Chapter 1: Trauma. - Part 2: Hidden and Scared.
The Countryside.
The boy siffled and wiped away several tears remaining in his eyes. H… moreow had things gotten so awful, so bad, so quickly… Times had not only changed, but did so in devastating way, leaving them in a world forgotten.
He left the motel behind and had been walking down the road with sometime, but at that point, it dawned on him the nature of this area and the people who inhabited it. But worse of all, it was growing dark and he was out in the open, he had nowhere to hide, to rest, to sleep! He began to panic as he stood on the small paved road with no shelter from the elements, but the trees that dotted the landscape...they would have to do.
Quick to run towards one of the larger trees in the woods, he grabbed hold of a notch and pulled himself up a ways and then repeated until he was safe in the tree, away from anyone’s reach or sight. He pulled himself up one last time … [view original content]
I can't remember my first joke character but I can remember the second that I actually thought "hey. I should bring him in, it'll be so much fun." But then I remembered how serious it was and how serious I wasn't
I can't remember my first joke character but I can remember the second that I actually thought "hey. I should bring him in, it'll be so much fun." But then I remembered how serious it was and how serious I wasn't
Name: Important Character.
Bio: He doesn't have one, but he's a important character.
Appearance: He's like other characters, but more … moreimportant.
Other Info: He shall be introduced right now.
Personality: He's important enough to be in the story.
Username: Important
I just started crying from laughter because of a character who went from Important Character to Henry Dilman. I hope whoever made them is happy with themselves. Was it truly worth it?
I just started crying from laughter because of a character who went from Important Character to Henry Dilman. I hope whoever made them is happy with themselves. Was it truly worth it?
The choices are to the point where if you think you choose a good one you just get fucked. Like Shooting at Zafir or not, that seemed easy but it's probably got a whole lot of group conflict to bring with it.
There also choices that will bring conflict between two characters and a third might get pulled in as in Christian going to threaten Zafir to find Maria. Unless Maria never finds out, there shouldn't be any conflict except for someone using it as blackmail against Christian.
It just fucks me up... I have to think about the choices I make a lot.
I'll start working on this new part quick as day and post today, something today, probably. I'm not sure if everyone has voted or not, but the choice is fairly one sided at this point and it wouldn't make much of a change if someone or several people voted. Liquid, I guess you're the only one who thinks it's a good idea to pull himself up
Voting is closed!
(!) The boy will drop down and hope for the best
I'll start working on this new part quick as day and post today, so… moremething today, probably. I'm not sure if everyone has voted or not, but the choice is fairly one sided at this point and it wouldn't make much of a change if someone or several people voted. Liquid, I guess you're the only one who thinks it's a good idea to pull himself up
I'm glad the choices are tough! It's my goal to make you (and everyone) question their actions and choices to the point of regret!
But I try not to "recycle" ideas that play out in alternate choices, though it becomes very temping >.>
Oh and the shot Zafir or not choice... It would've been an awful ending due to the fact how many of the group would've died, but their probably would have been at least one surviving member to keep the story moving. It reminds me, I need to release the alternate choices. I'll do that soon, after I've finished this part I'm working on.
The choices are to the point where if you think you choose a good one you just get fucked. Like Shooting at Zafir or not, that seemed easy b… moreut it's probably got a whole lot of group conflict to bring with it.
There also choices that will bring conflict between two characters and a third might get pulled in as in Christian going to threaten Zafir to find Maria. Unless Maria never finds out, there shouldn't be any conflict except for someone using it as blackmail against Christian.
It just fucks me up... I have to think about the choices I make a lot.
I'm sorry ;-; i've been really busy lately but ive been like 2 or 3 parts behind xDD
I would have voted with the majority anyway c:. Also who is the boy?!?
That'd be nice of you xD I'm sure Elias is having a great time right now, probably at a Dairy Queen drinking a mango smoothie. I'm sure of it, or he's in an alternate universe where nobody dies .
A summery would help but I don't know if you'd want to waste your time doing that.
His name is ambiguous right now, but it's Zayne ;3
But worry, you don't need to be sorry. I don't take any offence and I sure as hell won… more't sacrifice Elias, yet.
And the offers still open. Just tell me where you're at and I'll make quick summery to get you up to speed
I sure as hell won't sacrifice Elias, yet.
Okay its not me dropping down, good
That'd be nice of you xD I'm sure Elias is… more having a great time right now, probably at a Dairy Queen drinking a mango smoothie. I'm sure of it, or he's in an alternate universe where nobody dies .
A summery would help but I don't know if you'd want to waste your time doing that.
[Drop down and hope for the best.]
[Drop down and hope for the best.]
[Drop down and hope for the best.]
What? Probably not, but maybe..
[Drop down and hope for the best.]
I'm hoping that Zayne runs into one of those people and not a serial killer or rapist or anything of the negative sort
There's all sorts of people out there...
80% Undead
18% Literal fucking psychopaths
2% People who might pose as some help
Them's the facts!
That's probably true XD
But there's always the 1%...
I got my first joke character, I feel so special :^D
[Drop down and hope for the best.]
Awesome Part
What happened to the baby?
SHIT, you didn't realize it...
...It was heavily implied he killed the baby to put an end to it's suffering, because it was shot with no chance of recovery.
The 1% who have their wits ahead of them a.k.a the masters of manipulation?
In all honestly it wasn't very creative :c
I can't remember my first joke character but I can remember the second that I actually thought "hey. I should bring him in, it'll be so much fun." But then I remembered how serious it was and how serious I wasn't
I got "Important Character."
Important Character
Why did that make me laugh so hard?
Name: Important Character.
Bio: He doesn't have one, but he's a important character.
Appearance: He's like other characters, but more important.
Other Info: He shall be introduced right now.
Personality: He's important enough to be in the story.
Username: Important
That seems really important and needs to be handled ASAP
If he had a actual name and a few personality traits...I could work with him, but in his current state I can't tdo jack with him XD
Henry Dilman, that's his name now
While I appreciate the enthusiasm, I'm not able to use him just like that XD
I just started crying from laughter because of a character who went from Important Character to Henry Dilman. I hope whoever made them is happy with themselves. Was it truly worth it?
Yes. We're talking about it, yes? I'd say it's a job well done XD
On a side note, I spend the entire time on the bus reading recent parts to this story so you're doing something amazing. Kudos!
That's actually pretty cool to me. I'm glad I'm making a good enough story to make that big a of an impression
The choices are to the point where if you think you choose a good one you just get fucked. Like Shooting at Zafir or not, that seemed easy but it's probably got a whole lot of group conflict to bring with it.
There also choices that will bring conflict between two characters and a third might get pulled in as in Christian going to threaten Zafir to find Maria. Unless Maria never finds out, there shouldn't be any conflict except for someone using it as blackmail against Christian.
It just fucks me up... I have to think about the choices I make a lot.
Voting is closed!
(!) The boy will drop down and hope for the best
I'll start working on this new part quick as day and post today, something today, probably. I'm not sure if everyone has voted or not, but the choice is fairly one sided at this point and it wouldn't make much of a change if someone or several people voted. Liquid, I guess you're the only one who thinks it's a good idea to pull himself up
I'm sorry ;-; i've been really busy lately but ive been like 2 or 3 parts behind xDD
I would have voted with the majority anyway c:. Also who is the boy?!?
I'm glad the choices are tough! It's my goal to make you (and everyone) question their actions and choices to the point of regret!
But I try not to "recycle" ideas that play out in alternate choices, though it becomes very temping >.>
Oh and the shot Zafir or not choice... It would've been an awful ending due to the fact how many of the group would've died, but their probably would have been at least one surviving member to keep the story moving. It reminds me, I need to release the alternate choices. I'll do that soon, after I've finished this part I'm working on.
His name is ambiguous right now, but it's Zayne ;3
But worry, you don't need to be sorry. I don't take any offence and I sure as hell won't sacrifice Elias, yet.
And the offers still open. Just tell me where you're at and I'll make quick summery to get you up to speed
Okay its not me dropping down, good
That'd be nice of you xD I'm sure Elias is having a great time right now, probably at a Dairy Queen drinking a mango smoothie. I'm sure of it, or he's in an alternate universe where nobody dies
A summery would help but I don't know if you'd want to waste your time doing that.
It ain't a waste of time. All I need you to do if inform me where you're at in the story and I'll write a quick summery
Beginning of chapter 5 :c
This might take a little longer then I thought XD
Just give a little time and I'll get it to you
No its fine!
If you want just give are extremely brief description! Or I can just read it c:
It will be pretty brief, but you should get the gist of it c:
No problemo!
Okay thanks Hope