Borderlands: The Handsome Collection coming to Xbox One and Playstation 4

Both games (BL2 and TPS), with all their bonus content/DLCs are coming to next gen, completely remastered!


It'll retail for $59.99, but if you're a big spender you can get the limited Claptrap-in-a-Box Edition for $399 (guys, it comes with a remote controlled Claptrap!):
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I know this isn't directly related to Tales, but I know there are a lot of people out there who wanted to get into the BL main games after the first episode, but couldn't because they were only available for previous gen. Well, now they can!

Sadly no BL1 love this time...


  • edited January 2015

    Gearbox wants more money I guess... I mean a TPS re-release is great (since people have actually been requesting it at launch), but a re-release of BL2? It's 2 and a half years old for heaven's sake. I'm pretty sure that anyone who has a PS4 or XBox1 and is interested in playing it has already done that on their PC or on the previous-gen consoles.

    I would LOVE a remastered edition of BL1 on next-gen. They can make that a lot better in so many ways (add dialogue, make it prettier, fix bugs), but instead they're probably just going to do the things they SHOULD have done at release of BL2. I can see this as: "Hey, we're not going to patch a game everyone wants us to patch, instead let's re-release it and put a 60$ price tag on it. Great, right?" Talk about milking the franchise... They should be working on BL3 now, instead we get a re-release of a game that most people have already played. Why? Because money, that's why.

    400$ for a dancing Claptrap is a completely ridiculous price as well.

  • Daaamn, you are looking handsome. :P

    I think the reason why it doesn't include BL 1, it is because Handsome Jack only cares about the games that he is in it. :)

  • Sadly TPS isn't even 6 months old... >_<

    Gearbox wants more money I guess... I mean a TPS re-release is great (since people have actually been requesting it at launch), but a re-rel

  • Ahaha - true!

    Daaamn, you are looking handsome. :P I think the reason why it doesn't include BL 1, it is because Handsome Jack only cares about the games that he is in it.

  • I was (still am) doing a giveaway on tumblr with BL2, BTPS, and Tales, nicknaming it "The Handsome Jack Trilogy". And now I can't stop laughing.

    Four player local play...... I might actually need this.

    "You know something ironic we can do for the Handsome Jack Collection is?" says when of the workers in Gearbox to his bosses. "Putting claptrap in it! Cause obviously a collection dedicated to a character shouldn't have that character as the focal product!" (The claptrap is pretty cool sounding though.)

  • Aaaahhh. Okay, seriously, if you haven't played these games and want to get into them now's the time! Shame that there's still no remaster for the first game (only one I haven't played yet!) but you don't need to play the first to enjoy the rest so no worries. :D

    Borderlands 2 is a really long game. TPS is long as well, but not as long as BL2. With both of these games including all of the dlc, you're getting a crazy amount of content out of this.

    BL2 in particular is one of my favorite games of all time. Great story, great characters, great humor, and great villain (obviously!). TPS isn't as good, but I still found it very enjoyable, especially the second half of it.

    I already own both of these games, as well as a bit of dlc, so I can't really justify buying this for myself quite yet. Awesome that your last gen saves will carry over, though! Maybe I'll get it when it's cheaper. If the first game is ever remastered, I'd totally get it.

    And as much as I'd love a remote-controlled Claptrap and those awesome lithographs, $400 bucks is a lot of money to spend on a special edition. You could get a PS4 for that price!

  • Haha, oh my god. That's a good point. What makes it even funnier is that Jack hates all Claptrap units.Why not a Handsome Jack statue at a more reasonable price point like $100. I've seen other games do something like that in the past. I'd... probably highly consider getting something like that. xD

    Dapnee posted: »

    I was (still am) doing a giveaway on tumblr with BL2, BTPS, and Tales, nicknaming it "The Handsome Jack Trilogy". And now I can't stop laugh

  • Like I said, I'm completely fine with a TPS re-release. There was actually a petition in September last year, where a lot people said that they wanted the Pre-Sequel on next-gen. I think that's completely justifiable.

    Sadly, a lot of these people won't buy TPS now, because the game didn't turn out to be as good as everyone thought it was going to be. It has a user score of 6.1/10 on Metacritic, about the same as Destiny.

    Sadly TPS isn't even 6 months old... >_<

  • If Gearbox actually made statues/figurines of Jack (or any character other than claptrap) they could probably stop making games and just swim in money for years.

    The price point's probably from the claptrap itself, because dang, remote controlled/gyroscope/real time camera feed sounds like a lot went into that little guy.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Haha, oh my god. That's a good point. What makes it even funnier is that Jack hates all Claptrap units.Why not a Handsome Jack statue at a m

  • Reviews really don't matter. The only thing most don't like is non respawning bosses

    Like I said, I'm completely fine with a TPS re-release. There was actually a petition in September last year, where a lot people said that t

  • Yeah, I get what you mean - but with such a short time between releases it does make you wonder why they didn't just release it on next-gen to begin with.

    Like I said, I'm completely fine with a TPS re-release. There was actually a petition in September last year, where a lot people said that t

  • Do you happen to know why exactly people didn't like TPS very much? I'm just curious about all the hate I've seen.

    I mean, it's no where near as good as BL2, but I was never expecting it to be. TPS was mainly made by a different studio, right? 2K Australia? I'm sure Gearbox helped out with it, but for the most part this was a side game by a different developer. That's how I viewed it, anyway, so I went in with really low expectations and came out pretty impressed.

    I really loved the addition of low-gravity and the Oz-Kits. Double jumping around and butt-slamming was a really fun addition to gameplay. And I loved how the character you chose to play as actually talked and the people in the games would have different lines of dialog towards them. I played as Claptrap, and it was so damn funny playing as him. At one point he was shit talking another Claptrap unit and it was glorious. Claptrap also had this super random Skill Tree that was great fun.

    My main complaint was that the story really dragged during the parts on Elpis. I preferred the portion that took place on Helios. It was a lot more interesting and even a lot funnier. I'd personally give TPS about a 7.5/10.

    Like I said, I'm completely fine with a TPS re-release. There was actually a petition in September last year, where a lot people said that t

  • I'm guessing you didn't see the Zer0 statue Gearbox was selling last year?

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    Sadly, it was $300, which makes the feature-packed Claptrap sound like a bargain, especially with everything else you get!

    Dapnee posted: »

    If Gearbox actually made statues/figurines of Jack (or any character other than claptrap) they could probably stop making games and just swi

  • Yeah, the irony wasn't lost on me, either.

    Considering the collection is all about Jack, it would have been cool to see something related to him - a physical version of that gilded mask would have been awesome!

    But all of Claptrap's features are pretty damn impressive:


    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Haha, oh my god. That's a good point. What makes it even funnier is that Jack hates all Claptrap units.Why not a Handsome Jack statue at a m

  • Oh jeesh, how could I forget Zer0 :(

    I'm guessing you didn't see the Zer0 statue Gearbox was selling last year? Sadly, it was $300, which makes the feature-packed Claptrap sound like a bargain, especially with everything else you get!

  • There's a variety of reasons why TPS isn't as good as BL2. I've been thinking about it a while and I came up with a list:

    1. First impression problem (when I played it at least). When I first played BL2, I was stunned by the scenery, art design, weapons, enemies, just about everything. TPS doesn't give you that feeling, because you've already experienced it all (this may be a problem exclusively for me because I played BL2 far too much) and it offers little to impress you with in the first place. The game doesn't feel as addicting as BL2 did either, probably because you've already seen 90% of the guns.
    2. World design. Compared to Pandora, Elpis is very boring. There's only two real variations of maps: moon surface and interiors, along with a few exceptions. On the other hand, Pandora was incredibly versatile (ice, plains, deserts, sanctuary, bandit interiors, volcanoes, caustic caverns, etc.)
    3. Endgame. No endgame, unless you enjoy throwing stuff into the grinder, which nobody does.
    4. Pickle. The most annoying little s**t ever. Listening to him was pure torture.
    5. Quests. Probably my biggest problem with this game. Most of them are uninteresting and pointless, even the story quests felt bad to me. E.g. the Bosun story mission - too long, had you running around from one place to another for 10 minutes to open the bridge (many quests are like that). During that mission I said to myself: "Why am I still doing this?". It wasn't fun.

    I would give it a 7/10 too, because it's definitely not a bad game. But why play it when there's BL2, which is more like a 9/10 (and it has a great endgame).

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Do you happen to know why exactly people didn't like TPS very much? I'm just curious about all the hate I've seen. I mean, it's no where

  • Along with the remaster collection, We Love Fine is holding a design contest so we'll be likely to get some real cool shirts out of this.

  • YES!

    I wanted to play these!


  • That's damn awesome. :D

    Yeah, the irony wasn't lost on me, either. Considering the collection is all about Jack, it would have been cool to see something related

  • Thats awesome... hopefully I can upgrade to next gen soon :(

  • Don't care that I have already played 500+ hours (guessing there) of Borderlands 2. Never touched the pre sequel, and I am so fucking sick of Destiny's bullshit. Instantaneous buy for me.

  • I'm glad I went to gameinformer today and I just saw this. This is awesome freaking news for any borderlands fan or for those of us who never played the games before on last gen. Can't wait and it comes with all the dlc :D

  • Oh God...

    Remote-Controlled Claptrap?


    400 dollars?

    Pssh, I didn't need to eat this week anyways.

  • Honestly, I've played borderlands 1,2, and tps a little longer than I should have. I have easily spent over 150 -250 dollars between all the games. Borderlands has become something that I can't forget about. Some of the characters in borderlands just make my day, like when on the beginning of bl2 the bandit hit the railroad sign.

  • Not trying to start an argument or anything but you really do need to play all of the first borderlands to get the full extent of bl2 and tps.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Aaaahhh. Okay, seriously, if you haven't played these games and want to get into them now's the time! Shame that there's still no remaster f

  • All the awesomely talented people in the fan-art thread (yourself included) should enter!

    And maybe share your entries with us so we can vote (if that's allowed of course, feel free to interject, Mods)?

    Dapnee posted: »

    Along with the remaster collection, We Love Fine is holding a design contest so we'll be likely to get some real cool shirts out of this.

  • Alt text

    Oh God... Remote-Controlled Claptrap? Uh... 400 dollars? Pssh, I didn't need to eat this week anyways.

  • (From the contests FAQ)

    Q: Is it ok for me to promote my designs to people I know to come and help rate my designs?

    A: We encourage every artist submitting to the contest to promote themselves and their designs to friends, family and followers. Through our experience we have found that more ratings help determine what the fans really want as your winners! So please promote yourselves!

    I'm sure if we just put the designs in the fanart thread it'd be fine. There's already a bunch of cool designs, and even a design for Jack's jacket from the Pre-Sequel (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

    All the awesomely talented people in the fan-art thread (yourself included) should enter! And maybe share your entries with us so we can vote (if that's allowed of course, feel free to interject, Mods)?

  • I'm so psyched about this. I've been talking my husband's ear off about the PS4 re-release rumors for months now. I'm so happy it's actually happening! Now that just means I have to push off playing TPS until March...

  • I meant more if the mods here were cool with it (I know self-promotion can be a bit tricky, even with people posting their Youtube channels etc.), but hopefully it's not as issue - just talented people showing off their work!

    Dapnee posted: »

    (From the contests FAQ) Q: Is it ok for me to promote my designs to people I know to come and help rate my designs? A: We enco

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