Adventure to the Pictures
I, (in my so far short life,) have never seen a adventure game turned into a Movie. But, I think that it would be a great idea. I imagine that Adventure games would transfer well into movies, due to there great story lines. For example, a full 3D computer animation, (like what pixar and dreamworks have been doing,) version of Grim Fandango. Another game that I think would make a good movie is Indiana jones and the Fate of Atlantas, but it is a bit late for Harrision Ford to pick up the old Indi hat and jump back on a Lucas film set.
I think it is also worth a note that Pixar was originaly the computer animation division of Lucasfilm untill in 1986 when it was bought by Steve Jobs, (Macintosh's co-founder,) for a pretty penny.
I think it is also worth a note that Pixar was originaly the computer animation division of Lucasfilm untill in 1986 when it was bought by Steve Jobs, (Macintosh's co-founder,) for a pretty penny.
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Don't know how much Steve Purcell's influence was with the cartoons, but compared to the print-version-comics I found them a little shallow.
The game was much better and funnier, in my opinion.
If Pixar or Dreamworks would make a Grim Fandango movie, it really could have the potential to be sweet.
Now wasn't there supposed to be an indy 4 somtimes around 2006 directed by Spielberg, and with H. Ford as Jones?
But don't get me wrong. Grim did have an excellent storyline.
I thought that the next indy was going to be another father/son gig and H. Ford as the father, the real Indy....
But I could be wrong... I just remember hearing that somewhere.
As for S&M cartoons, as far as I'm aware, they were never shown here in Australia, just like the comics.
Who would you get to play Bernard. I was thinking Rick Moranis or someone who has done geeks before in movies. Or even better, David Hasselhoff. It would crack me up to see him with shorts on and his gray buttoned up t-shirt tucked in as he staigtens up his crooked glasses.
Even Maniac Mansion could be done as a CG movie, with the nice cartoonish style of DOTT. Perhaps a traditional animation feature would be even better, but I can't think of who would be the best to do it.
Besides those two, I'd of course love to see a good movie based on Full Throttle.
"Can't talk any more, Ben. Eatin' too many bugs!"
Please don't kill the image I have in my mind about MM/DOTT with a 3D version!
For (a maybe fat-fetched) example: I was really disgusted when I saw the poster for the Garfield movie - I will never watch it in my whole life... yuck. Garfield is a character composed of thick outlines and thin inlines - the first comic-strip that used this technique, AFAIK. They destroyed that style in the 3D-movie in creating a fat, furry, photorealistic cat - lacking all the finesse of the drawings.
The best team for a MM/DOTT movie would be Genndy Tartakovsky/David Feiss/Craig McKracken - or any other of the great Cartoon Network artists. (Dexter/PPG/Johnny Bravo/etc...)
Oh man, that would be one sweet movie!
Idiots guide to turning David Hasselhoff into a Bernard for the Manic Mansion Movie
Okay, let's begin. We are going to make the following assumptions...
1. Benard is a stereo-typical nerd.
2.David Hasselhoff can act, (yeah, yeah, I know...)
3.The movie has a blockbuster budget to spend on David Hasselhoff's "re-education".
Now, we all no what makes a stereo-typical nerd. Heres a short list.
Greesy skin
No muscles
Heres what makes a David Hasselhoff...
Clear skin
20/20 vision
Chest Hair.
Hmmmm, we have some work ahead of us. I've taken that to form a basic equation for turning Bernard into Hasselhoff.
Ahhh, yeah. I'm sorry you had too see that. We have to reverse the process to find the Benard inside Hasselhoff.
Stage 1: We beat him half to death every day, with a 2 and a 1/2 ton dictionary while he is forced into a part time job at a take away store and he sits down for twelve hours of his spare time a day into learning programing. This is for the first 1-3 weeks of the programs.
Stage 2: He starts spending 1 hour a day in a vat of chicken grease and is forced to listen to classical music until the rock side of him is worn out. He also starts wearing dorky clothes and training glasses.
Stage 3: Give him a script for the movie and shove him in a closet with brendon.
When he emerges you will have your Bernard.
As for the Indy4 movie, Harrison Ford was in fact set to play Indy as the main character. They were just going to set it in the 60s or something to make it work. I was more optimistic than some people about the aging Ford playing the action hero again (as Ford himself said in an interview, it's appropriate that Indy "get old" like any other human human being - he is, after all, known as being the action guy who actually gets cut, hurt, bruised, etc. In other words, Indy isn't the immortal, supernatural, invincible type of action hero.). Of course, considering the way the movie has been delayed countless times, I'm not so sure it'll even get made (they say filming will happen this summer, but they said that last year as well. There's a new writer working on Darabont's discarded script which took well over a year to write and which Spielberg allegedly loved, and Lucas has made it clear that the movie will not get made unless the script is exactly as he wants it, plus the film is apparently on neither Lucas' or Spielberg's "must make" lists). The fate of Indy4 is still very uncertain, and if you ask me if the script isn't ready in a couple months and the movie doesn't start filming this summer, the project is over.
There I found the available information about Indy 4:
And everything that already was realized with Maniac Mansion
IMDB/Maniac Mansion [TV-Series 1990-1993]
and IMDB/La Mansion de la niebla (Spain/Italy, 1972), which doesn't seem to have anything to do with Maniac Manion but the english title. But if you watch the cast, you can see a couple with the names Fred and Elsa. That's something, huh?
/Edit: F*ck... just realized that the woman in MM was called Edna... ok, never mind this and the last 2 lines...^^)
With the difference between a movie about DOTT and one for MM, I agree with Udvanoky. I would hate to watch DOTT with real actors, but Maniac Mansion could be really interesting as a Movie of that type...
Yes, I've started using smilies. Muahahaha!!!!
You mean, IMDB in general made you use smilies, or just what's there about Maniac Mansion? :-/ (<-- smilie)
Well, animated Sam & Max has already been made, at least as a TV show... TVTome link.
I second that.
I think paul pfeiffer from the wonder years would make a perfect match for Bernard. here are some pics to refresh your memory.
Edit: My post is like that too! Whats going on?!
Yep, it is. I think it has something to do with mike's quote tags (one of them isn't closed or something). Where's our friendly moderator when you need him...?
Last time that happened he just deleted the whole thread.
do i care
oh and burn he wouldn't have a flaming beard since he would be ghost form lechuck