Got to say. This is the best episode of any Telltale game I played so far (played TWD season 1, TWAU and the 2 episodes of TFTB)
The start was not the greatest but it was cool to see that there might still be a few Atlas generals out there, who knows. I know they went bankrupt and Athena killed most if not all of them, but I still have hopes for a comeback. They surely do have a lot of weapons stored underground.
All dialogues with Jack were spot on. He's probably my most favorite villain in any video game (even surpassing the Arkham series' Joker), and TTG made him even better.
The BL1 love and nostalgia is amazing. Rakk Hive, Old Haven, Atlas drones... seeing all these things again is just pure fanservice.
I feel like TTG knows their source material better than Gearbox.
And even if youre not a fan of Borderlands.. the humor is absolutely fantastic. And while a lot of reviews mostly praise this game fo the humor, there are some seriously tense scenes. The final scene of this episode was EASILY the most intense moment from any TTG game I played.
This is the first episode I will replay multiple times to see the outcome. Some choices change dialogue in a big way, even more than other TTG games do.
Also, the music in the final scene was just brilliant. I cant stop thinking about the ending now, this cliffhanger got me so hooked xD
I know we had to wait a long time, but if you can keep up this quality, I dont mind any delays.
Oh God, that's a horrifying thought considering that was the catalyst for the last time he went full-on crazy.
With that TPS side mission… more, though (where he refuses to answer questions about whether has a wife/kids while Nakayama is designing the AI) what if he has no memory of them in the first place? Gah, that's even worse!
Oh yeah, good point. If he knows random junk like who Vasquez is that definitely seems like his memory is pretty much intact - just not of his actual death.
Probably, but Jack knew about Vasquez's past and Nakayama didn't even mention Vasquez a single time while programming the AI.
So I wouldn't be too sure...I mean, all his memory is based around the times of TPS. Angel lived in TPS times, right?
I just keep replaying this because it was SO well done - I absolutely adored ep one's opening credits, but there's just something about this one...Telltale knocked it out of the park!
Atlas Mugged Opening Credits
Probably, but Jack knew about Vasquez's past and Nakayama didn't even mention Vasquez a single time while programming the AI.
So I wouldn't be too sure...I mean, all his memory is based around the times of TPS. Angel lived in TPS times, right?
I just keep replaying this because it was SO well done - I absolutely adored ep one's opening credits, but there's just something about this one...Telltale knocked it out of the park!
Atlas Mugged Opening Credits
Oh God, that's a horrifying thought considering that was the catalyst for the last time he went full-on crazy.
With that TPS side mission… more, though (where he refuses to answer questions about whether has a wife/kids while Nakayama is designing the AI) what if he has no memory of them in the first place? Gah, that's even worse!
They use genderless pronouns (e.g. 'I'm not a patient person' instead of man), and the VA could just be a placeholder because the voice is already so distorted (especially if it's a character from a prior Borderlands game and they don't want to let the cat out of the bag).
Got to say. This is the best episode of any Telltale game I played so far (played TWD season 1, TWAU and the 2 episodes of TFTB)
The start … morewas not the greatest but it was cool to see that there might still be a few Atlas generals out there, who knows. I know they went bankrupt and Athena killed most if not all of them, but I still have hopes for a comeback. They surely do have a lot of weapons stored underground.
All dialogues with Jack were spot on. He's probably my most favorite villain in any video game (even surpassing the Arkham series' Joker), and TTG made him even better.
The BL1 love and nostalgia is amazing. Rakk Hive, Old Haven, Atlas drones... seeing all these things again is just pure fanservice.
I feel like TTG knows their source material better than Gearbox.
And even if youre not a fan of Borderlands.. the humor is absolutely fantastic. And while a lot of reviews mostly praise this game fo the humor, there are some seriousl… [view original content]
Oh, there's no doubt the AI isn't vastly improved and after the events of TPS. But what if Jack had control over which memories he kept/actively kept things from Nakayama? I'm just riffing off him refusing to talk about his family in the TPS sidemission (actually as soon as I typed family I just remembered he talks about either his mother/grandmother in Tales - yeah, my memory 'blind spot' theory is quickly losing it's validity)...
The only reaction you have toward the "cabinet" Pollux is stuffed in is Fiona stating there's someone in there. The whole thing was leading … moreto the morbid joke about how you took a sleeping man's eyes out of his head, if you saved him before hand, the joke wouldn't of held over.
The only reaction you have toward the "cabinet" Pollux is stuffed in is Fiona stating there's someone in there. The whole thing was leading to the morbid joke about how you took a sleeping man's eyes out of his head, if you saved him before hand, the joke wouldn't of held over.
Yeah, I picked up on the whole thing when Vasquez decked me. Which I kind of enjoy Jack appearing like that, because he seems to not know what's going on until he shows up. Him calling me out on my terrible decisions was great.
Also, guys, I noticed something. HJ seems to appear only when Rhys is damaged to the head. When he falls off on his head under the arena, after the caravan crash, after Vasquez hits you etc.
What do you think?
Okay, I just played this and this is probably one of my favourite episodes of any Telltale game to date. I was actually very upset when it ended cause I was so into it. It took its sweet time coming but I see now it was worth every second of waiting.
It's kinda funny how we all were freaking out about Jack VIOLENTLY POSSESSING RHYS and it all ended up with Jack ASKING for permission to use Rhys' subsystems.
Well the fact that he CAN take control over Rhys is important. It opens up the chance that Jack will come back through Rhys somehow, maybe even in the next main Borderlands game (Gearbox already said that this is 100% cannon).
Also... Jack doesnt give a damn about Fiona, Sasha or Vaughn.
He only cares about Rhys cause the Handsome AI is inside of him.
And its looking like Jack does some really risky move that could get Vaughn and/or Sasha killed. I doubt that they will, but its possible.
It's kinda funny how we all were freaking out about Jack VIOLENTLY POSSESSING RHYS and it all ended up with Jack ASKING for permission to use Rhys' subsystems.
I'm not even sure they thought it through when they were making that mission in TPS. Because if we're talking seriously here, HJ should've transfered his memories like for cereal and not just by answering a couple of questions. Otherwise we should've got the same funny AI from TPS and not what we have in TftB which remembers a lot of stuff like taking over Pandora or mocking Wallethead.
Oh, there's no doubt the AI isn't vastly improved and after the events of TPS. But what if Jack had control over which memories he kept/acti… morevely kept things from Nakayama? I'm just riffing off him refusing to talk about his family in the TPS sidemission (actually as soon as I typed family I just remembered he talks about either his mother/grandmother in Tales - yeah, my memory 'blind spot' theory is quickly losing it's validity)...
It's kinda funny how we all were freaking out about Jack VIOLENTLY POSSESSING RHYS and it all ended up with Jack ASKING for permission to use Rhys' subsystems.
I think we're just supposed to assume that the TPS version was a very rough draft and that the technology has improved dramatically in the time since then. Considering it was a tie-in mission though, it certainly raised more questions than answers.
Also could you imagine if it had just been that dodgy TPS one? They hype up the big return of Handsome Jack, but all he's capable of is sprouting random catchphrases and asking people to touch his abs. That would have been the greatest troll ever!
I'm not even sure they thought it through when they were making that mission in TPS. Because if we're talking seriously here, HJ should've t… moreransfered his memories like for cereal and not just by answering a couple of questions. Otherwise we should've got the same funny AI from TPS and not what we have in TftB which remembers a lot of stuff like taking over Pandora or mocking Wallethead.
Also could you imagine if it had just been that dodgy TPS one? They hype up the big return of Handsome Jack, but all he's capable of is sprouting random catchphrases and asking people to touch his abs. That would have been the greatest troll ever!
That actually exactly what I thought while playing. xD That thing was already so cute, I laughed my ass off when Jack asked him to repeat what he says and that dork was just "NOPE".
I think we're just supposed to assume that the TPS version was a very rough draft and that the technology has improved dramatically in the … moretime since then. Considering it was a tie-in mission though, it certainly raised more questions than answers.
Also could you imagine if it had just been that dodgy TPS one? They hype up the big return of Handsome Jack, but all he's capable of is sprouting random catchphrases and asking people to touch his abs. That would have been the greatest troll ever!
I just keep replaying this because it was SO well done - I absolutely adored ep one's opening credits, but there's just something about this one...Telltale knocked it out of the park!
Atlas Mugged Opening Credits
It was gory enough for me. The 'arm' and 'needle and thread' incidents got me emotional. The maggots? Meh. Eyeball? You've done it. I was jittering all over at my keyboard, thinking "I don't want to, daddy please". I will never go through that scene in relative comfort.
When I saw Athena without her helmet on, I was like:
Link format, b/c might be NSFW
And then I was like "Just gonna lie down and think happy thoughts when I go to sleep..." sniff
Yeah, I got that moment too and straight away I thought, Rhysha confirmed! In saying that though, it's only one-sided so far...
Actually … morewhat is up with guys and Sasha? They seem completely enamoured by her. I mean, August obviously loved her, Rhys has a crush, and Scooter was totally smitten. Vaughn is the only one who seems immune to her charms, and that's probably only because they haven't spent much time together.
Guys, Fiona is totally a catch, too!
Okay, so I'm going to note my favorite highlights of the episode by gifs [all in order...I think] and you gotta guess what moments I'm refer… morering to
And last moment [depending on who you picked] because a damn gif just can't capture it good enough:
But yeah, that was a goooooooooooooooood episode, so so so so gooooooooooooooooooooood If this is the good shit that gets popped out after all this time, then I'd gladly wait another 4 months for the next one.
I really hope the dirt you have on Vasquez' past is something you can choose to say later. I like to gloat or otherwise spit in the face of my rival/enemy when I'm a safe distance away or about to win. I know from episode 1 that he'll punch you to shut you up if you get cocky, and I've already been laid out by the guy once.
Rusting alone in obsolescence as it outlives everyone it loves.
Aaaaaw, that is so sad! I hope Loader Bot finds his Eva now ;_; come… more on Telltale, let him meet an Eva and make a robot happy!
And the ending of this movie made me cry so much you have no idea!
I think she is exaggerating. If you have Rhys go toOld Haven without Fiona, Fiona runs into Janey Springs and during that scene Athena has her regular eyes.
GP = Gortys Project = something to do with a vault?
Athena's problem = conjunctivitis/eye infection? (but seriously, I have no idea. I th… moreink it was interesting that Fiona was actually called out for making up that part of the story, makes me wonder what else wasn't true in that part - like, say, Athena's glowing eyes and robotic voice?)
Lady from ep 3 screen = Vallory, she's after them because they tried to screw August over with the fake vault key. I don't think she's their mother, but I do think she had a relationship with Felix and is the woman in the picture at the safe house.
Grenade = can't answer that because it didn't happen in my playthrough, really need to watch that though!
I know GP has something to do with a vault, but I don't understand the purpose of factory, what was going on in final scenes. I believe it'l… morel be explained. In June...
Athena hates Atlas? Maybe she's after Fiona because of that eye? Maybe she's bounty hunter and doesn't want Janey to know. She has appeared in preview. It'll be explained too.
Got to say. This is the best episode of any Telltale game I played so far (played TWD season 1, TWAU and the 2 episodes of TFTB)
The start was not the greatest but it was cool to see that there might still be a few Atlas generals out there, who knows. I know they went bankrupt and Athena killed most if not all of them, but I still have hopes for a comeback. They surely do have a lot of weapons stored underground.
All dialogues with Jack were spot on. He's probably my most favorite villain in any video game (even surpassing the Arkham series' Joker), and TTG made him even better.
The BL1 love and nostalgia is amazing. Rakk Hive, Old Haven, Atlas drones... seeing all these things again is just pure fanservice.
I feel like TTG knows their source material better than Gearbox.
And even if youre not a fan of Borderlands.. the humor is absolutely fantastic. And while a lot of reviews mostly praise this game fo the humor, there are some seriously tense scenes. The final scene of this episode was EASILY the most intense moment from any TTG game I played.
This is the first episode I will replay multiple times to see the outcome. Some choices change dialogue in a big way, even more than other TTG games do.
Also, the music in the final scene was just brilliant. I cant stop thinking about the ending now, this cliffhanger got me so hooked xD
I know we had to wait a long time, but if you can keep up this quality, I dont mind any delays.
Probably, but Jack knew about Vasquez's past and Nakayama didn't even mention Vasquez a single time while programming the AI.
So I wouldn't be too sure...I mean, all his memory is based around the times of TPS. Angel lived in TPS times, right?
Oh yeah, good point. If he knows random junk like who Vasquez is that definitely seems like his memory is pretty much intact - just not of his actual death.
Thats what I was thinking!
Though im pretty sure this intro would be 90 % lamer without this particular song
How the hell can you top this??:
Nah that can't be. He said he brought "peace" to this shithole of a planet and that was definitely after TPS.
Agreed. I'm also wondering how to hell are they gonna top this opening?
But Creepyyama improved handsome AI since we saw it in TPS, I'm sure this version knows almost everything Jack knew except for the death part.
They use genderless pronouns (e.g. 'I'm not a patient person' instead of man), and the VA could just be a placeholder because the voice is already so distorted (especially if it's a character from a prior Borderlands game and they don't want to let the cat out of the bag).
Yeah this is a good point. I have never enjoyed playing a TTG episode twice like this episode.
Oh, there's no doubt the AI isn't vastly improved and after the events of TPS. But what if Jack had control over which memories he kept/actively kept things from Nakayama? I'm just riffing off him refusing to talk about his family in the TPS sidemission (actually as soon as I typed family I just remembered he talks about either his mother/grandmother in Tales - yeah, my memory 'blind spot' theory is quickly losing it's validity)...
Ok were there any determinants that werent obvious?
The only reaction you have toward the "cabinet" Pollux is stuffed in is Fiona stating there's someone in there. The whole thing was leading to the morbid joke about how you took a sleeping man's eyes out of his head, if you saved him before hand, the joke wouldn't of held over.
Yeah, I picked up on the whole thing when Vasquez decked me. Which I kind of enjoy Jack appearing like that, because he seems to not know what's going on until he shows up. Him calling me out on my terrible decisions was great.
Okay, I just played this and this is probably one of my favourite episodes of any Telltale game to date. I was actually very upset when it ended cause I was so into it. It took its sweet time coming but I see now it was worth every second of waiting.
It's kinda funny how we all were freaking out about Jack VIOLENTLY POSSESSING RHYS and it all ended up with Jack ASKING for permission to use Rhys' subsystems.
Well the fact that he CAN take control over Rhys is important. It opens up the chance that Jack will come back through Rhys somehow, maybe even in the next main Borderlands game (Gearbox already said that this is 100% cannon).
Also... Jack doesnt give a damn about Fiona, Sasha or Vaughn.
He only cares about Rhys cause the Handsome AI is inside of him.
And its looking like Jack does some really risky move that could get Vaughn and/or Sasha killed. I doubt that they will, but its possible.
I'm not even sure they thought it through when they were making that mission in TPS. Because if we're talking seriously here, HJ should've transfered his memories like for cereal and not just by answering a couple of questions. Otherwise we should've got the same funny AI from TPS and not what we have in TftB which remembers a lot of stuff like taking over Pandora or mocking Wallethead.
I love your picture!
I think we're just supposed to assume that the TPS version was a very rough draft and that the technology has improved dramatically in the time since then. Considering it was a tie-in mission though, it certainly raised more questions than answers.
Also could you imagine if it had just been that dodgy TPS one? They hype up the big return of Handsome Jack, but all he's capable of is sprouting random catchphrases and asking people to touch his abs. That would have been the greatest troll ever!
Thanks, bro, I love yours too!

We're picture bros, bro!
I enjoyed every second of the ep but it felt too short .Wasnt worth the wait . Please don't make this a habit Telltale...
That actually exactly what I thought while playing. xD That thing was already so cute, I laughed my ass off when Jack asked him to repeat what he says and that dork was just "NOPE".
Seems the tector and jimbo scene will be in the next episode and whats wrong with athena
I wish falling in real life was that damn graceful and majestic...
It was gory enough for me. The 'arm' and 'needle and thread' incidents got me emotional. The maggots? Meh. Eyeball? You've done it. I was jittering all over at my keyboard, thinking "I don't want to, daddy please". I will never go through that scene in relative comfort.
When I saw Athena without her helmet on, I was like:
Link format, b/c might be NSFW
Yeey brofist, bro!
Is the wallethead conversation determinant?
(quietly waiting for someone with Fiona avatar to nail it with BROBROBRO comment)
I burst it.
Sasha is Rhys' girl.
Until she inevitably betrays him like August.
The Scooter part had me absolutely dying. His face. XDDDD
Episode was worth the wait. Choked on my coffee when I heard Lee & Bigby duo. Loved the soundtrack.
I got my shoe, but when I was in the weird Gortys space room I saw him without it.
Also, if you scan Fiona before getting the shoe and after, the echo box changes to reflect the absence of the boot, now there is 'one adult male eye'
I really hope the dirt you have on Vasquez' past is something you can choose to say later. I like to gloat or otherwise spit in the face of my rival/enemy when I'm a safe distance away or about to win. I know from episode 1 that he'll punch you to shut you up if you get cocky, and I've already been laid out by the guy once.
Aaaaaw, that is so sad! I hope Loader Bot finds his Eva now ;_; come on Telltale, let him meet an Eva and make a robot happy!
And the ending of this movie made me cry so much you have no idea!
I think she is exaggerating. If you have Rhys go toOld Haven without Fiona, Fiona runs into Janey Springs and during that scene Athena has her regular eyes.
Athena is an established character and her hatred of Atlas is explained in the general Knox dlc in the first borderlands.