"Borderlands: Gun For Hire" Forum Adventure!


Hey there, kiddos, and welcome to a new thread (yes, this is the second) for "Borderlands: Gun For Hire"!

I've decided to reboot it, in the form of a forum adventure. Though it was going to originally be a text adventure (similar to my other work), I was inspired by the works of both @SuperChocoLatte and @LiquidChicagoTed alike!

Speaking of which, both users have agreed to cooperate in the production of the series, with Liquid being the prime revision and evaluation worker (don't hurt me, Liquid pls XD), and Super helping with the writing and also being my consultant as far as the comedy goes.

It will still follow the same story that was planned for the text adventure, so no worries there (though some aspects are subject to change).

Now, I have to be honest. I'll try to work on this and release a new part every 1-2 days. Not only will I wait and have my co-writers share some advice before I post it, but I am also working another series called "Fate Of Fire". It is my primary project right now, so this is just a side project I will shamelessly myself by posting a link to its' thread here: http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/87935/update-4-2-fate-of-fire-text-adventure-try-the-new-forum-game-beta

Now I am aware that most of these types of threads interact with their users by letting them submit their own characters. I am sorry to say that this particular adventure won't have a system like that. But not to fear! The story will still be influenced by your choices, voted in the comments below!

There should be 5 episodes in total, and I've already fully planned the first two. Neither of them have titles yet but I'll update the thread when I do, along with some cover art.

Episode 1: Birthday Suit

Alt text

Anyways, let me know your thoughts in the comments below!


  • Glad you're excited!

    supersagig posted: »


  • Oh, cool! Looking forward to it. :)

  • edited January 2015

    Will there be swooshing and wooshing and kabooms?

  • You bet your cigarette-lighting hiney there will!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Will there be swooshing and wooshing and kabooms?

  • I got you all! How does tonight sound for part 1? ;)

  • Cool!!!!

    SivD1 posted: »

    I got you all! How does tonight sound for part 1?

  • edited January 2015

    Borderlands: Gun For Hire

    Episode 1: Birthday Suit

    There I was, laying on the roof of my friends' house, Jenny in hand. Oh yeah, before you take that the wrong way, Jenny is the name of my infinite ammo, ridiculously accurate, one and only sniper rifle. Have a problem with me naming my gun? Well that's too bad, because you're not the author of the damned story.

    So as I was saying, I was laying on a roof, peering through the scope of my gun. It was pointed right at this jerkoff of a teenager by the name of Spike. And if there was ever a time to call somebody a hipster, this was it. I mean, he had long dreadlocks dyed with three different colors: neon blue, highlighter green and Mountain Dew Code Red... red. His eyes were huge, and were incredibly bloodshot. This dude was definitely high on something... something I probably want myself... but I digress.

    He was dressed like a kid in some type of costume stolen right from Marilyn Manson's closet. Long black skinny jeans that were ripped in several places, one of them being a bit more revealing than I preferred. He was rocking a purple shirt that read "No Ragrets", as well as a black leather jacket that would make The Fonz cringe.

    He was my target, the one I was hired to kill. It would be easy to do it now. He didn't know I was here. He didn't look like he did, anyway. But something was up. He had a large metal container that shook extremely, and it seemed like he might be waiting for someone. I couldn't run the risk of killing him and not disposing the body in time.

    My back felt the warmth of the hot sun pressing down on the desert lands of Lynchwood. Well, not really. You see, I'm always inside of a tight leather suit, colored lava red and jet black. Now before you get any kinky ideas of what wonderful things you would do to me, keep in mind that I kind of can't get out of it, and I also don't know how I got into it in the first place, as well as how it grows with my body, as well as how my number 1's and 2's magically find a way out, as well as how my right hand grabs my... My apologies. As Spike would say, TMI?

    Thankfully, I've found a way to work with the unescapable cage, utilizing it to my advantage. Similar to a certain man in a suit of iron (that was not a reference in any way at all. It really wasn't, I swear!), there's a virtual HUD that allows me to scroll through and select all kinds of settings as if I was on a tablet. It also lets me listen to any kickass song I want, so that's a bonus.

    Alright, I promise that that was my last bit of character development for now, so let's get back to the story.

    It seems that I was right (a rare occasion indeed) however, as I saw a Runner driving towards Spike. The iron cage shook more now, as Spike tried to keep it closed. Eventually, it broke open, to reveal five skags all huddled together. As the Runner came closer, one of the skags ran out in front of it and was crushed instantly. Huh, a skag dying at the beginning of a Borderlands story... original.

    The Runner's hood opened up to reveal three new teenagers; two guys and one girl. I'll be damned if they weren't related somehow, considering they all looked and were dressed the same way. Spike shrieked in a voice that would make Joe Pesci proud.

    It seems like Spike was some kind of skag dealer (why anybody would ever want to buy a skag, I will never know), and was about to sell to some cousins or something. One of the skags had just been killed, and it looks like the deal had was about to go south. Both parties were yelling at each other as if they were children. All four of them were moving back behind the Runner where I couldn't get a clear shot. Spike was my only target, but I guess she wouldn't mind if I killed more than just Spike. Necessary damage, and all that.

    Now was the time to act. There were two ways I could handle this.

    Option 1: I use Jenny to pick these guys off one by one. I'll shoot some bottles or something, distracting them and splitting them up, then I'll strike. Pretty simply done, and won't take me long.

    Option 2: I throw some propane tanks down by their Runner, and possibly in some close proximity buildings. Then I shoot the propane tanks, and kill them like that. I always did have a love for the cinematic environment..

    Either way would work, but I could only choose one.

    [Sniper Go Sniping!]

    [Michael Bay-SPLOSIONS!]

  • [Michael Bay-SPLOSIONS!]

    Amazing Start!!!!

    SivD1 posted: »

    Borderlands: Gun For Hire Episode 1: Birthday Suit There I was, laying on the roof of my friends' house, Jenny in hand. Oh yeah, befor

  • [Michael-Bay-SPLOSIONS!]

    Gotta love dem' splosions.

    SivD1 posted: »

    Borderlands: Gun For Hire Episode 1: Birthday Suit There I was, laying on the roof of my friends' house, Jenny in hand. Oh yeah, befor

  • Title Card for Episode 1, along with its title is up now!

    Alt text

  • Hey all! Sorry for there being no part today, I was busy watching the Lions game (they lost D;) and playing a forum game. I'll try my best to write part 2 tomorrow. Also, MICHAEL BAY-SPLOSIONS CONFIRMED!!!!!

  • [Michael-Bay-SPLOSIONS!]

    Too late, but whatevs. Wanted to vote. :-P

    SivD1 posted: »

    Borderlands: Gun For Hire Episode 1: Birthday Suit There I was, laying on the roof of my friends' house, Jenny in hand. Oh yeah, befor


    Of course! What kind of choice was that? I think everybody would rather experience the joy of blowing things up in comparison to... blowing other things up... to a much lesser level of... explosiveness...

    I pull up my HUD once again, and click on a button that spawns three propane tanks right next to me. I stand up and brush myself off. I reach to my right shoulder and I press down on a pad. My mind raced as my full body raced with energy. I had just filled my arm with Eridium, making it extremely powerful.

    Now I know what you're thinking: "did professor Nakayama teach you nothing, you fool! And I'll be honest, I don't blame you for thinking that one bit. It is known to most that Eridium is dangerous to utilize for anything other than a siren (though it is still pretty dangerous for them too). Fortunately, I am immune to such grave side effects. When I was but a wee lad, my brother and I had found ourselves trapped in an Eridium mine. He got out before I did, but I was stuck in there for a long while. Being the kid that I was, I took some of the stuff for myself, and experimented with it (remember parents! Don't let your kid try any highly addictive power inducing chemicals on their own!). Once my brother found out, he was devastated, thinking that I had just killed myself. However, it seemed that it had done no damage to me. I got all the ups without any of the downs! I was the perfect drug mule!

    And I mean, I had been trying to get as much of this stuff as I could, so if my life ever depended on it, I had a helping hand. This thing made me a human siren, letting me do fantastic things! Like, blow-a-hole-in-a-wall-the-size-of-a-van fantastic! Sadly, it was hard to come by, usually forcing me to go to extreme lengths to get it. And... shit, seems like I'm delving too much into the past again. Back to the PEW-PEW! WHOOSH! KA-BANG!

    But first, I scrolled through my playlist for an appropriate song. I smiled, perfect.

    So, with my arm now hyped up on Eridium (and also glowing a fabulous shade of purple), I picked up my first propane tank and threw it over to the Runner in which they were hiding behind. I quickly dove onto my stomach, and my camouflage gear did the rest. I peered through my scope. Things had just got pretty quiet back there. I saw a prune shaped face peek out from behind the buggy. She then walked over to the front looking for the source of the noise. POW! I fired a bullet at the tank. Unfortunately, it didn't quite do the trick, only making a dent in the side. It also didn't help that she started looking in my direction. I fired again, and... BOOM! The blast pushed her onto the dirt ground, her neon hair literally on fire.

    The three remaining hipsters started freaking out. And I mean, FREAKING.THE.HELL.OUT! One jumped into Spikes' arms trying to do their best Scooby and Shaggy impression. The other seemed to be jealous, so he threw his friend off of Spike and jumped in in his place. The other guy got back up and jumped on top of Spike, ultimately dragging them all to the ground.

    This was my chance. While they were all wrestling, I hopped off the building (forty feet? That's nothing!) and sprinted over to a nearby shack, sliding behind cover. I opened the door of the wood shack, and slid a propane tank in there. For good measure, I put a noise maker right next to it. I ran out of the shack, and climbed back onto the roof. I then scrolled through my settings, finding the noise maker sub-category. The freaks were getting up now, obviously having taken a chill pill. I had to hurry! I picked a random noise, much to my dismay.

    Let's just say that a rather... loud noise had begun playing, and I got a few files from my hard drive placed in the wrong locations. And believe it or not, that worked like gold for me. Spike was still recovering from being tackled moments before, but the two customers had gotten up and were approaching the shack. They placed their ears next to the door, and giggled like twelve-year olds. One slipped the door open and peaked inside, and as you might have already guessed, the Adam West Rampage continued. KA-BANG! The shed blew up, obliterating both men.

    Spike was backing up, crying out for help. Now was the time to do what I came here for. I hopped off the building, approached Spike, and disabled my camouflage setting. Once he saw me, he pulled out an electric laser-gun, which I quickly disabled with an EMP-like disruptor. He pulled the trigger several times before he threw it to his side. "What do you want?" he cried out, "money? Is that it? I'll pay you whatever you want, just let me go!"

    I waved a finger in front of his face, "no, I'm already getting something much more valuable then anything you could ever offer me." He cried out again, tears forming in his eyes. Soon enough, mascara ran down his cheeks. "Please! Just let me go, I haven't done anything to you!" "Not gonna happen." Spike swallowed hard, "at least make it quick then."

    [Take some target practice on his revealing pants rip.]

    [Put the final propane tank to use.]

    [Feed him to his skags.]

  • [Take some target practice on his revealing pants rip.]

    Excellent Chapter!!!!!

    SivD1 posted: »

    [MICHAEL BAY-SPLOSIONS!] Of course! What kind of choice was that? I think everybody would rather experience the joy of blowing things up

  • [Take some target practice on his revealing pants rip.]

    That was an awesome chapter again! Blisterscope is a great character and really fits into Borderlands. I also liked the pace of the action sequence and the fact that we learned more of Blisters backstory.

    SivD1 posted: »

    [MICHAEL BAY-SPLOSIONS!] Of course! What kind of choice was that? I think everybody would rather experience the joy of blowing things up

  • [Take some target practice on his revealing pants rip.]

    SivD1 posted: »

    [MICHAEL BAY-SPLOSIONS!] Of course! What kind of choice was that? I think everybody would rather experience the joy of blowing things up

  • [Take some target practice on his revealing pants rip.]

    SivD1 posted: »

    [MICHAEL BAY-SPLOSIONS!] Of course! What kind of choice was that? I think everybody would rather experience the joy of blowing things up

  • I apologize for not posting the next part yet, but I'll try to see if I can get it up tomorrow. School is getting very busy before we reach exam week here, and all my free time is being consumed by Dragon Age: Inquisition. Anyways, thanks for your patience!

  • Ugh, sorry all. I just came down with a terrible cold, as well as a migraine earlier. I won't be able to post the next part tonight. Hopefully I'll get it out by Wednesday (tomorrow night is packed). Sorry for the inconvenience :(

  • Hey there guys! Sorry for the long wait for this one, as well as it being short. I had already planned for this part to be short, but I know that it must be annoying after the wait. So, if I have a good amount of votes by Sunday, I'll see if I can get the next bit up then! :D

    I peered through the scope, and looked a bit too close at something I probably wouldn't have wanted to normally. Spike shrieked, "Seriously!? I said, 'make it quick'! Not 'take you sweet ol time on the babymaker!'" My finger tightened around the trigger, just getting a feel for it. I wasn't planning on making this quick, but slow, long and painful... Just like my childhood. I liked playing with the teenagers' emotions, so do with that what you will. I wanted him to beg for mercy, knowing he wouldn't get any no matter how hard he tried. Spike lowered his hands to cover it up, as if that would work.

    I let one bullet fly, and he cried out in pain. For a second, he scared me. The kid got up and started to make a run for the Runner, but collapsed against it. His bloody hand smeared the side. He laid on the ground, staring up into the sky. "That's it right? You... you've had your fun. Just put me out of my misery." I smiled, "not yet."

    I hopped into the Runner and backed it up a bit. I then returned to the rooftop (it's been a while, hope you haven't forgotten about it), laid flat down on my stomach, and got ready for the next shot. I pulled back the bolt and lined up the shot. "Gotta keep the bullet drop in mind... thanks Hideo Kojima..." I mumbled. I aimed slightly above the small target (and I don't mean that as an insult), and pulled the trigger. Sadly, I missed, and the bullet entered his left thigh. "Really!?!" he cried out, "you missed the freaking target?" I waved a hand in the air, "sorry! I wasn't trying to! I won't miss again!" He gave me a thumbs up, and I lined up the shot yet again. I let a second bullet fly, and it entered itself into his right thigh. "Oh coooome oooooonnnnnn! There is no way that was an accident! You're definitely doing this on purpose, aren't you?" I chuckled, "of course not. Now hold still you son of a bitch."

    "Huh? What was that last part- AAAHHHHH!" I fired once again right through the pant rip. A geyser of blood shooted upward into the sky. He breathed heavily, "ok...ok... are we good now?" I yelled once more, "just one more, I promise. I've always wanted to try this!" I opened up my HUD, and scrolled though to my slow-mo-x-ray function, not at all taken from Sniper Elite. I fired the final round, and time slowed down. It was like I was the bullet, making my way right to the target. I got closer and closer, it was like I was flying! But wait... nonono, TOO CLOSE! TOO CLOSE! OH GOD, HASN'T HE EVER HEARD OF A RAZOR!

    In short form, the bullet hit the target, and I felt sick. I jumped down from the building and headed down to the soon corpse of Spike. He laid in a pile of blood, and was staring at me eagerly. "We good?" I nodded, "we're good." I am a man of my word. I pressed the barrel of Jenny right up against his forehead, then finished him off. I picked up his body. Where to go? I could dispose of his body anywhere, really. Feed him to his own skags? Ohh, that would be good. I was just about to call his pets over when I felt a smack to the back of my head, and everything went to black.

  • Awesome Chapter!!!

  • edited January 2015

    Its Sunday, and you know what that means... UPDATES!

    Today I will post some news for my work in general, as well as an interesting tease for Fate of Fire.

    So I like to get ahead of myself once in a while, as you all may know, and today is of no exception. I'm posting my future development cycle for the next few years! Like Telltale Games, I will only ever work on two games at a time, and possibly one original short. So without any more delay, let's get on to what I have planned.


    -The Walking Dead: 5 Episodes in total. First two are already done, and the planification for Episode 3 will commence once Part 1 of Fate Of Fire Book 1 is completed. No plan for Season 2.

    -Fate Of Fire Book 1: 4 Parts in total. First part is in development right now, but all parts are done the planification stage. Will lead to following books in the future.

    -Un-titled Halloween Short: The upcoming PS4 title Until Dawn inspired me to work on a slasher-styled game of my own. Sadly, I didn't have enough time to finish it before Halloween of 2014, so I'll see if I can do it in 2015. Only one part. Won't interfere with development of The Walking Dead or Fate Of Fire.


    -The Walking Dead: If it isn't completed.

    -Fate Of Fire Book 1: If it isn't completed.

    -The Walking Dead Spin-Off: Will have nothing to do with the main series (as of right now, that is). Will only come out once the main series is completed. Might release in 2017 if I don't have it planned out. Similar to 400 Days. Might have multiple playable protagonists.

    -Un-titled Mass Effect series: Will release when Fate Of Fire and The Walking Dead are done. Some of you might remember on me working on this in 2014, but it too got delayed for similar reasons to Borderlands getting delayed. Will be 3 parts in total. No plans for spin off.

    -Un-titled Fargo-True Detective-Heavy Rain-Prisoners-Mix Series: That was a mouthful. Will release along Mass Effect similar to how Walking Dead and Fate Of Fire are releasing. Haven't planned much yet, just some cool ideas. Multiple protagonists.


    -Un-titled Mass Effect series: Most likely conclude in 2017.

    -Un-titled Fargo-True De-AH SCREW IT: Will continue through 2017 if not conclude.

    -Fate Of Fire Book 2: Series will continue. Not much planned yet, just minor thoughts.

    -Borderlands Gun For Hire: This is another series that got delayed. I'm currently working on it in the form of a forum adventure, but I plan to release it through my original I age of it being a text adventure. 5 Episodes in total. First 2 are planned out.

    And that's all I got for now, hope you guys are excited for what's ahead! ;)

  • I think that it is only fair that I post a little update here. It's exam week over here, and I think it's apparent to everyone that I've been falling off the wagon of this series for a while now. Now, this isn't a cancellation or anything, I just want you all to keep in mind that I won't have a solid schedule for writing new parts of this story. Now those who are familiar with my Fate Of Fire story are probably like, "Why can he do that and not this?". Well, I mostly work on that in little bits of my spare time, and it just so happened that I had a lot of said spare time today. So yes, I will be taking a little break here for a while, and will hopefully come back sometime soon! Have a great day folks!

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