The Vent/Help Thread



  • I don't know if this is the place for it but I just need to let it out somewhere.
    My dog was sick for months. For months we tried and tried and did everything we could to help her feel better. It seemed to be working but then something always went wrong when we started breathing again in relief.
    Her liver just couldn't handle it.
    Today, when I went out for a checkup, I never expected that I would come back without her.
    But because she was suffering, I had to say goodbye.

    She was my best friend. I don't think anything's ever hurt this much.

  • My life was turned upside down last summer. Won't go into details but it's the kind of stuff you carry with you for the rest of your life. Picked up whatever pieces I could and tried to start over again. Which I did. Only problem is, I'm not sure if I made the right choice.

    Also: It bugs me that Telltale isn't making point & click adventure games anymore.

  • Sorry, real life doesn't support a rewind option, despite a huge demand from the fan base. If you do the best you can, then that's the best you can do.

    The staff at Telltale who made the great point & click adventure games is mostly gone, so it's just as well that they're not attempting them anymore. For a good recent take on the classic adventure style, have a look at Thimbleweed Park.

    jtc posted: »

    My life was turned upside down last summer. Won't go into details but it's the kind of stuff you carry with you for the rest of your life. P

  • I feel like I am a terrible person. So, the story is that me and my brother were cleaning our basement. We were supposed to throw away every garbage bag and a couple of old sinks that was left in our basement and put it into our father's car. After we thought that everything was cleaned, I told my brother that I remember another sink laying next to the basement doors, so I asked my brother if he could bring this sink and called it a day. Turned out that it wasn't our sink (I forgot that my father told me that we had only 2, metal sinks). My brother was pretty pissed cause this sink was very heavy and he got to bring back this sink. I was placing everything in the car and then BAM! I hear a noise, I started laughing cause I knew what happened. I went quickly to see if he was okay. The sink was everywhere and my brother was sitting at the stairs with the rest of the sink on his body. We're both were laughing our asses off when suddenly he saw blood comming ot of his hand. Turned out the shards of the sink cut a chunk of his thumb (just some meat) I helped him get up and told him to go upstairs and go with my father to the hospital, for some reasons instead of feeling bad for him I'm still laughing my ass off while he's now at the hospital being operated and staying for the night in there. The last time we spoke he said jokingly that it was 80% my fault. Does making fun of my brother's "misery" makes me a terrible brother and some kind of an asshole?
    Sorry for this chaos that I call a story, but my writing skills are very shitty.

    Also I know that his whole story break the rules (it has some gross element) but I wanted to share this story and know if I'm being an asshole, so mods if you feel that this post is unapropriate, you can just delete it.

  • edited April 2018

    You're not an asshole,i had something similar happened to me except that i was the one being hurt and in the hospital,my brother was laughing when i was hurt (i was still a kid and he was playing with me that was an accident),my parents yelled at him and blamed him.
    But i knew he didn't do that on purpose it just happened and i don't blame him.

    Anyway,if you feel really bad, next time you see him tell him how you feel and apologize.
    And uh..Sorry if what i'm saying here sound weird,i'm typing this really late.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    I feel like I am a terrible person. So, the story is that me and my brother were cleaning our basement. We were supposed to throw away every

  • As long as the victim is laughing, too, it's probably best to keep the mood light and keep laughing and joking about it. Assuming you're actively getting help, of course. And don't laugh at the emergency phone operator if you had to call them. So, no, you're not a terrible person.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    I feel like I am a terrible person. So, the story is that me and my brother were cleaning our basement. We were supposed to throw away every

  • edited April 2018


    I love the support that goes on in this thread though, you guys are great :smile:

  • I think it’s time to come clean around here and say that the only reason that I am extremely hypo and weird around this place is to hide the fact that I’m extremely quiet in real life to the point that I’m practically a mute. I don’t have bully problems or anything, as a matter of fact nearly everyone I know is nice to me, but I still have social anxiety issues for some reason and I don’t know why, it’s like I have two split personalities, one for real life and one for the internet (I’m two completely different people in both scenarios). Here I will speak my mind and will defend myself and my opinions/ideologies to the death essentially, but in reality I always try to find a middle ground and will avoid making as many people mad as possible, which I obviously don’t give 2 shits about here lol :p

    Which leads to something else, I never swear in real life. Unless I actually get very mad or stub my toe I’ll probably throw something in there but I guess I like using the internet as a form of escapism and so I can say what I want about whatever I want without feeling any big impacts like I normally would if somebody disagrees.

    I have a rough idea of why I’m this way, and I actually think it’s because I don’t have a girlfriend. Every time I’ve come close to having one, part of me opens up and I’d act just about like I do here but in real life, like when I met the daughter of a family friend when I went to Spain a few years ago, even if it was only for a week I actually felt normal, and when I was younger I was surrounded by girls, which is why I was a huge nut job and is probably why I had the balls to do the Harlem shake in front of everybody in a Spanish class. But then it started to change when I joined an all boys school (story of my life ?) and being surrounded by a bunch of horny weirdos who have no girls to be weird around so then they have to be weird to me and other ppl instead such as sniffing my ear (trust me, this actually happened) and stuff like that. But I feel like I’m too far into the single life to start now, I hate going outside with my friends as well cos the only things they do is shop and parties at night, but the thing is I hate night but love the evening, and I hate being seen in public with my parents as well as I hate being alone, so it leaves me stuck in a god damn house and the on,y time I end up leaving is to go to school when I really don’t want it to be like that.

    Just figured I’d get this all off my chest as it’s been eating me up lately, and like I always say “all mysterious characters need a backstory eventually”.

  • ...hey... um... honest please... am i a moron...?

  • No.
    While we all tend to lapse into the lazy internet writing style, your thoughts seemed to be fully formed and well-conveyed. From what I've read, you could not be a moron.

    ...hey... um... honest please... am i a moron...?

  • Not as far as what you post on the internet gives me to go on.

    ...hey... um... honest please... am i a moron...?

  • Nope, morons don't question that sort of thing.

    ...hey... um... honest please... am i a moron...?

  • Absolutely not!
    But I know what it's like to feel that way. Hell, even on my best days I still feel like I'm a retard But... it's for the best to avoid thinking of things that way. It's not always easy to think positively or "count your blessings", but it can be good to take a step back and think about them every once in a while when you feel stressed. A way to anchor yourself when those thoughts start to eat at you. It could be about your family, a game or tv show that's got you excited, or just something in general that you're looking forward to or do right now that can brighten your spirits.

    But remember, thoughts like these don't last forever. We can wake up the next morning and have a totally different outlook on things. It's something we all have, both a blessing and a curse.

    ...hey... um... honest please... am i a moron...?

  • ...Thanks, I appreciate your kind words @Johro, @CrazedRabbit, @WarpSpeed, @Zombiekiller3121, everyone.

    What I am truly afraid of, is not that I am a moron in the sense of knowledge; rather, that I am a moron in the sense of emotions. I am afraid of being oblivious to feelings; I am afraid of living unconsciously.

    The problem is that I can sometimes focus too much on all of the negative people in my life, and how much I am afraid that if I'm not aware enough, I'll turn into someone like them. I'm only young; I haven't really figured out who I am yet... but if I'm going to turn into someone that doesn't care about hurting others... well... frack, I don't want to live. But what all that worrying does though, is rob me of my energy to be a better person.

    I am someone who thinks and analyzes a lot; it's how I process things; however, it can get out of hand and become negative. Much like water; you need it to live, but too much of it can drown you.

    Like @Zombiekiller3121 said:

    remember, thoughts like these don't last forever.

    That's definitely something that I need to remind myself. It's one of my biggest problems; I tend to get overwhelmed and think that I'll be trapped in the very moment and mindset that I'm in for the rest of my life. I can easily forget that nothing lasts forever. My concept of the future is... very poor.

    I am feeling better though. Talking to someone I know has somewhat cheered me up; knowing that they are excited for the future gives me a reason to keep going on.

    ...I'm sorry for making that comment before... I just wish I could keep it all to myself without showing any signs.

    Take care, all you friendly forum peoples.

  • If you worry about these things, then you'll be fine.
    I mean that sincerely.
    The people whom are akin to your fears, don't worry about these things.
    If you want to be better, that's something you just have chip at bit by bit. You can't change yourself in a day, week, or month.

    Remember, whatever you see on the outside, not everyone has it perfected inside. Don't mistake confidence for having their lives figured out. Some of the dumbest things accomplished were done in full confidence.

    ...Thanks, I appreciate your kind words @Johro, @CrazedRabbit, @WarpSpeed, @Zombiekiller3121, everyone. What I am truly afraid of, is not

  • edited May 2018

    I know it's really personal but I'm used to bottling up my feelings inside, I just have to take this out somewhere.

    My dad is a piece of shit.

    I've thought about this before but this came as a striking revelation exactly today. Let me explain a situation: my dad is a wealthy man. He divorced my mom this year and didn't live with us for two years already. In the past he pushed my mom into being a housewife so currently she's taking her first steps into a new career. It's a fresh start for her, so now we're financially dependent on him. He never apologised for his horrible attitude in marriage but he did promise that we won't ever be in need. So this year I won a trip to New York in an English contest. It'll be like a summer camp. The prize covers about a half of the rip but another half is still quite expensive. My dad said it's no problem, he has enough money to both send me to New York and organise a proper holiday by the sea for the rest of the family (we live in a cold country, it's necessary to get away once a year). And guess what? Now, when my trip to New York is ready, he suddenly backs out and gives us twice less money than he promised. So now we have to frantically find a cheap solution and basically the holiday is spoiled. He had no reasons to act like it, he just pulled a dick move! If I knew this would happen, I'd decline my trip because I've been to this kind of camps before. I'd be glad to put more effort into a family holiday. But noooo, I can't back out now, so my dad literally manipulated me into feeling guilty. Because my family won't get a proper holiday because of me.

    Lately he's acting more and more like a prick, although he was never that good. I can't even say I had a real father. He was absent half of the time when I was a kid, hanging out with his endless girlfriends, pretending he's working. All he ever gave us was money. He never showed me any kind of genuine affection - not in gestures, not in actions, not in words. The best I could get is a pat on the head and "good girl" as if I'm his pet. My dad only became interested in us when we grew up a little and became smart enough to listen to his dumb sophisticated rants. He tried soooo hard to be our guru (and he's worst possible guru ever). He keeps bragging to everyone that we're his pride and joy but he didn't contribute in raising his children at all. It was always our mom - she nurtured us, fed us, helped us, taught us, protected when neccessary. My dad instead treated her like shit and proclaimed that we were his project all this time. And you know what it means - being his project? It means that we have to listen to his every single word, kiss his ass daily, live our lives the way he wants it and be obedient little girls. He's a tyrant and and emotional abuser.

    Up until he was 26 (!) years old, his parents funded him. All he did was studying (very poorly, which is important) and smoking weed in his spare time. Back then he didn't earn a single penny on an official job. And now he's forcing my 20 yr old sister, who already studies very well and does a side job, to get the best diploma and work the full day at once! He still puts her under pressure with his stupid beliefs. When she started studying political science, he really wanted her to get an elite job in our stupid government but it was never her goal. He kept telling her how important it is to marry a rich guy. Now she sincerely enjoys working as a tutor (which is a plebian career to him, of course) and dates a simple boy from her university, so he's utterly disappointed. Turns out that people have other values in life rather than prestige and success.

    For my dad, there are only two kinds of opinions - his one and the wrong one. He thinks the easiest way to win someone's loyalty is money so it's his first source of manipulation. I can't remember a single time he did something out of pure kindness and altruism. He sounds so glib while promising stuff but his words worth nothing. He's not that "tough guy with a hidden heart of gold". He's an absolute cynic and does everything for his own gain. He is a shitty son, a shitty friend, a shitty husband and a shitty dad. Other people who know him whisper behind his back: "he's the worst guy to deal with". But then they all smile into his face because he's the rich boss. It makes him think he's a good man. "Nobody ever said anything bad about me, except stupid bitches like my wife who don't understand anything, so how am I a wrong person?" He literally made my sister cry once and couldn't understand why he acted like a dick, he thought it was her fault she's such a pansy.

    I remain silent partly because of my irrational feeling of love (he's still my father, my blood), partly because I'm a shy peacemaker. I hate confronting people. I'd rather just clench my teeth and be like "if I ignore it, maybe it will go away". Horrible coping mechanism, I know, but it's who I am. My parents have been fighting fiercely all my childhood so I'm just afraid of yelling and scandals. Anyway, the worst thing is that preaching out truth to him won't change anything. It's useless. You can't change a folk like him. The best he can do is decide that you're wrong and ignore the rest. My therapist says the my dad just completely blocks his emotional side, he doesn't understand how people's feelings work and doesn't want to understand. He's a real sociopath and trust me, it's not as cool as those edgy teenagers think.

    Also when my dad is unhappy, he thinks the whole world must weep with him. He'll do anything to make you feel like a piece of shit. He lashes out and destroys your mood in seconds. Talk about caring for your loved ones, duh...

    The older he gets, the more stingy and obnoxious he becomes. I can't wait until I grow up into an indepent adult and cut down our ties. I won't abandon him in the time of need, of course, but if he's such a smart motherfucker he can live happily with fake friends around. Urgh.

    I doubt anyone has read my full rant, but I already feel better. Phew.

    P.S. Not to mention that he hurt my mom really badly by using her and cheating on her for many years and he has two babies with his new bitch. He's almost 50 now so having small children is tiring and expensive to him. For some reason, he refuses to believe that it's only his problem. You should've though better before shoving your dick anywhere, asshole!

  • You're a lot smarter than he is. You don't have to feel guilty over the spoiled holiday, because you know who's really to blame, and I bet your family knows, too. Enjoy your trip to New York!

    I know it's really personal but I'm used to bottling up my feelings inside, I just have to take this out somewhere. My dad is a piece of

  • Thank you so much. I tried talking to him this morning but he just got mad and threw some nonsense at me, he thinks I don't have my own opinion and it's all my mom's job. Nearly driven me to tears, so that was a horrible start for the day. Thankfully I feel better now.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    You're a lot smarter than he is. You don't have to feel guilty over the spoiled holiday, because you know who's really to blame, and I bet your family knows, too. Enjoy your trip to New York!

  • I've come to the conclusion that I'm an emotional mess and have been one a majority of my life. It's currently 1:50 am where I am and I really don't know where to go with this because people sleep at night and not many people know how far back it goes, so I'm going to try to explain everything the best I can and I apologize beforehand because it's going to be a lot, but everything's connected.

    Back in December, I had to take my dog to the vet during emergency hours because he wasn't in good condition and he probably would have died had we not taken him in. He's not a young dog, but he's still got a lot of life in him. Going to the vet during emergency hours is was well over anything I make working a babysitting job, then I had to go back two days later to get more testing done. Luckily, it didn't have to be paid on the spot. I was overjoyed at this because at my age and in my position, I'm in no way able to pay that much on the spot. Instead, it needs to be paid off at the end of six months, otherwise a real nasty interest rate gets applied to it. It's like pet insurance, I guess.

    In early December, my grandfather in Louisiana took a fall that broke his leg and I desperately wanted to go out to be there for him, so I had been pushing to get the vet stuff handled quicker so I could go. When I got there, he was in a rehabilitation center to try and get back to walking. New Year's Day, he had been sent back to the hospital with pneumonia and he was so unhappy there and he couldn't wait to go home. I spent nearly everyday with him until I got sick and had to stay away from the hospital for two days. I was told he was completely delusional both of those days and on the day I was going to return, I got a call from my aunt telling me that he had passed away. I stayed in Louisiana until late January to be there for my family and I don't regret the decision at all.

    The issue with staying there was that I wasn't able to make any money to put towards the vet bills for the entire month, then I had another vet visit to go to so he could get his medicine refilled. Then another one at the end of March so he could get more medicine. The one at the end of March was the one I had to pay for all on my own because they'll no longer let me use the insurance until I pay off more. My problem is that I'm 17 years old, I don't have a license to drive, I don't have a job that pays more than 30 dollars a week and at this point, I've become beyond hopeless in the situation.

    A friend brought up the idea of starting a donation page, which I only did in March, three months before the first payment was due. I'd already paid off 200 dollars on my own and I was honestly feeling great about it until the visit in March because that took a lot of the money I had earned and raised. My father found out about me setting up a page and he wasn't happy about it in the slightest. My stepfather told me that he had made a comment complaining about me trying to raise money. It shouldn't bother me because we've never been close and we probably never will be, but it's honestly hurt me more than I thought it would.

    I've been doing my best to work hard for what I need, rather than what I want and it's been completely draining me. I haven't been able to do what I enjoy because everything feels like a task now. With one month left to go, I feel completely hopeless and I really have no idea what to do anymore.

    Don't worry about responding or anything, I just needed to get this out of my system.

  • I kinda have something on my mind that I'd like another opinion on, but don't really want to post it publicly.

    Is there anyone who wouldn't mind me PMing them to talk about something?

  • I'm fine with it.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I kinda have something on my mind that I'd like another opinion on, but don't really want to post it publicly. Is there anyone who wouldn't mind me PMing them to talk about something?

  • Just got braces installed today. It's the beginning of many changes and movements and metal additions to my mouth. Grrreeat.
    Oh yeah, it's also both really annoying and visually off-putting.

    Do I have any chance at a love life in the next 2 years with this?

  • So you haven't heard the one where the two teenagers with braces kiss, and their braces get locked together, so they can't get out of the kiss? What could be more romantic than that?

    AChicken posted: »

    Just got braces installed today. It's the beginning of many changes and movements and metal additions to my mouth. Grrreeat. Oh yeah, it's

  • of course you do!

    I’ve used braces for 2 years and this year I finally don’t need them anymore, the first day I couldn’t eat anything because it hurts a lot, after a couple of days I was already used to it, doesn’t mean it wasn’t annoying (and yeah they are visually off-putting). I couldn’t wait to take them off.
    But it was worth it, my teeth used to be awful and now I want to smile everywhere I go.

    AChicken posted: »

    Just got braces installed today. It's the beginning of many changes and movements and metal additions to my mouth. Grrreeat. Oh yeah, it's

  • Okay, okay, thanks. I just got myself down thinking of the worst... as usual.
    (Like, I'm 19 and just now am getting these straightened out. It feels wrong.)

  • Better late than never! I’m sure they look great and eventually they’ll feel great too!

    AChicken posted: »

    Okay, okay, thanks. I just got myself down thinking of the worst... as usual. (Like, I'm 19 and just now am getting these straightened out. It feels wrong.)

  • just like @imighthavebrokenit said, better late than never, my mom started using braces at 38, it’s completely normal to someone your age to use it

    AChicken posted: »

    Okay, okay, thanks. I just got myself down thinking of the worst... as usual. (Like, I'm 19 and just now am getting these straightened out. It feels wrong.)

  • Currently going through some MAJOR writer’s block. Haven’t updated anything in like 2 months. Ugh. Can anyone help?

  • Ugh, writer’s block, that’s awful. I usually ask around for some ideas when it happens and worse comes to worse, I go to some online generator and loosely base things on the result I get. Try and think about what you would like from your work, if that makes any sense.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Currently going through some MAJOR writer’s block. Haven’t updated anything in like 2 months. Ugh. Can anyone help?

  • ...WarpSpeed, are you trying to make AChicken feel better... or worse?

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    So you haven't heard the one where the two teenagers with braces kiss, and their braces get locked together, so they can't get out of the kiss? What could be more romantic than that?

  • New experiences are one of the best sources of inspiration. Learn something new about life and you'll learn something new about your story.

    There's this quote that I've recently read that really stuck with me. It went something like this:
    "Creativity flourishes when it is constrained."
    It might sound odd at first, but it makes a lot of sense to me. When you are bound by rules or limited by resources, you have to be creative in order to make the most of what you have.
    (I thought I found that quote in one of my creative photography books but I just had a quick look through them and couldn't find it so I have no idea where I got it from...)

    Bouncing off ideas with someone else also inspires creativity, as they can open up your eyes to different perspectives and ideas.

    Having said all that, I don't do a lot of full-on writing... I imagine stories, but am not so great at writing them down. So there's a high chance that what I've said is completely crap...

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Currently going through some MAJOR writer’s block. Haven’t updated anything in like 2 months. Ugh. Can anyone help?

  • I just had a massive eye-opener moment. My view on people and humanity as a whole has just changed dramatically.

    I just found out about something, about another side of someone I know, someone I love. I don't know what exactly I've realised, or why learning that made me realise it, but I'm so glad that I have.

    I think I've already said this, but I want to apolagise to all the people I may have upset or brought down with my previous comments on this thread.

  • It's great that you came across a revelation that you're happy with. Hopefully it helps you in the future.

    And you don't have to apologize for the posts you've made here. This is a vent thread after all. If anyone gets brought down by coming here then that's their problem. I'm certain that nearly everyone here will try to be supportive no matter how depressing your situation is.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I just had a massive eye-opener moment. My view on people and humanity as a whole has just changed dramatically. I just found out about s

  • edited May 2018

    Honestly there's been several times when I would want to respond to a vent someone posted here with some support or advice but I was too worried about saying the wrong thing (and somehow ruining the OP's mood further) to do so. Not that I don't have faith that everyone here can react with maturity when they receive a response they don't like but I know that what's posted here is usually a sensitive matter for the OP and I guess I'm just too unsure on what to avoid saying in order to keep from upsetting them, assuming they're still on edge. I don't like standing by when someone is asking for help but at the same time I don't want to make things worse for them in some way. I'd get if you think that's irrational but stuff like that has happened several times before in my personal life when I didn't mean for it too.

    Anyways even if I don't become more active in giving support on this thread, I hope you all find the closure to what's bothering you that you're looking for :smile:

  • No, I understand. You don't want to make the situation inadvertantly worse.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Honestly there's been several times when I would want to respond to a vent someone posted here with some support or advice but I was too wor

  • Woah... gosh, I'm the same.

    I've actually written up replies for most of the posts here in the past couple of months but... I just can't post them. I just... don't feel confident in what I have to say. I don't know if I'm saying the right things. I'm too afriad that I'll say something that'll upset them even more and make things worse...

    Whilst I generally care and feel for all these people... I'm just a dumb, inexperienced, naive, selfish teen. I really don't understand anything at all; I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm just as lost and confused as anyone else; I have no right to speak my mind.

    I used to post more frequently in this thread... but... I don't know. I feel bad for those posts. I feel like I misguide people.

    I've been thinking about this lately... What's worse: being ignored or having someone say something that upsets you or isn't helpful at all?

    Though, by choosing not to reply, I make the subconscious choice of making my negative feelings more important than showing support for others... Is that worse?

    And is it better late than never?

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Honestly there's been several times when I would want to respond to a vent someone posted here with some support or advice but I was too wor

  • Oh, I've definitely made some bad posts in my life where I was trying to help but just made things worse. You don't always know every little thing going on in the other person's head, and even the best of intentions can backfire. The question is whether silence is better if you have something that might help. Here are some tips.

    • If you're stressed out yourself, possibly for some other unrelated reason, it's probably best to just wait and think about it and see if others respond first. Unless it's an emergency, like "I have a knife and can't wait to bleed out."
    • Make sure what you write isn't attacking in any way. If someone's sad about a bad grade, saying, "Well, you should have studied harder instead of playing video games all the time" isn't helpful. Changing it into an open-ended question like "Is there something you can do to improve your future grades?" is better.
    • By the way, open-ended questions are great in general.
    • Don't victim-blame. Ever. If a traumatic event has happened to someone, don't say, well, it wouldn't have happened if you had done this differently.
    • If it's just a rant (hey, this is the Vent Thread), and you happen to agree, feel free to say so as a show of support. If you disagree, it's probably better to remain silent (this isn't the Flame War Thread).
    • Before you post, go back and re-read the whole thing as if you were the other person and feeling fragile about yourself. Is there anything that's too harsh about it and could be softened a little?
    • If you really don't have any solutions, it can be nice to just say, "I'm sorry things are going this way. I hope the future is better."
    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Honestly there's been several times when I would want to respond to a vent someone posted here with some support or advice but I was too wor

  • ..Yes. Those guidelines are important to follow for helping a person in most cases.

    And NO psychological breakdowns in the middle of replying to someone! In my experience, that usually doesn't work.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Oh, I've definitely made some bad posts in my life where I was trying to help but just made things worse. You don't always know every littl

  • Those are all great tips. I know how hard it is to put yourself in that position of emotional vulnerability, especially on the internet, and I want those people to get the advice they deserve for being able to put themselves out there like that, but like @Psychokinesis said, I don't know if I have the emotional maturity to actually be able to provide any substantial support. I'll try to be more active in this thread anyways since I'm sure knowing that there are people out there who do care about what you're going through is helpful enough, even if they may not have any wisdom to share on the situation.

    Thank you guys for responding :smile:

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Oh, I've definitely made some bad posts in my life where I was trying to help but just made things worse. You don't always know every littl

  • I've been thinking about this lately... What's worse: being ignored or having someone say something that upsets you or isn't helpful at all?

    really hard to answer, I'm gonna choose having someone say something that upsets you because being ignored could happen for a lot of reasons and not only negative ones

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