Games with friends or alone?


  • I'd say I enjoy games with friends a lot, practically doing most things with friends are fun. However, I just don't really get the chance to play with friends much anymore, so whenever I do play games it's mostly alone.

  • It really depends what game, but I like to play games with friends

  • Depends on the game, but I favor single player games and other people can be too distracting if they try and "help out" while I play. When it comes to a Telltale game, it is always alone so I can focus on the story (and they can't see me cry).

  • I almost always game solo, mostly because my online friends aren't in the same timezone so we're rarely playing at the same time. And I don't do local co op because none of my (very few) RL friends are into video games. Sometimes I can convince my husband to play (I managed to get him to play some BL2 but he's not really into it) but I really don't like the limitations of split-screen.

  • If my RL friends were into gaming, though... I'd definitely play co op.

  • depends on the game sometimes games are better with friends other times they are better alone

    also this is in the wrong section it should be in telltale talk

  • I own a Garry's Mod server, and I love playing with my friends and gf. I've mainly played Borderlands as a Co-op game so when I've played single player I find I can catch more of what the characters are saying/I'm not rushing through the game.

    I've lost at least two weapons out of the Gold chest thanks to friends stealing the weapon and throwing it at the chest afterward :)))))

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