Monument to the Walking Dead: An Interactive Story (Ongoing)



  • .>.>


    Then I guess it will be either a cliffhanger, with Jerry finally entering the backroom, but without revealing what he finds there, maybe a p

  • edited March 2015

    What... what is this? I don't trust these weird looking things, what do they mean? Is this something like 'either-or'?

    In any way, if your goal was to add a great dose of confusion to my current state of anger and sadness, you have succeeded tremendously.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    .>.> <.<

  • :')


    What... what is this? I don't trust these weird looking things, what do they mean? Is this something like 'either-or'? In any way, if you

  • And what are these supposed to mean? Why are these crying? Is this alluding to something sad?

    You do enjoy this, don't you?

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    :') )':

  • Of course not, it's just fun teasing people :P

    And what are these supposed to mean? Why are these crying? Is this alluding to something sad? You do enjoy this, don't you?

  • But... but... D:

    I can't even argue against it, teasing people is actually pretty funny...

    Still, shame on you for causing me to anxiously, no, almost desperately await the next part like that >:(

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Of course not, it's just fun teasing people :P

  • It's damn shame that some characters are aligning with the episode 2 chapters.

    Seal my heart and break my pride...

    I've nowhere to stand and now nowhere to hide...

    Align my heart, my body, my mind...

    But... but... I can't even argue against it, teasing people is actually pretty funny... Still, shame on you for causing me to anxiously, no, almost desperately await the next part like that >:(

  • Voting is closed!

    (!) Atlanta will stay up

    (!) Jerry will knock on the door

    I'm gonna start working on the new part, let's hope for it to come out sometime today...But it's a possibility that it won't come out until tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed it'll be today :o

  • Oh shit... I think a fate worse than death just got all the more likely for Josie, seeing these cryptic hints... as well as for Zafir and his worthless group of irredeemable shitpiles. Whatever he did to her, I think it's safe to say it will be horrible... albeit after these lyrics I'm considering the terrible option that he somehow tries to brainwash her for whatever fucked up reason... Don't know if that would be better or worse than physical torture... Hope, I am so needing the option to make him and anyone from the mall group pay... that won't bring my Josie back, but it will be something. Normally, I always try to pick the "good" option, but for once I'm legitimatelly vengeful. I am done with these monsters, all of them are beyond redemption. Given the opportunity, I will vote any option that will make them suffer like Josie suffers because of them.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    It's damn shame that some characters are aligning with the episode 2 chapters. Seal my heart and break my pride... I've nowhere to stand and now nowhere to hide... Align my heart, my body, my mind...

  • Hope is hard to come by in the world ruled by the dead.

    But it's not unknown. As long as Jerry and Christian are on the case there will be hope for Josie and Lindsay :3

    Oh shit... I think a fate worse than death just got all the more likely for Josie, seeing these cryptic hints... as well as for Zafir and hi

  • I'm always ready to be surprised, but consider my expectations equaling your username. Unless proven wrong, planning my payback on these sons of bitches is all I have left to do. It's amazing how I'm quite sure that this is exactly what the post character-development Jerry would do...

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Hope is hard to come by in the world ruled by the dead. But it's not unknown. As long as Jerry and Christian are on the case there will be hope for Josie and Lindsay

  • edited March 2015

    Don't be a downer. I have powers over all characters.

    There's hope left for Josie and Lindsay. I'm the writer, my word is law!

    I'm always ready to be surprised, but consider my expectations equaling your username. Unless proven wrong, planning my payback on these son

  • I'm the writing, my word is law!

    Alt text

    You see why I'm still worried, Mr. Hope R.R. Martin?

    But at least you managed to convince me that there's still some hope left to crush. Now I'm back in this horribly anxious state of not being certain what happens to her... yay... I wasn't plan on having no heart attack anyway today

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Don't be a downer. I have powers over all characters. There's hope left for Josie and Lindsay. I'm the writer, my word is law!

  • Alt text

    I'm the writing, my word is law! You see why I'm still worried, Mr. Hope R.R. Martin? But at least you managed to convince me

  • Alt text

    And I've been paying attention by the way

  • Considering how long the first episode was...The following episodes are planned to be of similar length. It'll be hard to tell what the ending is going to be this early on. Or even if any of the Harvest Hills group remains.

    But I'll tell you something; it ain't a happy ending by a long shot.

    And I've been paying attention by the way

  • But I'll tell you something; it ain't a happy ending by a long shot.

    Yeah, I guess that was pretty obvious already...

    Or even if any of the Harvest Hills group remains.

    That on the other hand... I thought they are the main characters ;_; Who am I supposed to root for then?

    Maybe I really should consider submitting more characters, I just wasn't counting on loosing both of them before the story reaches it's 20% mark

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Considering how long the first episode was...The following episodes are planned to be of similar length. It'll be hard to tell what the endi

  • It's called Monument for a reason ^-^

    But I'll tell you something; it ain't a happy ending by a long shot. Yeah, I guess that was pretty obvious already... Or even

  • you stop that right now

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    It's called Monument for a reason ^-^

  • Aww, that's harsh :c

    Right now, in my mind, everything that's bad that's happening to Christian is Maria's fault

  • Right now, in my mind, everything that's bad that's happening to Christian is Maria's fault

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I don't know, it just seems fitting :P

  • edited March 2015

    But... there needs to be someone left to build that monument, right? Someone who has been building it from the very beginning. Have I mentioned that Josie is quite good at building monuments? pleasebeokjosie

    Oh look, I've gone a step backwards in the five stages of grief! Now I'm officially in denial again, though shades of being angry still remain. That would be pretty amazing if I wouldn't feel so horrible right now!

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    It's called Monument for a reason ^-^

  • If you think too much about their relationship, you notice it all really is Maria's fault

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Aww, that's harsh :c

  • Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 5: Nine O’clock Lab - Part 3.

    Jerry looked at the thick metal door where his friends were being held. He raised his hand and knocked three times. He put his ear to the door and listened, the only sound he could hear was his own breathing.He suppressed his silent scream once more with his arm and backed away from the door after he got no answer. Jerry leaned close to the door and whispered. “I don’t know if you can hear me, but it’s Jerry, I’m here to save you. I’m here…” Jerry’s voice trailed off as tears began pouring for his eyes. “I’m going to save you, free you, kill anyone who hurt you. You’ll be safe very soon.”

    Jerry closed his eyes and wiped the tears of them. “It’s only right for you to know...Anthony’s dead, so is Dean and Stan. But...the rest of us are still alive. We’re all here and ready to try to get you and Lindsay out...but you have hold on, hold on...h-hold on…” He trailed off as he backed away slightly. “I have to go, but I’ll be back. And when I’m back, you’ll be freed.”

    “Hold on Josie, Lindsay, I’m coming back.”

    He forced himself to leave as he reluctantly backed away towards the common area. He shook his head violently until his face had an angry expression.

    A guard shot him looks as he opened the door to the common area and let Jerry inside. the door slammed closed and Atlanta looked up from the table she was sitting at. “Jerry!” She cried with a muffled voice to avoid waking the others. “Where’ve you been?”

    “Sit down. We have a lot to talk about.” Jerry mumbled with a depressed tone. “I’ve learned where Josie and Lindsay are being held.”

    Time passes as Jerry explains everything he knew.

    “How will we save them?” Atlanta asked now that Jerry had fully explained what had happened that guy, though he left out the makeshift burial.

    “The door’s locked, remember?” Jerry replied as the two sat at the tables. “Our only hope is to get it opened somehow and then leave. As much as I’d like to kill everyone of these bastards...It’ll take too much time. Time that we should use to get as far away from here as possible.”

    “I still can’t believe it…” Atlanta mumbled with depressed voice. “Right under our noses...this whole fucking time.”

    “I’m fucking mad about it too. But that doesn’t change anything. We get out of here. Christian’s coming with us, but have you had time to talk with the Middle-Eastern woman, Jordan, right?” Jerry questioned, sending a look to the woman in the bunk bed near Ashley and Daniel.

    “Yeah, she’s on our side. She said she could get us out of here.” Atlanta answered with a continued undecided tone.

    “Then we get into the room and free them, leave with Christian and Jordan...Where do we go?” Jerry asked. Where would they go? They couldn’t go back to Harvest Hills, even though it was cleared out, it had flaws in the walls and the gate was completely severed from the walls.

    “Away from here.” Atlanta replied with a serious tone. “They won’t let us leave without a fight.”

    “Then we fight--” Jerry answered as suddenly the door opened and Christian was let in by the guard. He turned to face the young man and hopped up from the table’s seat to speak with him. “So?” Jerry asked as he met him halfway to the tables.

    “I stuck to the story. I hope the same can be said about you.” Christian answered with a mellow tone. “I’ve took the liberty of getting a few things to help in our escape...which brings we to the final point of action...then we’re outta here. The question is when. When do we act?”

    “As soon as possible.” Jerry answered as he looked Christian dead in the eye.

    “I have a problem. I need to find my girlfriend.” Christian said with a serious voice. “I’m sorry, but I’m not leaving until I find Maria.”

    Jerry’s expression turned to one of disbelief. “What?” He barked through gritted teeth. “We’ve--” He stopped as Christian kept a single expression, it was ‘shut up.’

    “You don’t have to like it!” He shouted, angrily pacing for a second before he stopped and stared at Jerry. “Your people have been missing, lost, kidnapped and I’ve been nothing but help to you. There’s been no mention of Maria being with your friends!”

    “What are you so worried about? We check the room and free whoever’s in there. Why wouldn’t you want us to act while we have the chance-- While there’s still hope!” Jerry shout in reply as several heads turned from the bunks and faced them.

    “I’m worried that if you open that door that you take away any chance I have at finding her--” Christian stopped before he could continue as Jerry suddenly kneeled down on one knee and rolled up his pants leg until he pulled a knife out of under his sock.

    “You want reinsurance that your girlfriend is in the locked room??” Jerry shouted back as he waved the knife around. “Then take this. Take this knife I smuggled with me and get the information from the one man who could know! Kill him why don’t you!”

    “I’m not--” Christian stuttered as he backed a step away from the knife. “I’m not killin’ man like you have! Even if he deserves it to all ends.”

    “You’re the who pratical gave the order to shoot.” Jerry answered through gritted teeth with a angry tone brewing. “You kill him while you're at it. If you want to take the knife and do it yourself. That’s your only other option, the only way I have of helping you, because like the timing or not, I’m freeing my people tonight.”

    What should Christian do?

    [Take the knife and find Zafir.] - Accept the knife and find Zafir, interrogate him and get Maria out with Jerry’s group before they leave.

    [Leave with Jerry’s group.] - Give up and follow Jerry’s plan to bust open the door and free the captives along with anyone else. Then leave.

  • [Leave with Jerry’s group.]


    Awesome Chapter!

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 5: Nine O’clock Lab - Part 3. Jerry looked at the thick metal door where his friends were being he

  • teampleasebeokjosie

    As long as Jerry and Christian are on the case there will be hope for Josie and Lindsay :3

    So we have to keep the case ALIVE and Josie will be aokay!

    But... there needs to be someone left to build that monument, right? Someone who has been building it from the very beginning. Have I mentio

  • Thanks you!

    Oh and I'd like to let you know that Daniel is going to have more development soon, but likely early episode 2 :3

    supersagig posted: »

    [Leave with Jerry’s group.] LIVE Awesome Chapter!

  • Sheet :x

    supersagig posted: »



    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Thanks you! Oh and I'd like to let you know that Daniel is going to have more development soon, but likely early episode 2

  • If you believe in magic!

    And the song "Dust Bowl Dance."

    teampleasebeokjosie As long as Jerry and Christian are on the case there will be hope for Josie and Lindsay So we have to keep the case ALIVE and Josie will be aokay!

  • [Leave with Jerry's group] I firmly believe Christian is better off living without a girlfriend than being dead.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 5: Nine O’clock Lab - Part 3. Jerry looked at the thick metal door where his friends were being he


    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    If you believe in magic! And the song "Dust Bowl Dance."

  • R.I.P Maria's feelings.

    [Leave with Jerry's group] I firmly believe Christian is better off living without a girlfriend than being dead.

  • [Take the knife and find Zafir.]

  • She hasn't even been introduced and I've been such an ass to her but truthfully I love her like a daughter. Maria pls don't hate the voters

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    R.I.P Maria's feelings.

  • edited March 2015

    Oh yay, another chapter without any answers. Usually I'm quite patient, but this fucked-up situation finally got the better of me. I just need to know what happened to her. Is she alive, is she dead, is she ok, is she broken in any way? Unfortunately, seeing how she wasn't even able to respond to Jerry in any way is sort of an answer at least. Now I know she's either dead, undead or horribly tortured beyond imagination... fuck, don't know why I even tried to convince myself she'd be okay. And for the torture they put her through I will make Zafir, his group, everything and everyone they love pay with all they have, excluding their lives, because killing them would be too merciful.

    [Leave with Jerry’s group.]

    They need Christian's help if they want to find the remains of Josie and Lindsay and I really don't think interrogating Zafir will work. Of course, I would love it if Christian interrogates this son of a whore with a knife, maybe cutting off everything he can cut off before force-feeding it back to him, but I doubt this will work. He will somehow fuck this up, exposing Jerry's plans, causing even worse tortures to Josie, if that is even possible. And it will already be hard enough to get them out without some sidequest distracting them. I admit that I'm selfish here, but I think my main goal is obvious, perhaps even understandable. I'm just far too anxious and beyond furious to consider Christian's wishes. I was selfless when sacrificing Anthony and considering, I won't be that selfless when Josie's life, mental and physical health are on the line, regardless of the fact that she won't be okay anyways. Naturally I hope that they'll get what's left of Maria out of there too, I don't really think Zafir has a whole number of torture chambers for every girl he and his inhuman posse want to torture and break.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 5: Nine O’clock Lab - Part 3. Jerry looked at the thick metal door where his friends were being he

  • Interesting speculation, but only the out come of this choice will decide >:3

    Oh yay, another chapter without any answers. Usually I'm quite patient, but this fucked-up situation finally got the better of me. I just ne

  • Well, poor Maria :c

    She hasn't even been introduced and I've been such an ass to her but truthfully I love her like a daughter. Maria pls don't hate the voters

  • Yeah, that would be great... just keeping that case alive and she'll be fine. Unfortunately, I guess I just slipped a few steps in the five stages and just landed firmly in stage 4. As soon as her fate will finally be revealed, likely at the end of Episode 4 or 5 in a few months, I'll switch right back to anger. Best outcome I can still reasonably hope for is that at least some of those responsible will pay dearly.

    And that Dust Bowl Dance song... don't know what to make of it. Like usual, it sounds like it's getting even worse. I mean, I do want to hope that it means something good for once, but I doubt it.

    teampleasebeokjosie As long as Jerry and Christian are on the case there will be hope for Josie and Lindsay So we have to keep the case ALIVE and Josie will be aokay!

  • [leave with Jerry's group.]

    Great chapter!!

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 5: Nine O’clock Lab - Part 3. Jerry looked at the thick metal door where his friends were being he

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