

    1. Ellie
    2. Joel
    3. Kane
    4. M.Bison
    5. Mario
    6. Max Payne
    1. Tough one, but gonna have to go with Clem
    2. Another tough one, but I'm gonna go with Lee
    3. Vaas, I don't know the other guy
    4. Wesker, because of his awesome sun glasses
    5. Link I guess
    6. John Marston, cause his slow motion allows him to target multiple people and kill them all in very quick shots
  • 1. Ellie Clementine is understandable because she's the character you want her to be, but that's exactly why I didn't choose her, because she could be anybody you want her to be. Ellie is probably my favorite character to ever play as, I wish we could have played two seasons as her, and two as Joel rather then three Joel, and one Ellie.

    2.Joel The same reason why I chose Ellie over Clementine, plus I like Joel and Ellie better then my Lee and Clementine :P. Joel is a pretty tough guy, and the story line of The Last Of Us was legendary. I adore Joel's character.

    3.Vaas I don't know Kane but I'm sure Vaas is better. One of the greatest antagonists, because he was truly insane, and it was awesome.

    4.Wesker Don't know Bison, but I had a lot of good times with Wesker. Me and my cousin played a lot of RE5 and we spent so much time trying to beat Wesker but we couldn't. He dodged our bullets and even rocket launchers, so he rekt us :P.

    5.Link Link is really cool. Mario is alright but Link is pretty dank.

    6.Max Payne Haven't played either games but from what I've heard of the characters, Max sounds like a beast.

    1. Clementine
    2. Lee
    3. Vaas
    4. Wesker
    5. Link
    6. John Marston (that one is tough)
    1. Clementine because i hate Ellie
    2. Lee because Joel was meh
    3. Vaas because i don't know who Kane is
    4. Link because HE'S THE HERO OF GOD DAMN TIME
    5. John Marston because i haven't played much Max Payne/
    1. I don't have Playstation therefore I haven't played TLOU and therefore I don't really know Ellie and I think Clementine is a pretty good character.
    2. Same as previous one.
    3. I haven't played either...
    4. I don't like playing as M. Bison even if he's a fun villain, Wesker was a pretty fun cheesy villain so I guess I'll go with him.
    5. I like both franchises but it should be pretty obvious which one I prefer.
    6. Max Payne if we're not counting the piece of shit that was MP3, seriously fuck Max Payne 3 it's a piece of shit, anyway I'll admit I haven't played RDR because I don't have any consoles but Max Payne was a fantastic parody done serious of your typical noir protagonist, seriously though Max Payne 1 & 2 are amazing, it's a shame Rockstar did 3 because they really didn't seem to realize that it was meant to be a parody and even though everything was incredibly bleak it was pretty damned self-aware which should have been obvious from the TV shows on the first 2 games, fuck the second game has a level that is a theme park of Max's life even if it's mostly allegory.
  • Play Max Payne 1 & 2 if you can, they are fantastic, seriously though Remedy has some terrific writers and it's pretty weird because their work is always self aware and a bit exaggerated but taken seriously enough that it just works, I mean Allan Wake was fantastic too and that also was self aware but played straight, don't play Max Payne 3 because the writers of 3 completely missed the mark on the tone and character of Max Payne.

    1. Ellie Clementine is understandable because she's the character you want her to be, but that's exactly why I didn't choose her, because sh

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