Any Borderlands Players here?

So, it's pretty clear from my time around this forum that a lot of people don't actually have much Borderlands experience. Who here DOES play the games? What's your character choices?

I've played across all three games, and my main choices were Brick, Axton and Nisha. Completely bizarrely different people really. But damn if they're not fun!



  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Currently I only have the second one, but I like playing as Maya, I plan on getting the Pre-Sequel during the steam summer sale.

  • I've only played 2 but my favorite class is Gunzerker. :)

  • Played all of them, 2 is my favourite game of all time. I finished it with all characters, got Zer0 to OP+8 and I'm still not tired of it.

  • I bought BL2 on steam last week having no experience with videogames at all (I mean literally none). Goddamn, single most stressful experience of my life. It actually started out okay but I think I was just lulled into a false sense of security by going around looting stuff, but as soon as the bullymongs came I lost my shit completely. I died within the first two minutes of gameplay and have been too pussy to go back since.

  • That is a really. REALLY heavy undertaking my man. If you need advice or help or something, geeze. Let me know.

    I bought BL2 on steam last week having no experience with videogames at all (I mean literally none). Goddamn, single most stressful experien

  • I only own the second game and I think it's awesome! :D My first character was Krieg and I can say even now I enjoy playing as him the most. Currently I'm planning to buy The Pre-Sequel in the future...

  • I own all of them.

    I played through the first one as Lilith, currently on the second one as Zer0 and I'm going to start the Pre-sequel shortly, probably with Athena.

  • Yeah, no shit. I'll probably go back to it and maybe start again and keep restarting it until I've practised enough to get the hang of it - I guess I was just kind of unlucky that I ran out of ammo last time and panicked because I had forgotten that I had a melee weapon and had managed to get myself backed into a corner that I couldn't get out of. I'm hoping that won't happen next time and that I'll be able to keep my cool and remember to use my melee weapon, but any general tips would be appreciated.

    ActionHank posted: »

    That is a really. REALLY heavy undertaking my man. If you need advice or help or something, geeze. Let me know.

  • Considering what we just saw of Athena in our new trailers, I'll be playing a lot more of her lately to get into that groove. I'M HYPED FOR EVILTHENA

    I own all of them. I played through the first one as Lilith, currently on the second one as Zer0 and I'm going to start the Pre-sequel shortly, probably with Athena.

  • If you've already chosen a character and want to stick really heavily with them, I won't stop that at all. But if you're still unsure of who to choose, Axton is useful for a solo player. A LOT of defensive options when you get into his skills.

    What character DID you pick if I might ask? You won't really start getting into the meat of a character until a few levels in, but.

    Yeah, no shit. I'll probably go back to it and maybe start again and keep restarting it until I've practised enough to get the hang of it -

  • I've played the first one as Lillith and loved it. I'm trying to progress through the 2nd and pre-sequel, but they don't run too well on my computer. But overall IMO, they're really cool games. Good for wasting time too.

  • I picked Zer0, as he just seemed like the simplest character to control. I avoided Maya because I was slightly clueless about how her phaselock skill works and how to use it effectively and I didn't really know too much about the other two to be honest.

    ActionHank posted: »

    If you've already chosen a character and want to stick really heavily with them, I won't stop that at all. But if you're still unsure of who

  • edited March 2015

    Alright alright. If you're going the route of Zer0 I'll just warn you to play defensively is all. Don't ever be afraid to use his Deception to get away from firefights if you need to. He's the character with the least defensive skills besides Decepti0n, people tend to call him 'squishy'. This early in your playtime, it also might NOT be a good idea to try and wait for the whole five seconds of Deception to get the full gun damage bonus. I'd say just take the shots as soon as you have them. If it's a nice clean headshot (Especially with a sniper) this early in the game, your enemy will likely die in one hit regardless of how much damage boost you're getting. And it's very easy for them to move at the last second and leave you stranded with one more guy attacking you.

    Any particular plan for building his skills at all? Have yah taken a look at them? Anything that you might wanna ask about in there? I'm not the biggest Zer0 expert but I've heard enough about his meta to probably be... hopefully informative.

    EDIT: Of course, all those Deception pieces of advice will only be useful for when you GET it at level 5. For now, the best information I can offer you is to shoot the enemies in the face and stab them when they get close. I can't tell you how to gain muscle memory, Vault Hunter!

    I picked Zer0, as he just seemed like the simplest character to control. I avoided Maya because I was slightly clueless about how her phasel


    I'll see if I can make a guide to stuff other than the lore...

  • Whoa-okay. Lots of stuff here. Um, when you say 'plan for building skills' - I'm just going to come out and say this: I have no idea what skills are, how to use them, how to build them or what. As I say, total noob here. I guess a lot of the whole fps skill will only come from practise and a lot of dying unfortunately.

    ActionHank posted: »

    Alright alright. If you're going the route of Zer0 I'll just warn you to play defensively is all. Don't ever be afraid to use his Deception

  • edited March 2015

    Aaah, so you haven't taken a look at the skill trees at all I'm going to guess. I won't lie, I'm unused to helping someone this out of the element, but not entirely put off!~

    You're lucky with Borderlands in that most of the skills you pick almost work without player input. But don't worry too hard about that for now. Once you hit level 5, that's when you'll first get into the more complicated things. For now, worry about how to make Bandits and Bullymongs die, and not have the same happen to you. Message me up for any questions when you get there!

    EDIT: Yeah, sorry for dumping probably a different language onto you. My bad. =P

    Whoa-okay. Lots of stuff here. Um, when you say 'plan for building skills' - I'm just going to come out and say this: I have no idea what sk

  • I love the original Borderlands games (except for the first one, never played it). They are some of the best games I've played and I've had a lot of fun times playing them.

    I played Borderlands 2 as Maya (on a new playthrough now as Axton) and Pre Sequel as Wilhelm.

  • If anybody wants to, I'll make a guide full of tips and stuff.

  • Hah, yeah - no. Definitely not had a look at those yet, guess that'll be my next step! Dont feel obliged to carry on, you've already provided me with plenty of what sounds like useful info so thanks! I'll try to search up what I can about skills and stuff and just the general ins and outs of the gameplay, but I guess there's no substitute for just good ol' practise. Sigh

    ActionHank posted: »

    Aaah, so you haven't taken a look at the skill trees at all I'm going to guess. I won't lie, I'm unused to helping someone this out of the e

  • To be fair, a lot of the meta about this game (that is, what players understand about the game, what strategies work well, etc.) look a lot limiting from the outside and almost discouraging of diversity. Take a LOT of the popular tips and strategies with a grain of salt.

    And I ain't obliged, don't worry. I love ranting on about this crap. You got any other messaging facilities that might be helpful if yah need me? =P

    Hah, yeah - no. Definitely not had a look at those yet, guess that'll be my next step! Dont feel obliged to carry on, you've already provide

  • Oh okay thanks, I'll bear that in mind ;) Haha, well if it's not too much trouble of course... Can you not private message on here? I didn't know you could until somebody sent me a private message recently so I'm not sure how you would go about that really but... Or there's always google plus if you prefer, I don't mind :P

    ActionHank posted: »

    To be fair, a lot of the meta about this game (that is, what players understand about the game, what strategies work well, etc.) look a lot

  • Well damn, I'll just initiate a message right now then!

    Oh okay thanks, I'll bear that in mind Haha, well if it's not too much trouble of course... Can you not private message on here? I didn't k

  • I played them out of order... BL2 first (Gaige), then TPS (Nisha), and I'm currently in the middle of the first one right now (Lilith).

  • You picked a good choice. Lilith, by far, is the most OP person in the game.

    nursethalia posted: »

    I played them out of order... BL2 first (Gaige), then TPS (Nisha), and I'm currently in the middle of the first one right now (Lilith).

  • I love borderlands. Big fan of the series.

  • Why not try playing with someone (maybe me) who's played before. They can give you advice while playing and BL2 is always a lot more fun with two or more friends playing with you.

    Yeah, no shit. I'll probably go back to it and maybe start again and keep restarting it until I've practised enough to get the hang of it -

  • edited March 2015

    I've played all three. I mained Mordecai, Gaige/Krieg, and Athena/Timothy. I own two copies of BL and BL2 thanks to steam. In terms of DLC I've only gotten through Torgue's DLC, and almost finished Tiny Tina's Keep twice thanks to my two brothers losing interest in play BL.

    I also own the Orange BL2 guidebook (the artwork at the end is really cool), and the art of BL2 book that has a few signatures on the front (second hand of course, I don't go out of state ever).

  • I played BL2 and BTPS as Axton and Timothy

  • I started playing Borderlands games after Zer0's Sum release. I finished BL2 playing as Zer0, gained 22 levels as Roland in BL1 and started TPS with Jack's body double

  • I don't know - I'm one of those people who really hate messing up, particularly in front of other people, so that might just make me more stressed to be honest XD

    Dapnee posted: »

    Why not try playing with someone (maybe me) who's played before. They can give you advice while playing and BL2 is always a lot more fun with two or more friends playing with you.

  • Anyone see the trailer for the new dlc?

  • There aren't really any penalties in game, other than losing money from dieing, but that doesn't really matter once you get far enough in the game. You only learn if you're willing to make mistakes, you know. But do whatever you're comfortable with dude.

    I don't know - I'm one of those people who really hate messing up, particularly in front of other people, so that might just make me more stressed to be honest XD

  • Messing up in Borderlands is not that bad. When you play in Coop, the enemy doesn't recover their health and you only loose money which doesn't have much use in Borderlands 2 because of the cheap Vending Machine. Except for the Arenas and the Invincible Boss, you can't do anything bad enough to screwed your partners before the Level 50. I would have more chance to say something stupid (english isn't my first language) than you doing something wrong :P .

    I don't know - I'm one of those people who really hate messing up, particularly in front of other people, so that might just make me more stressed to be honest XD

  • Hey:)

    I have platinum on all three Games.
    My Main choices were Brick, Gaige and Wilhelm But in my opinion all BL Characters are bigtime fun!

  • Played the first Borderlands. Liked the gameplay and audio logs, but the main story was very lacking. I didn't touch the dlc because of that and that was a mistake. My main was Brick. Then I played the second Borderlands. That was a way better experience in all aspects. Axel was my main. Haven't touched The prequel, but maybe someday.

  • Im always free... Because you know... I have no friends as some people call them cries in a corner

    I bought BL2 on steam last week having no experience with videogames at all (I mean literally none). Goddamn, single most stressful experien

  • There, there. Who the fuck needs friends anyway? Needy bitches.

    Im always free... Because you know... I have no friends as some people call them cries in a corner

  • Alt text

    There, there. Who the fuck needs friends anyway? Needy bitches.

  • But for realz if you need someone to play with the rabbit is always here

    There, there. Who the fuck needs friends anyway? Needy bitches.

  • I started playing BL2 with my bf. I play as Zero and he plays as Salvador.

    We understand most of the lore, game mechanics, etc by this point :)

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