A grue will never eat Chuck Norris,he eats the grue
The world is rotating because Chuck Norris gives it a round house kick every morning to keep it moving
The universe is expanding because the stars are afraid of Chuck Norris and flee
Chuck Norris can divide by zero.
Chuck Norris doesn't have an oven, because justice is a dish best served cold.
If a tree falls in a forest, does anyone hear it? Chuck Norris does.
Chuck Norris isn't afraid of the dark. The dark is afraid of Chuck Norris.
So can quite a few mathmaticians. The answer is in terms of i
Everytime Chuck Norris makes a movie the stocks increase in the market.
The theory of Big Bang was made by Chuck Norris
The theory of Big Bang states that the universe expands due to the awesomeness powers of Chuck Norris
Scientist believe this power originates from Chuck Norris beard.
The theory of Big Bang name came from one Of Chuck Norris ex wife after she described what was her first honeymoon with him like.
The world is rotating because Chuck Norris gives it a round house kick every morning to keep it moving
The universe is expanding because the stars are afraid of Chuck Norris and flee
CHUCK NORRIS can do NO handed pushups!
Even when Chuck has negative chance of winning, he wins. He wins all the better than he would if he were to have had fifty percent chance.
The theory of Big Bang was made by Chuck Norris
The theory of Big Bang states that the universe expands due to the awesomeness powers of Chuck Norris
Scientist believe this power originates from Chuck Norris beard.
The theory of Big Bang name came from one Of Chuck Norris ex wife after she described what was her first honeymoon with him like.