What's the best pet you've ever owned?
Being an animal-lover, and having had pets my whole life, I thought I'd create this thread, so it give fellow pet-owners something to share.
Give us a chance to talk about the beloved pets we have, or had, and give us an opportunity to share any cool stories we have about them.
Mine, was a Golden Retriever.
He was so energetic and full of life!
About 24 inches at the shoulder, and was between 90 lbs-100 lbs, of solid muscle.
Was loyal to a fault.
The dog would literally follow me to hell and back.
Was an excellent hunter, killed 9 cats in six years, and never got a single scratch from any of them.
What he would do, is knock the cat's back legs out from under it with one paw, once the cat was down he would pin the cat to the ground with his other paw so it couldn't scratch him, and then he'd go in for the kill.
True story!
He was also extremely agile, to the point where at times he looked like a cat on the move.
He was also a good tracker, I never taught him how to track, he just came by it naturally.
And he was extremely fast on his feet, I mean that dog could run!
And he was also a powerful swimmer.
And he was the smartest dog I've ever owned.
He really had a knack for problem-solving.
And even though I only got to have him for six years, lost him to cancer, I was still privileged to have to have had him.
He was indeed the best dog I've ever owned!
DISCLAIMER: Let me point out, I love cats too. In fact, I own two cats! He never harmed my cats, in fact he grew up with one of them, and him and that cat shared a close bond.
The cats he killed were strays, and the only time he really went after stray cats, was when they came into his yard.
.....Wrong place again?
Yeah I'm just gonna walk away from this messed up post lol
my dog she she's thick but you gotta love her for it ;p and if you really were an animal lover you wouldn't have let your dog rip apart cats
My Boarder Collie is my best animal friend. He has never killed anything that i know of, except that box of timbits when i wasn't looking. He likes to get me a beer when i come home. He loves chasing the neighbors cats, cars the mail man. He doesn't chase them in a malicious way though, more of a Hey! Lets PLay kind of way.
You say you're an animal lover yet you brag about your dog ripping cats apart.
CATS NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Yeeaaaah... I have a mongrel called Gorge. He's a big goofball who likes chasing frisbees and devouring ridiculous amounts of food.
Certainly doesn't go around killin' cats, otherwise my sister's would've long been screwed.
Don't know about him, but feral cats are a big problem where I live. They shit everywhere, wipe out bird populations, scratch up cars and terrorize household pets. Worst of all, they always seem to find a way in, even when you have an enclosed yard. One of them tormented us for months and even clawed up our Chihuahua. I drilled him with a .22 next time he came back. No regrets.
But yeah, you probably shouldn't sic dogs on em'. It teaches the dog to kill any cat that wanders too close. It's a real difficult behavior to un-train.
Here I was going to share the story of this great cat I once had who was really sweet and great to have around, Peaches, until she was killed by what seemed like a dog attack (my family often lets our cats go outside for a while sometimes), and then I read your post. Now I'm angered, because there might have been cats who didn't deserve what happened to mine which you let happen (some which could actually have an owner).
Sorry if you're offended, but I just needed to vent my frustration.
I know, this guy has to be the most disgusting and hypocritical person I know.
So you love animals but brag about your dog killing cats?
Those poor cats.
Everyone in life is a hypocrite on somethings. How many of you animal lovers are vegetarians. Get over yourself. Why is a cat's life more valuable than a farm animals?
A life is a life.
I live in the country, i see tons of barnyard cats from time to time fight over females kill each other. Such is the cycle of life.
Yes, everyone is a hypocrite on some things. But this guy is just blatant about it on many things and doesn't seem to know it. And when did I say a cat's life is more valuable than farm animals?
Cats carry communicable diseases and shit in farm fields and gardens like they're giant litter boxes. If people want to have cats as pets they need to keep them in the house. If there are cats tearing up plants and "fertilizing" the soil, then they need to go one way or another. People around here get cats and then let them run wild. I've had a cat for 11 years and he hasn't been outside ever except to go to the vet. When people get a cat, if they want it to survive they should keep it inside. Otherwise it's going to attack the wrong dog, or tear up the wrong field, and it's going to die. You shouldn't regret shooting a cat that attacked your dog.
Can't you just move on. He said something that was a little Iffy, and i knew people would make a big deal out of it. People say crazy shit on the internet all the time.
I never said you did, i was making the point that a life is a life.
Who said I didn't move on? I was just responding to what you said.
I have a similar type of dog to the OP he would never harm another animal even though he is bred to be a hunting dog I wouldn't allow him to harm another animal its disgusting! Killing cats is not hunting its bloodsport and those dogs were primarily bred for bloodsport and will do anything their owners ask of them if you told him to leave the cats alone im sure he would have, you obviously enjoyed seeing him rip the creatures apart and rewarded that behaviour or he wouldn't have done it. Your pretty sick. Alot of serial killers killed cats when they were young...
I had a saint Bernard, he was a pretty big dog, loved people, he was such a big baby though. One of my favorite memories of him was when we took him to the dog park and he got scared by some Chihuahuas. it was pretty funny.
I also had a cat that was a notorious hunter, caught hummingbirds out of the air, even attacked a deer once.
Well the story was gonna be about this awesome cat I had. But....
Too bad I'm a cat person, and as such I find it terrible that you got so excited over the act you describe. But, to each their own, I guess.
My dad's allergic to cat's and dogs. I had a fish that died when I was 3 years old, and birds that flew away. I don't remember them at all. So rip me.
Wait, your cat attacked a deer once?
Sounds like a cool story.
Tell us about it!
Well, I was in my room at the time but I heard a lot of noise outside so I went to go look at it. And there was my cat swatting at a group of deer, she almost got kicked by one but when i opened the door they all ran away
Wow nice dude, nice. Now I could share with you the "jolly" story of how my beloved, friendly cat died in a horrible way of a dog bite. But i won't.....
a rock.