Trolls & Aliens
When I worked illegally for sheer survival in Florida my best friends were blacks and natives. What you call troll is some trait of me that resembles a guy like the artist Afroman. What you call alien is a part of me that behaves like the early Keanu Reeves.
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The problem with our communication is, that through my life experience I lost all my nerdy and retarded traits, while most of you still are children in your hearts.
I seriously want to be a part of the Game developer scene. That Is the reason I posted about this awesome mansion I want to renovate. The afford invested into Hubertus mansion evolves my ability to create games too. Like I already found out: it needs a developer an artist a manager and a lot of hard work to accomplish my goal to build my company and to renovate the mansion. The artist does all kinds of Art: let it be music, let it be painting, let it be decoration. The developer is the mastermind that does the real planing. The manager in the end is just the person that does the communication. I hope you got my point this time.
I think we don't speak the same language of yours
This reminds me of some ramblings I have made throughout my daily life in places.
You... Sent us a picture of a fox.
This thread makes perfectly sense.
This fox knows something we don't.
138 comments and 5 likes i haz no idea why?