@Kruzii - Penguin
@buntingsir - Bird (Painted bunting)
@Crips - Panda
@CrazedRabbit - Rabbit
@JumpyJoey - Kangaroo
@RhyionsIs… moreLife - Monkey
@Quiff - Duck
@nohuhhuh - Axolotl
@CelticDragon - Dragon
@Rhyiona - Dolphin
@xfuriouss - Snow leopard
@TheLier - Hummingbird
@Clem_In_The_Pines - Tigress (white)
@XDJulieXD - Fox
Not gonna tag myself but Wolf.
If I missed you tell me and I'll edit it... I just need a list. ;P
@Kruzii - Penguin
@buntingsir - Bird (Painted bunting)
@Crips - Panda
@CrazedRabbit - Rabbit
@JumpyJoey - Kangaroo
@RhyionsIs… moreLife - Monkey
@Quiff - Duck
@nohuhhuh - Axolotl
@CelticDragon - Dragon
@Rhyiona - Dolphin
@xfuriouss - Snow leopard
@TheLier - Hummingbird
@Clem_In_The_Pines - Tigress (white)
@XDJulieXD - Fox
Not gonna tag myself but Wolf.
If I missed you tell me and I'll edit it... I just need a list. ;P
hahhah, and i remember one girl, who said i`m an undeservable bitch and poser, when i tried to explain her why i can not draw what she want - for free, that if i will draw what everyone wants for free (and sometimes it is not days, it is a weeks in some cases) - i will waste my own time and i will die from starving, doing a free job during a days and weeks, for unfamiliar kids, who do not even respect such a hard work and many hours at 4 walls. I explained it very exactly and carefully. And she started to write a shit everywhere, that i can not take a compliment (but i always answer and take a compliments and appreciate when people give me an attention!), that do not deserve my talent, but not everyone realize, HOW MUCH STRENGHT and years, and desire i put on my "talent" which i "do not deserve". FOr me, talent without any hard work - it is nothing. We make ourselves only by OUR OWN HANDS and brain, not with someone"s help. Not someone make you a person, or an artist, or musician or genius writer! ONLY YOU AND YOUR DESIRE TO GROW. Talent is a gift, i am not gonna argue. But how to use and grow it - it is up only to you. You can be 15-years old, or 40 - no matter. An age - it is the last in a person, as for me. You can be 22, but do not lose that childish feature. For me for example, to be an adult - to have a REAL value in the life, to appreciate and take care of mom and to be responsible in everything, but at the same time to be able to laugh like a kid at even very bad stuff in the life. But... XD People are strange. It is so easy to get a haters just because of your honesty and love for what you are doing. And you get a punch in the head just for your respect to your own time and profession. I am not think about my works like about something GENIUS. But i love them like my own kids, even if they are not perfect. Because it is a part of me and my soul, and each picture - hours and days of battle with myself, which i remember like it was today or yesteday!
I am telling you this because i am happy that someone respect those hours and days. And a years of standing up. THANK YOU
причём в далёком январе! Я просто в апреле список работ обязательных к выполнению в ближайшем будущем написала, и чисто для количества решил… moreа реализовать Риону, думала, ну мало ли, авось у этого пейринга много фанов, пиар и новая франшиза, интересненько. Фандом другой. И вот чисто из-за пунктика в списке, не помня толком как там рука Риза выглядит или жакет Фионы, и какой глаз у Риза - ЭХО-глаз... правый или левый. Гуглила скрины, чтоб раздуплиться как они одеты и выглядят. Ибо в январе не обратила внимание как художник, чисто как геймер, то бишь не оч на деталях акцентировала. Да и забыла уже) А потом затянуло и захотелось ещё один вот)
Шипперю эт громко сказано) Я более спокойна к тому, чтобы прям сердобольно кого-то шипперить. Просто нравится, и стараюсь не мечтать о том. чтобы пейринг реализовали разрабы)
Теллтейл учат тому, что не очень размечтаешься вообще.
А так... TWD, TWAU, Outlast, Assassin`s creed: Unity, Alice: Madness returns
Ну.. образно говоря. В Престолах уж точно яро шипперить не стоит.) Аутласт, ух, интересно, что замутят дальше. DLC была что надо.
А в Дримфолл не играли?)
Шипперю эт громко сказано) Я более спокойна к тому, чтобы прям сердобольно кого-то шипперить. Просто нравится, и стараюсь не мечтать о том. … moreчтобы пейринг реализовали разрабы)
Теллтейл учат тому, что не очень размечтаешься вообще.
А так... TWD, TWAU, Outlast, Assassin`s creed: Unity, Alice: Madness returns
Ну.. образно говоря. В Престолах уж точно яро шипперить не стоит.) Аутласт, ух, интересно, что замутят дальше. DLC была что надо.
А в Дримфолл не играли?)
Go you! and you're welcome. I will admit, i envy the time and effort and overall skill you have in your artwork. It's nice to see someone who puts their all into their art.
I'm pretty sure that person was just jealous and wanted to hurt you as a way of making herself feel better. Just keep doing what yo do and don't pay attention to people who hate for no reason. So long as you like your art and are continuing to do what you love, then that's all that truly matters in the end.
A lot of people seem to view those who are confident in their work, as being arrogant. It's natural, and is especially common in creating art. It comes with being good at what you do and it will never end (if i'm being honest). What's important is to pay attention to those who see your work the way you see it, and understand your pride in it.
hahhah, and i remember one girl, who said i`m an undeservable bitch and poser, when i tried to explain her why i can not draw what she want … more- for free, that if i will draw what everyone wants for free (and sometimes it is not days, it is a weeks in some cases) - i will waste my own time and i will die from starving, doing a free job during a days and weeks, for unfamiliar kids, who do not even respect such a hard work and many hours at 4 walls. I explained it very exactly and carefully. And she started to write a shit everywhere, that i can not take a compliment (but i always answer and take a compliments and appreciate when people give me an attention!), that do not deserve my talent, but not everyone realize, HOW MUCH STRENGHT and years, and desire i put on my "talent" which i "do not deserve". FOr me, talent without any hard work - it is nothing. We make ourselves only by OUR OWN HANDS and brain, not with someone"s help. Not someone make y… [view original content]
Sorry for much of words! XD It was just very sweet, your "Hah, you're so sweet " XD and i couldn`t resist.
Well, i will do, sure! I ignore haters, because I pity them... Poor evil people and kids...
Update: yeah, you are so right
O_O (i actually read all of that xD)
Go you! and you're welcome. I will admit, i envy the time and effort and overall skill you … morehave in your artwork. It's nice to see someone who puts their all into their art.
I'm pretty sure that person was just jealous and wanted to hurt you as a way of making herself feel better. Just keep doing what yo do and don't pay attention to people who hate for no reason. So long as you like your art and are continuing to do what you love, then that's all that truly matters in the end.
A lot of people seem to view those who are confident in their work, as being arrogant. It's natural, and is especially common in creating art. It comes with being good at what you do and it will never end (if i'm being honest). What's important is to pay attention to those who see your work the way you see it, and understand your pride in it.
its 1 am here and im in rhyiona hell... also on pain pills because my wisdom teeth is coming in, sorry i'm a little foggy-headed!
why do you think rhys and fiona are so mad at each other in the "present" (when they're telling the story)? i mean in the past they also fight but i feel like it's more playful and in the present they're legit upset, something clearly went wrong... they better make up (i first typed make out lmao them freudian slips) or i'm gonna be angry too >:( i think it's something related to handsome jack given rhys has his eye yellow? handsome jack did something. handsome jack always does something. or maybe not... well thank god we'll find out when the last episode of TFTBL comes out, in 2083
here is a penguin
Twice the fun!
@Kruzii - Penguin
@buntingsir - Bird (Painted bunting)
@Crips - Panda
@CrazedRabbit - Rabbit
@JumpyJoey - Kangaroo
@RhyionsIsLife - Monkey
@Quiff - Duck
@nohuhhuh - Axolotl
@CelticDragon - Dragon
@Rhyiona - Dolphin
@xfuriouss - Snow leopard
@TheLier - Hummingbird
@Clem_In_The_Pines - Tigress (white)
@XDJulieXD - Fox
Not gonna tag myself but Wolf.
If I missed you tell me and I'll edit it... I just need a list. ;P
I know, right? I'm back from reading 602 new comments.. What a nice trip that was. ;D
Thread used Astonish!
It's super effective!
So I found this cool fan art
Basically what [keep it] should have been
I wanna be a dolphin!! If thats okay....
That's totally fine!
wenk wenk
translation: rhyiona is love, rhyiona is life
I always knew penguins had good taste.
We don't need to give her a flower.
We'll give her our heart.
Yay !! Thanks.
Colibri for Win!
You're welcome.
hahhah, and i remember one girl, who said i`m an undeservable bitch and poser, when i tried to explain her why i can not draw what she want - for free, that if i will draw what everyone wants for free (and sometimes it is not days, it is a weeks in some cases) - i will waste my own time and i will die from starving, doing a free job during a days and weeks, for unfamiliar kids, who do not even respect such a hard work and many hours at 4 walls. I explained it very exactly and carefully. And she started to write a shit everywhere, that i can not take a compliment (but i always answer and take a compliments and appreciate when people give me an attention!), that do not deserve my talent, but not everyone realize, HOW MUCH STRENGHT and years, and desire i put on my "talent" which i "do not deserve". FOr me, talent without any hard work - it is nothing. We make ourselves only by OUR OWN HANDS and brain, not with someone"s help. Not someone make you a person, or an artist, or musician or genius writer! ONLY YOU AND YOUR DESIRE TO GROW. Talent is a gift, i am not gonna argue. But how to use and grow it - it is up only to you. You can be 15-years old, or 40 - no matter. An age - it is the last in a person, as for me. You can be 22, but do not lose that childish feature. For me for example, to be an adult - to have a REAL value in the life, to appreciate and take care of mom and to be responsible in everything, but at the same time to be able to laugh like a kid at even very bad stuff in the life. But... XD People are strange. It is so easy to get a haters just because of your honesty and love for what you are doing. And you get a punch in the head just for your respect to your own time and profession. I am not think about my works like about something GENIUS. But i love them like my own kids, even if they are not perfect. Because it is a part of me and my soul, and each picture - hours and days of battle with myself, which i remember like it was today or yesteday!
I am telling you this because i am happy that someone respect those hours and days. And a years of standing up. THANK YOU
HOLY CRAP YES. Do you know who made the fanart so I can praise and hug them for their adorable art?!
140 likes guys!
Ну так, отходя от темы, а какие еще игры вам интересны из тех, что сейчас выходят?) В Престолы играли?
Кого там шипперите?)
It makes me so happy that Rhyiona is still so strong and big after episode 3! ^_^
really? huh. so they probably they want to make a love triangle...
how do you know?
Well, I hope no one rips out his heart.
Шипперю эт громко сказано) Я более спокойна к тому, чтобы прям сердобольно кого-то шипперить. Просто нравится, и стараюсь не мечтать о том. чтобы пейринг реализовали разрабы)
Теллтейл учат тому, что не очень размечтаешься вообще.
А так... TWD, TWAU, Outlast, Assassin`s creed: Unity, Alice: Madness returns
ayyyyyyy lmao
Ну.. образно говоря. В Престолах уж точно яро шипперить не стоит.) Аутласт, ух, интересно, что замутят дальше. DLC была что надо.
А в Дримфолл не играли?)
Man, today was a great day.
My tablet crashed and my feed almost exploded but it was worth it.
Ну, я перечислила то, по чему рисую))
А так - конечно играла! Детство!
poor wolfie
This gives me an idea. Maybe we should make a national Rhyiona day? ;D
Sweet Rhyiona dreams!
O_O (i actually read all of that xD)
Go you! and you're welcome. I will admit, i envy the time and effort and overall skill you have in your artwork. It's nice to see someone who puts their all into their art.
I'm pretty sure that person was just jealous and wanted to hurt you as a way of making herself feel better. Just keep doing what yo do and don't pay attention to people who hate for no reason. So long as you like your art and are continuing to do what you love, then that's all that truly matters in the end.
A lot of people seem to view those who are confident in their work, as being arrogant. It's natural, and is especially common in creating art. It comes with being good at what you do and it will never end (if i'm being honest). What's important is to pay attention to those who see your work the way you see it, and understand your pride in it.
March 17th.
Sounds nice, actually!
Sorry for much of words! XD It was just very sweet, your "Hah, you're so sweet
" XD and i couldn`t resist.
Well, i will do, sure! I ignore haters, because I pity them... Poor evil people and kids...
Update: yeah, you are so right
its 1 am here and im in rhyiona hell... also on pain pills because my wisdom teeth is coming in, sorry i'm a little foggy-headed!
why do you think rhys and fiona are so mad at each other in the "present" (when they're telling the story)? i mean in the past they also fight but i feel like it's more playful and in the present they're legit upset, something clearly went wrong... they better make up (i first typed make out lmao them freudian slips) or i'm gonna be angry too >:( i think it's something related to handsome jack given rhys has his eye yellow? handsome jack did something. handsome jack always does something. or maybe not... well thank god we'll find out when the last episode of TFTBL comes out, in 2083