Is anybody else

Is anybody else going to replay episode one after 2 comes out?


  • I saved that song to my phone to listen, its so good. Its called "Busy Earning" by Jungle if you didn't know :P

    No but i'll keep listening to the credits.

  • Already replayed Ep.1 so I'm just gonna dive right into Ep.2 when it eventually comes out

  • No but i'll keep listening to the credits.

  • Oh I know, I have it on my Youtube Music Playlist.

    Awesome song!

    I saved that song to my phone to listen, its so good. Its called "Busy Earning" by Jungle if you didn't know :P

  • The only telltale game that I every truly replayed was wolf among

  • Maybe after 3 or 4, to kill some time and look back and see if I missed anything.

  • I've already played the episode, like, four times, man. So I'm obviously going to play it again.

  • I'm going to repeat Episode 1 before Ep.2 comes out to remember better my choices and the story, and then I probably won't play it again, maybe once. Like Poogers, the only episodes I actually enjoyed replaying a few times were those of TWAU.

  • Nah, will replay once all five episodes are out.

    I've been enjoying watching lots of different people play TFTB on YouTube though, since their reactions to the jokes somehow made me laugh more than I did when I played it for myself.

  • I've already played through it three times. So probably.

  • I've replayed it at least two times already, and it's a trend that's only likely to get worse the more episodes we get. I'm clearly nursing along a weakness here.

  • As soon as we get an actual launch date I'm going to do my third play-through so I'm all refreshed on the specifics, then I'll play the 2nd episode through twice - one as my normal play-through style (which tends to be pretty fair/nice/just) and then my 'ultra-dick' (or Hyperion-style) play-through where I'm just a horrible person in every way, shape, and form.

  • Yeah, I have a jerk play through and my normal one as well.

    I loved dissing Sasha as Rhys. So fun.

    As soon as we get an actual launch date I'm going to do my third play-through so I'm all refreshed on the specifics, then I'll play the 2nd

  • Yeah, their banter is great - but having to make Loaderbot destruct pretty much destroyed me (and I felt really bad about Shade)!

    Yeah, I have a jerk play through and my normal one as well. I loved dissing Sasha as Rhys. So fun.

  • I might. Just to see if I'm making beneficial choices...

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