well I destroyed it.. dunno felt kinda blamy after all those incidents I mean wasn't it signed by Tyrion himself? I guessed that if he's in prison that decree would be like conspiracy crime or something. So poof all that kissing ass for nothing...
I´ve been getting angry at her too. I literally did everything she asked; I didn´t even go talk to Tyrion after she told me not to and she S… moreTILL talked about replacing me. Seriously, what the hell does she want?
I kept the decree, feel like it could be useful somehow.
Yeah, Mira will get in trouble if anyone sees it and links her to Tyrion but I was still scared of needing it for something later on and then regret burning so I just kept it.
well I destroyed it.. dunno felt kinda blamy after all those incidents I mean wasn't it signed by Tyrion himself? I guessed that if he's in prison that decree would be like conspiracy crime or something. So poof all that kissing ass for nothing...
It's fine, just that I know lots of people here haven't played GoT yet since they only got TFTBL, just letting you know so no one blows up at you because of spoilers :P
Also welcome! I noticed you were new around here, but I guess I never got the chance to say hi
Yeah, Mira will get in trouble if anyone sees it and links her to Tyrion but I was still scared of needing it for something later on and then regret burning so I just kept it.
Oh of course, new, but I feel like I've been here forever X3, you are the OP right? Nice to meet you X3, I guess you're a fan of ATLA and LOK? I loved ATLA saw it like 3 times ALL of it, LOK didn't have the same impact on me but I like they kept the art-style, I still have to catch up with the latest seasons n all X3
It's fine, just that I know lots of people here haven't played GoT yet since they only got TFTBL, just letting you know so no one blows up a… moret you because of spoilers :P
Also welcome! I noticed you were new around here, but I guess I never got the chance to say hi
Oh of course, new, but I feel like I've been here forever X3, you are the OP right? Nice to meet you X3, I guess you're a fan of ATLA and LO… moreK? I loved ATLA saw it like 3 times ALL of it, LOK didn't have the same impact on me but I like they kept the art-style, I still have to catch up with the latest seasons n all X3
Well I'm really glad that I finally joined the forums, at first I was just some random pair of curious eyes looking for news, and then after seeing the community I became a disturbing looking red gnome that is into Rhyiona and does fan-art of it X3. Also has anyone wondered how Rhys's tattoo looks like? I'm gonna try and draw versions of it while at school inbetween classes XD.
Rhyiona... Rhyiona has 7 letters.
Youtube also has seven letters.
"LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE" is on youtube.
Britney. Is it a coincidence… more that this name also has 7 letters? No, of course not.
Britney Spears. Spear. A spear has five letters. Just like the name Fiona.
But let´s go deeper.
Spears can be weapons. Hammers can also weapons.
Do you know who uses a hammer?
Yes. Thor.
Thor has four letters. Just like the name Rhys.
If you don´t admit Rhyiona is confirmed after this then I don´t know what to tell you.
Good luck for those! You might find you get your results back and have done better than you thought - last year my GCSE English Language felt like it went terribly but my results came back and I'd got an A* - so don't worry
It´d always been something he was curious about.
He´d never asked because he wasn´t sure of how far into her personal life he could step … moreinto but he´d always been curious.
Time passed since the first time they´d met and comfort came naturally. And with comfort came the questions, questions she´d started, and he wondered if this was his opportunity.
His hand moved without his permission, tracing the contorts of her eyebrow, and Rhys was surprised at himself. He wasn´t usually this bold and for a split second he was worried how she was going to react to the sudden movement. If she was surprised, however, she didn´t show it and simply eyed him with genuinely confusion.
"Uh... I was just- I was just wondering how you got this scar."
He felt her eyebrow raise beneath his finger and almost drew his hand back in surprise but managed to contain himself. It was probably better to act casual, though he suspected his voice already betraye… [view original content]
"His hand moved without his permission..." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Just kidding :^)
That was as superb as a deep pan pizza with a thick layer of cheese!
How do you manage to make normal moments so dirty in every fic? That´s a talent right there. :P
That´s the best compliment I could ever ask for. ;_;
well I destroyed it.. dunno felt kinda blamy after all those incidents
I mean wasn't it signed by Tyrion himself? I guessed that if he's in prison that decree would be like conspiracy crime or something. So poof all that kissing ass for nothing...
Yeah, Mira will get in trouble if anyone sees it and links her to Tyrion but I was still scared of needing it for something later on and then regret burning so I just kept it.
It's fine, just that I know lots of people here haven't played GoT yet since they only got TFTBL, just letting you know so no one blows up at you because of spoilers :P
Also welcome! I noticed you were new around here, but I guess I never got the chance to say hi
pshh there's always a 2nd and 3rd play-through XD
Oh of course, new, but I feel like I've been here forever X3, you are the OP right? Nice to meet you X3, I guess you're a fan of ATLA and LOK? I loved ATLA saw it like 3 times ALL of it, LOK didn't have the same impact on me but I like they kept the art-style, I still have to catch up with the latest seasons n all X3
Yup, love me some Avatar, I liked LoK better overall but I love the original a ton too. And yeah, I am the OP
Well I'm really glad that I finally joined the forums, at first I was just some random pair of curious eyes looking for news, and then after seeing the community I became a disturbing looking red gnome that is into Rhyiona and does fan-art of it X3. Also has anyone wondered how Rhys's tattoo looks like? I'm gonna try and draw versions of it while at school inbetween classes XD.
That´s true!
I'm so sorry,I'm so late
Aaahh, it's amazing!
I'm dying now.
Well obviously
Aww so adorable!
I think now we need Telltale to comment here saying what they think of this
Just more proof for those in denial.
We all know what they think of this.
Random question: is there a red stripe in Fiona's "future hat"? Or is it just black? Can't find any pictures..
It's black
BEAUTIFUL! Awesome work!
Thanks a lot.
There is a red stripe.
Just a quick little poll thing http://strawpoll.me/4335318
Episode 5 because post credit honeymoon scene confirmed.
Oh right. Is it just me or is that just barely red or am I just too tired..
It´s dark red.
Just so you know, I fucking love you.
why cant I choose all of them?
It is fun to go back to the first page and read our progress up to this point. It almost feels like time travel
Damn, 104 likes now. Thats like 6 likes in 24 hours
This thread is about Rhyiona. It´s top quality.
The nostalgia.
Oh that's nice to hear
Thank you for the encouragement and I hope it goes well for you too!
"His hand moved without his permission..." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Just kidding :^)
That was as superb as a deep pan pizza with a thick layer of cheese!
Oh shit was that yesterday?! I totally forgot...
Sorry mom ;__;
How do you manage to make normal moments so dirty in every fic? That´s a talent right there. :P
That´s the best compliment I could ever ask for. ;_;
Yo...That's precious, really precious.
Obviously It'll be canon in ep 3
... ;__;
It's undeniable that I am blessed with something special here.
And you are to a 100% worthy of the compliment and that pizza!
Gosh I would order one for you, but this one's got no dough