The Vent/Help Thread



  • Show me your ways, teacher.

    Not really, as much as popular media like to make you think otherwise it isn't.

  • edited August 2016

    Not every popular person is fake. Yes, a lot of them are, but not all.

    The way I see it - be the very best of what you are - the very best version of yourself. Nobody can ask more than that, not even of themselves.

    If your best isn't good enough for some people, that's their problem, not yours. Just like if other people's best isn't good enough for you, that's your problem, not theirs.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    As a person who's been through phases I guess being kind of popular wouldn't hurt anyone. It's not some sin or anything and people automatically assume if you are popular all your buddies are fake.

  • edited August 2016

    I just saw my niece for the first time in ages. she was at my door and suprised me.

    A little back story, my sister (her mum) is a horrible manipulative bully she is a compulisive liar a alcoholic a heroin addict and a narcissist. A few years ago she begged me to lend her a large sum of money and then later came back for more when I mentioned that she hadn't paid me back yet she said I "actually owed her it" and listed off takeaways and drinks and even birthday presents (cherry on the cake the phone she "bought me" for my 13th, I was 24 at the time of the mugging, was bought with money she stole from our mum after our mum said she couldn't afford to get me a gift and pay bills which I was fine with she put our mum in debt for god knows why) I said no she screamed blue murder and ran into the street kicked over my bins and my neighbours bins and made a whole scene im 24 shes 34.

    She shoots up and is a hypochondriac she always phones ambulances but lies about the amount of shit in her system.

    When our mum died the first thing out of her mouth was "what will I do for money" SHE WAS 34!!!

    back to my niece she was taken into care years ago during which time my sister wanted me 17 at the time TO LIE TO THE CHILD SERVICES AND SAY IM KEEPING THE CHILD SO BIG SIS CAN POCKET THE BENEFIT MONEY I said no so im literally the devil. Well neice is devastated because the care system is moving her further and further away from her mum she only gets to see her mum every 3weeks and her mums in hospital (shes always in hospital) I cant tell her shes better off without her but she is and I know that the child services dont want her to have contact with her mum, I feel so bad for my niece because I used to believe big sis's bullshit but know I have nothing to do with her, I think I literally hate her she never cared for her kids drugs and alcohol always came first niece is better off away from that cow but thats something she has to find out for herself.

    Edit: forgot to mention the purpose of the visit neice wanted bus money so she could visit her mum in hospital I gave her some, im realy skint though and have debts to pay off because big sis lied to the council she impersonated me and phoned them saying I had never moved out of our mums house even though I moved out at 16 now I have shit tons of tax to pay when I wish I phoned the police on her ass instead, when my mum died the council were taking back the property so sis decided to try and get it in my name so she can rule the roost be lady of the manor dump her crap there and deal from there while I will be legally liable. FUCKING. BITCH.

  • What I see are two options. 1) Probably best to call it quits. If it's been a few months and you're both already off to a bad restart. Or 2) Work things out and just try to be friends.

    I'd recommend trying to start with number two, if things don't work then number one.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Went out with my crush on second date today after our first being two months ago we stopped speaking after first date her attempted friendzo

  • That's completely correct, and as a bonus only (not necessary to believe it) I know a really popular person who isn't fake. Rather, their most visible traits are openess, great humor and interesting stories/experiences.

    I agree with all your statements. :)

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Not every popular person is fake. Yes, a lot of them are, but not all. The way I see it - be the very best of what you are - the very bes

  • Gah damn, you got some horrible relatives.

    I had one cousin who rented part of a house next to our owned house. She was snoopy and annoying. She kept on complaining about what's on our yard, not only my yard but what goes on with other people's homes. Bitch, bitch, bitch. There was a time when we had to take stuff out of the house and wait for my aunt's truck to come and take it to the junkyard, or heck even branches that we were gonna take of, we get complaints from her. There's even times that whenever we went out, she'd come out the same time every time, pretending to do something. Looking for shit to complain. Thankfully, she moved out. We got other cousins who are a lot more chill.

    I just saw my niece for the first time in ages. she was at my door and suprised me. A little back story, my sister (her mum) is a horribl

  • Me: fuck you sarah, you look like fucking shit anyway

    Sarah: y u b so mean

    Me: your grammar is even worse than your attitude

    Sarah: Waaaaaah :'(

    Me: :)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Went out with my crush on second date today after our first being two months ago we stopped speaking after first date her attempted friendzo

  • I had a neighbour like that every time I would go in the garden there he would be weirding it up.

    The thing about relatives is that its so hard to put their bad behavior across to other people because its thousands of little things that build up if your not careful you end up looking like a loon

    Gah damn, you got some horrible relatives. I had one cousin who rented part of a house next to our owned house. She was snoopy and annoyi

  • edited August 2016

    Prove you weren't living there since age 16, you have to, and it helps you immensely. Your sister doesn't deserve you paying anything instead of her. If you must then sue her, if you want then consider taking your niece in your own care.

    I just saw my niece for the first time in ages. she was at my door and suprised me. A little back story, my sister (her mum) is a horribl

  • The thing with the debt all happened after my mum died I was too depressed to do anything I didn't want any more shit to happen with my sister as far as I see it £2500 (tax+ what i "lent" her) is a reasonable price to get rid of her for good I am done with her and I dont want anything to do with her.

    As far as the niece goes I cant take her on, my sister would interfere and shit stir I live to close to her to stop my niece seeing her. the best thing for my niece is to get as far away from her mum as possible even though she doesnt know that yet. I feel bad for her but I have to keep out of it.

    And I have less that £250 left to pay so alls good. Thanks for reading my rant things are way more complex than I can put into words with my family.

    joriandrake posted: »

    Prove you weren't living there since age 16, you have to, and it helps you immensely. Your sister doesn't deserve you paying anything instead of her. If you must then sue her, if you want then consider taking your niece in your own care.

  • It's pretty hard for me to make friends in general so having like two is pretty awesome for me.

    But hey, if I had a bunch of friends who actually cared about me, then sure. Never happened to me though.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    But what if you can have a bunch of great and good friends?

  • No problem :)

    NoGoingBack posted: »

    i don't know you, but I just want to say thank you. I needed this.

  • Also, good message @TheAutisticGamer


    Sure, it may be selfish. But all the feelings of pain and sadness every day up to that point; feeling neglected, hated or even having someth

  • I think it can be changed after 2 months

    I can't change my goddamn name on Google and YouTube. It keeps saying "Changed too recently.", and I haven't changed it since a month ago. HELP ME, PLEASE.

  • The main character (Tessa) is completely bipolar, same with Harry (in this fanfiction anyway).

    I've read the book, and it's horrible.

    NoGoingBack posted: »

    Fanfiction has gotten progressively worse over the years. I remember there was a time when I loved browsing Wattpad for new additions to my

  • I have never seen such inconsistency between two characters in my life. I haven't read all of it, but I ended up feeling bad for Noah.

    The main character (Tessa) is completely bipolar, same with Harry (in this fanfiction anyway). I've read the book, and it's horrible.

  • The After series (Yep, it's a series) spans to three books.

    I've read the first half of the second book, and it's a lot more horrible.

    NoGoingBack posted: »

    I have never seen such inconsistency between two characters in my life. I haven't read all of it, but I ended up feeling bad for Noah.

  • Holy shit.

    What a time to be alive.

    The After series (Yep, it's a series) spans to three books. I've read the first half of the second book, and it's a lot more horrible.

  • I'm 100 km away from the capital and there's no even proper 3G coverage around the whole town, while I used to pick up clear LTE signal in the middle of a forest in the deep North with the same mobile provider. I mean, wtf.

  • To be able to vent I need a cool beer and my forum games to read and relax

    I got no updates now o_____O

    O___O I suffer from withdrawal symptoms

    gimme stories o_O

    X_x no moar beer




    eye twitches

  • Hey, How do I use Gravatar?

    Is it some other website that I have to sign up to or do I do it through the TT website?


  • Another website. You have to use the same email you use for your TT account for it to work.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Hey, How do I use Gravatar? Is it some other website that I have to sign up to or do I do it through the TT website? Thanks.

  • Okay, thanks.

    Another website. You have to use the same email you use for your TT account for it to work.

  • It's almost time for me to go back to school. :'(

    Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

  • why you gotta bring it up ahahahhah

    enter image description here

    It's almost time for me to go back to school. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

  • Walked 4.3 miles in 92 degree weather on the shittiest train tracks just to be told by every place in town that I had to go home and create a resume if I wanted a chance at getting a job.

    Hello darkness my old friend

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited August 2016
    Acheive250 posted: »

    Hey, How do I use Gravatar? Is it some other website that I have to sign up to or do I do it through the TT website? Thanks.

  • I hate getting drunk, and waking up feeling sick.

  • That helped, thanks.

    This video can guide you on how to do it.

  • Then don't.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I hate getting drunk, and waking up feeling sick.

  • I just went through my first day and I have NO classes with ANY of my friends...

  • Don't just you just hate it when you ask someone hold on to something, and they reassure you they won't lose it, ad then a week later, they lose it?

  • You think that's bad? Imagine having to move to another town and having no friends anywhere

    I just went through my first day and I have NO classes with ANY of my friends...

  • Do you have the same subject with any of them, such as the same math course but a different class? Then maybe you could still study with them.

    I guess it's time to make some new friends.

    I just went through my first day and I have NO classes with ANY of my friends...

  • Luckily I don't have any friends, so I will never run into this sort of problem.

    I just went through my first day and I have NO classes with ANY of my friends...

  • Make new ones. More friends is never bad.

    I just went through my first day and I have NO classes with ANY of my friends...

  • Try to make some new ones, Lizzy.

    I just went through my first day and I have NO classes with ANY of my friends...

  • Thanks everyone for advice I texted her about hour after she left just say. Delete my contact and Im deleting yours. I think we should avoid eachother for now on thanks.

    I have no intention going out with this girl again she kept playing games. Before I went into starbucks to see her. I saw her ex bf walking away down road away .

    She trying string me along and im cutting cord.

    The first rejection/friendzone gave me bad depression for month I struggled to do or enjoy what use to love.

    Just for my own mental health I need keep her away from me

    Since did I feel much better and happy again never go back to that place.

    We never were friends the first date was first time we ever talked I was completely clear with my intentions from start I never faked friendship to get date. So I can leave this without any guilt from rejecting her friendzone

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Went out with my crush on second date today after our first being two months ago we stopped speaking after first date her attempted friendzo

  • That women evil sorry you have to endure this.

    You did right things ur sis trying drag everyone down around her.

    Stand strong and do not let her destroy ur life. She needs reality check so many problems yet all ur fault wtf

    Idk is it to late and she to selfish to fix

    But I hope niece is ok she did not ask for.this she should always.come first

    I just saw my niece for the first time in ages. she was at my door and suprised me. A little back story, my sister (her mum) is a horribl

  • Pun intended?

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Hang in there!

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