nothing 'gainst you, scrubbles, but there is only one lord of lewdness. AND HE DOES NOT SHARE HIS- wait, wrong franchise. but you know what I mean, right?
nothing 'gainst you, scrubbles, but there is only one lord of lewdness. AND HE DOES NOT SHARE HIS- wait, wrong franchise. but you know what I mean, right?
well, I for myself simply love that dude he's as cruel as joffrey, but unlike him, he's not a whimpy pussy. he's just...amusing, interesting, you know what I mean?
Okay, I have a friend who doesn't really play TFTB but she's spent a lot of time listening to all my freak-outs about it and Rhyiona so she's become a bit partial to the ship. She recently checked out the thread and wants me to say hi to you from her, she thinks you all seem like fun people and is a big fan
I would actually love him but he... well... (Can't say anything more cause I don't want to spoil to you something from Episode 1 of Telltale's Game of Thrones unless if you already played it lol )
well, I for myself simply love that dude he's as cruel as joffrey, but unlike him, he's not a whimpy pussy. he's just...amusing, interesting, you know what I mean?
Thanks for nice words! Kinda late to join the forum, but whatever.
And thanks Poogers555 for making me sad
But still, I'm more confident about Season 2 of TftB than TWaU.. at least I was before your comment. Honestly, Tales from the Borderlands is one of the best of their games and a lot of people like it, as well as Telltale themselves. And there's never enough of Troy Baker and Laura Bailey, especially together.
I don't know about Borderlands 3, but I will hold the hope for Telltale and the next Season of TftB with Rhyiona in it. And Vaughn, he's hilarious.
Okay, I have a friend who doesn't really play TFTB but she's spent a lot of time listening to all my freak-outs about it and Rhyiona so she'… mores become a bit partial to the ship. She recently checked out the thread and wants me to say hi to you from her, she thinks you all seem like fun people and is a big fan
Yeah, I know what you mean
I would actually love him but he... well... (Can't say anything more cause I don't want to spoil to you something from Episode 1 of Telltale's Game of Thrones unless if you already played it lol )
Okay, I have a friend who doesn't really play TFTB but she's spent a lot of time listening to all my freak-outs about it and Rhyiona so she'… mores become a bit partial to the ship. She recently checked out the thread and wants me to say hi to you from her, she thinks you all seem like fun people and is a big fan
I would actually love his character but in episode 1, he killed Ethan. It was kinda shocking to me because I was very attached to Ethan. He was my favorite character in the episode ;-; At least he didn't kill the rest of the Forresters
I just wish that he wasn't in the game at all, but that's Game of Thrones + Telltale for you ;-;
nothing 'gainst you, scrubbles, but there is only one lord of lewdness. AND HE DOES NOT SHARE HIS- wait, wrong franchise. but you know what I mean, right?
tfw people feel the need to brag about their ship
(P.S: Whoever deleted those previous posts, you're da real MVP.)
I thought you were my bud.
what is "it"? when can I buy it? (eh? eh? who gets it?)
Ugh... Ramsay-fucking-Bolton (Snow)... I hate him more in the Telltale game D':
I hope he fucking dies
Oh well, I agree with that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but a lot of cultures accepts incest. (?)
Then... #RhyionaIsLoveRhyionaIsLife
He does not share his dick?
Because Wolfenus is bragging about your ship!
im still yur bud Just messing with ya dud. i ship yur ship .
edit:but i like paulwaii moar than your ship sorry. i cant leave paul alone
Tfw Thoryka's comment get deleted for spam laugh out loud
don't act like u weren't in those previous posts about thor. :v
but... it kinda was.
Wolfenus VS Thor (we all know who's the winner)
Yo Wolfenus was making me jealous. or something idunno.
It's about the thread's history
Ssshhhh I'm trying to make them confident.
I agree with Paul. It's looking like spam at this point.
well, I for myself simply love that dude
he's as cruel as joffrey, but unlike him, he's not a whimpy pussy. he's just...amusing, interesting, you know what I mean?
You gave me the idea to change Thor's face into some spams
Please do not make separate posts for this, it's spam.
Thanks @whoever cleaned it up.
Okay, I have a friend who doesn't really play TFTB but she's spent a lot of time listening to all my freak-outs about it and Rhyiona so she's become a bit partial to the ship. She recently checked out the thread and wants me to say hi to you from her, she thinks you all seem like fun people and is a big fan
Yeah, I know what you mean
I would actually love him but he... well... (Can't say anything more cause I don't want to spoil to you something from Episode 1 of Telltale's Game of Thrones unless if you already played it lol
It's over... for the time being anyway!
Let's just keep a look out for more, shall we?
Thanks for nice words! Kinda late to join the forum, but whatever.

And Vaughn, he's hilarious.
And thanks Poogers555 for making me sad
But still, I'm more confident about Season 2 of TftB than TWaU.. at least I was before your comment. Honestly, Tales from the Borderlands is one of the best of their games and a lot of people like it, as well as Telltale themselves. And there's never enough of Troy Baker and Laura Bailey, especially together.
I don't know about Borderlands 3, but I will hold the hope for Telltale and the next Season of TftB with Rhyiona in it.
and here I thought you weren't twelve years old (the brony said. yeah, I...I see the irony and the logic in here...)
Sounds kind of creepy :P
Hi!... from me to her, o-obviously!
Tell her that she seems like a fun person and that I am a big fan too!... Oh, wait, that wouldn't work...
these are dark days i fear
Hahahahahaha xD
That was funny af xDDD
Wiiing it! Wiiing it! Wiiing it! Wiiing it!
nah tell me, I'm not gonna play it anyways. or, simple, tell me per PM so you don't have to tag it as spoiler
Not dark days when we have the whole gang on watch now
heck yeah ^O^
I'm 13 years old
Haha, okay then x3
I would actually love his character but in episode 1, he killed Ethan. It was kinda shocking to me because I was very attached to Ethan. He was my favorite character in the episode ;-; At least he didn't kill the rest of the Forresters
I just wish that he wasn't in the game at all, but that's Game of Thrones + Telltale for you ;-;
*gang bang
i know,buddy i know