Hello everyone.... Sorry I am not my usual bubbly self. Someone slapped me round the face and caused me to get into a fight. My whole speech… more about grinning and bearing does not seem to help... I am gonna read trashy fan fics now.. but hey least I am not dead..
Hey guys, so I just had an idea!
You know how the Rhyshan's have 'Rhysha' written on their profile picture to show what they ship? How ab… moreout we do something similar. I was thinking, instead of putting 'Rhyiona' (Because, let's face it, that's just copying) We could change our original profile pictures to be half red and half blue, to signify the national colours of Rhyiona.
If you're a little confused since I'm not the best at explaining things, here's what I mean.
Original profile picture:
New profile picture, with Rhyiona national colours
Is this a good idea? I was just wondering. I kind of want our ship to get recognised by Telltale as much as the Rhyshas do, so... Yeah.
Hello everyone.... Sorry I am not my usual bubbly self. Someone slapped me round the face and caused me to get into a fight. My whole speech… more about grinning and bearing does not seem to help... I am gonna read trashy fan fics now.. but hey least I am not dead..
I'm ok with this, I'll try it out. You don't mind if you make one with my profile pic? If you're gonna make it don't use the one on my profile. I'll sent you a better picture.
Hey guys, so I just had an idea!
You know how the Rhyshan's have 'Rhysha' written on their profile picture to show what they ship? How ab… moreout we do something similar. I was thinking, instead of putting 'Rhyiona' (Because, let's face it, that's just copying) We could change our original profile pictures to be half red and half blue, to signify the national colours of Rhyiona.
If you're a little confused since I'm not the best at explaining things, here's what I mean.
Original profile picture:
New profile picture, with Rhyiona national colours
Is this a good idea? I was just wondering. I kind of want our ship to get recognised by Telltale as much as the Rhyshas do, so... Yeah.
Slapping a lady?
You should have slapped the living shit out of him.
Krookodile is amazing. Moxie is so OP it's not even funny. I had to stop using mine for a while because I was getting overleveled.
No aBigBadWolf
I don't know how to tage either
the new avatar
Jawn ;-;
yea it's beautiful (duh)
ty u father
I don't know what happened. When I came to my senses I had my hands round her neck nearly crushing it....
Edit she was calling me a racist... I am hanging with more races then she has brain cells >:(
Marija × Paper
I am fine wolf bro
It sounds cool, though that would ruin my avatar so I'll uh pass while I'm with this one.
You × Rabbit
Paper? Sounds nice.
when your senpai level is high af
me x my hotness
obviously the best ship
good to hear, I'm glad.
That's good. Sounds like a serious fight.
Hi! I've found a new OTP: Green × The Color Green
My Krookodile was pretty overleveled when I entered the league.
In BW2 my Flygon was pretty overleveled at the League.
Hugs Yami_Wolf
I hope you're feeling better now
I did much worse than that my Handsome Jack took over.
okay but does that girl eat riceballs 24/7 what is this shit
Laura Baeley x me
Thanks wolf buddy
actual footage of marijaa
It's not shit, h-how can you say that!?
You're so judgemental, smh.
Yami wolf X food
Gotta go on a dinner date with my dinner X)
You guys always make me happy
u can't fool me m8
how will she keep healthy if she only eats riceballs
this is a serious issue
I know ^^
I used Flygon too.
Flygon needs a mega already.
wait, he thinks I'm a dog
More time with you
I'm ok with this, I'll try it out. You don't mind if you make one with my profile pic? If you're gonna make it don't use the one on my profile. I'll sent you a better picture.
I just want a Dragoniteite