New screenshots!
New screenshots for episode 2 have been released!
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New screenshots for episode 2 have been released!
Hahaha... disgusting but funny at the same time...
They're pretty amazing if you ask me.
Oh my god, did Rhys explode? Are you kidding me Telltale!? What if it's not stupid frozen lakes you're just making your characters randomly combust now for no god damn picking reason!? THIS SHOULDN'T BE LEGAL!
This one really scares me:
It looks like Handsome Jack is controlling Rhys. Notice how Rhys's eye has turned gold like Handsome Jack's eyes now are, and they're both posed nearly EXACTLY the same, plus Rhys looks a little freaked out.
So...Fiona carries a tranquilizer gun on her too, right? RIGHT!? T_T
My comments about this picture:
Jack looks like an animatronic from Five Nights At Freddy's.
It seems like Jack can control Rhys' body but not his mind. Or the other way around. I think so because Rhys is freaked out, if Handsome AI would be a hypnosis master, Rhys' face would be blank...
Rhys' eye was yellow in the future as well... so does that mean he's permanently under Jack's control by that point?
That's what I thought too :O
Mind reading Scooby
Makes me curious now on exactly how much of Rhys' body is machine. I mean everybody talks about the arm and the eye, but we don't actually know for sure how much of him has been changed. I'd guess by that picture, unless Handsome Jack has hacked into something in his brain that allows him to take control of the nerves, then I'd assume more of Rhys is made of metal than meets the eye.
Well, I think Rhys' metal has some metal in it.
Remember Nakayama's ID?
One of my many hidden talents... o_O
I think his eye looks more orange in the future, in the screenshot with Jack it looks bright Yellow
They totally covered Rhys' Hyperion logo so it only showed "hype" on purpose right
That actually brings even more questions. What the heck is that thing even? Why upload Handome AI on your ID and why that port is compatible to that thing?
That would be so awesome if they did it on purpose
''Why upload Handsome AI on your ID (...)''
Ask Nakayama...I really don't know why would he bring his ID with himself that has HANDSOME JACK AI inside and then take it where he could possibly DIE and he DIES.
Nakayama was kinda dumb, wasn't he?
Aaaand I don't know what that thing is but it's really gross.
I really want it to be deliberate XD
Well that actually is kinda obvious. Guy is freaking nuts and obsessed with Jack so... Why *not *bring that thing along. That's the only piece of Jack he's ever gonna get after all.
I dunno about dumb. Crazy but not really dumb. Maybe he just never finished his work.
I think he did finish his work. But yeah, I got your point.
But that AI would be so much safer in some sort of a safe.
Yeah, I just watched it. That thing went RIGHT into his brain, so he must have circuits stuff going in there, especially with that eye if he's able to scan stuff just by willing it and not giving any commands. And with robotic arms even in current technology they've made it possible to move those limbs with the power of your mind. So if Handsome Jack got uploaded in there and acting like a type of virus/spyware whatever, Rhy is screwed!
I got a question btw, do you know the original Borderlands? Do any of the characters have robotic limbs or bodies, and if they do, do have tattoos on them? I thought it might explain why we can see some above Rhys' collar, more so at the start of the game when he's tied up. One on his neck looks like a logo, like a brand thing rather than 'I'm so hip I got tattoo' kind.
I guess I just assumed that this scene took place in the Atlas warehouse from the other screen-shot, what with the blood and bodies everywhere, but now that I look closer it seems to be in that secret room we found at the end of Zer0 Sum. So that means that this scene happens probably in the first 15 minutes or so of Atlas Mugged... I'm really curious about where all that blood came from
I played all the Borderlands Games and I think one character from Borderlands 2 has a robotic hand. But he/she is from the DLC I haven't got yet.
[ * ] R.I.P Rhys. Molestated and brainwashed by Handsome Jack.
I'm sure it's just Rhys or Fiona exaggerating. xD Since their clothes don't have any blood in any other screenshots.
And their models with blood all over it seem so over the top. xD I think it's Rhys/Fiona being an unreliable narrator again.
It might go something like this:
Rhys: I was so scared...Meeting Handsome Jack again, my friends thinking I'm crazy, Loader Bot saying I suck, weird Atlas warehouse with blood and bodies all over it...I was about to explode at the time!
Camera cuts back to the flashback, Rhys with a weird face which is a mixture of shock and fear
Rhys: What...What the he--Handsome Ja--Atla--Vaul--OH MY GOD!!!!!!! explodes
Vaughn: What the hell just happened?!
Sasha: Whoa, my shirt! I washed it yesterday...! And my hair!! I'll kill you, Rhys!!!!
Fiona: I'm not going to lie...That was impressive.
Handsome Jack: Heroes don't always spontaneously explode...Unless they're my body doubles.
Maybe Rhys told that he was so excited to see Handsome Jack that he flied and exploded and-- What.
Nah, I'm really curious now XD
Did you edit your comment because I did? xD
Those two pictures make me think that Handsome Jack controlled Rhys to get the little robot thing (with Rhys' permission or not - depending on our choices - even if Jack will control us anyway). Maybe he was tired of Rhys being, I don't know, scared or something?
I guess I will find out Tuesday.
I'm so curious.
You failed at bolding the text xD And you edited it, you naughty.
But I like your theory, I didn't think about it.
I don't know if that's related to Jack directly. That orange color imo is the color of Atlas tech so... my guess whatever happens will be related to it.
Haha XD
Yeah I edited it again, it's good now xD
It just came to my mind. It'd be pretty interesting if Jack and Rhys team up or something.
Looks like Jack is able to control Rhys's body.
And it sure as hell ain't legal! Git darn Telltale!
Gaige might be the character you're thinking off. Sawed off her arm with a particle saw to replace it with a mechanical arm. The arm itself acts as the 'storage' for digistructing her robot bodyguard Deathtrap. Apparentely she tried a big backpack and other options before that but, after accidentally slicing her arm a bit, she figured just a mechanical arm would do the job better.
So, she's nuts. But.
Ahaha, this needs to happen - just fighting off a bunch of skags or something.
This one made me laugh xD
this should be awesome!