hey! any suggestions for rhyiona videos you want to see? anything, songs or silly ideas... i got a great new video editor but i don't know what to do with it
hey! any suggestions for rhyiona videos you want to see? anything, songs or silly ideas... i got a great new video editor but i don't know what to do with it
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody(FANFICTION, STORY, words : 2,155) sorry if it sucks
It was just another night for the 'dream team' on the wild Pandora, filled with pretty much snores, some laugh and bad jokes, especially coming from those two Hyperion 'boys' who have just seen what's life on Pandora like. Of course they had a lot of other things to see, but and this was enough to make them feel afraid of their own shadow but also sometimes they'd feel ....alive, if that was the right word. Maybe even too much. They just haven't seen what real life was really like. Vaughn eventually got kind of bored from all those numbers, boring co-workers and the same stuff that was always happening back on the Helios. All this came to to them unexpectedly, but they've met a couple of friends? They've known each other for almost a week, but friends wasn't really the right word, but neither was acquaintances so they were stuck somewhere in the middle. Truthfully, Fiona and Sasha were anything but glad when they first met them, and a certain mark on Rhys's clothes, Hyperion, made their first introduction very...bad, full of anger directed toward those two young men.
Now they have gotten a few new members, like Athena, who was pretty scary and badass, Loader Bot, that was pretty fun, and Sasha and Fiona definitely didn't expect that, but robots were...robots? Also Gortys, the cutest robot ever. Like ever ever. Don't ever ever forget that. Okay?
Although Fiona hasn't still admitted to anyone, not even fully to herself, she had fun with all of them. Occasionaly! like she'd always say to herself.
But now they had maybe a little too much fun, of course when the alcohol was included. They even made Athena drink, a bit.
"Come on Athena, just a sip. It isn't gonna kill you, I swear." Sasha basically begged the tough gladiator, and Fiona didn't exactly understand why Sasha was overreacting over Athena not drinking. Oh, she's drunk as hell. Gee, Fiona. And she mentally facepalmed herself for expecting anyone here to behave normal.
This was probably the thirty seventh time Sasha or anybody else from their little 'crew' begged Athena to just take a small sip of alcohol which Fiona found near some bandit's crappy car. She couldn't resist not taking it without asking, along with some money. That was most likely called stealing, but why make it easy when it can be difficult?
"You swear on what? Something important to you or else it doesn't matter." Athena raised her eyebrow as she crossed her arms, a little smirk written on her face.
"I sweaaaaaar on...." Sasha put her finger on her lips, and stared at the ceiling as she was trying to think hard, Fiona smiled a bit at her sister. "Oooooooon...I swear on that ol' dude's grave." She quickly muttered so Athena didn't even hear that. Thankfully. "Yeah, Athy, I swear on Felix's grave."
A little smirk vanished from Athena's face, making her feel a bit sorry for Sasha because yes, Felix did actually die. This situation made her uncomfortable.
"Um, I'm sorry...for Felix, you know. Uh...I was just joking, you-you don't have to actually swear or...anything." Fiona knew Sasha was drunk as hell, and Felix didn't actually have any grave because he well...died from a bomb explosion.
"Ughh. Stop. Just drink already. " Sasha's reaction changed a bit, after all she was still angry at Felix and the whole messed up situation but Fiona didn't really know how to feel about that.
"Okay. Hopefully you will all shut the hell up after i just drink this...thing?" And so Sasha has finally made Athena drink after many failed and miserable attempts, but Fiona didn't drink nearly as much as Sasha, Vaugh and Rhys. They acted like it was the first time they actually drank alcohol. Just like children.
Only then Fiona noticed how Rhys was..misssing. No, he was just outside, doing something, stupid, probably, but Fiona's curiousity rised so she decided to see what was up with him. She didn't know why was she exactly interested in finding out what's some drunk moron doing right now, but she did it nonetheless.
She swiftly put her hat on as she existed the caravan, only to be greeted by dark empty surroundings. It didn't take much before Fiona found Rhys sitting on some rock, staring into distance and giggling like some idiot.
She sighed as she took a seat next to him, still not sure why was she even doing this. He looked up to see who it was, and by his reaction he wasn't disappointed, at all.
"Oooooh, isn't that my favourite cowgirl over here? What's up, Fi?" His stupid words caused by drinking made her facepalm, and this time it wasn't mentally. He sounded so stupid and idiotic, and fun at the same time. She let a small smile on her face just for a second, but after that she just rolled her eyes, an usual habit she had when she was around Rhys.
"Co-Cowgirl? Seriously? Ugh. I was just bored so I came here outside." That weird smile still stayed on his face, overdrinking isn't good, especially for weak-ish guys like him.
"I can assure you that you won't get bored now that I'm in the hoooouse." To make it even worse he wiggled his thick eyebrows as if that was supposed to be something funny or something else. Fiona just stared at him with a "Are You Serious?" face and finally made him clear that what he had just said didn't come out good. Ouch.
"Well, you already failed. Have you ever gotten drunk before? Because it definitely doesn't seem so." He just rolled his eyes and quickly responded "Duuuh. You're a bad judge of character, Fi."
"Just don't call me Fi anymore. I assure you that you'll regret it." Rhys just fastly nodded, getting his gaze lost in the numerous bright stars in the sky. The moon was also shining bright, illuminating their faces in the dark.
Soon Fiona joined him as well, also not disappointed by the scene. It wasn't like she saw the sky at the night for the first time in her whole life, but something was prettier than ever before. A few colorful rays of some light slowly moved throught the whole sky, making it even mroe beautiful.
"It's just...." Fiona softly said, her eyes focused on the pretty lights as Rhys finished the sentence for her "Wonderful. Or maybe it is just somehow totally bo-"
"Shut up, already. Just, don't ruin this moment. The scene. Wonderful is the word, yeah, congratulations." She fastly cut him off before his drunk talk could ruin this moment that she enjoyed.
"Gee, like you've never seen the starts and the crappy sky, Fi...ona." He eventually got bored of the silence and Fiona's staring at the sky so he tried to kill his boredom. It didn't work so well, because she was just so damn focused on the sky.
"You just said it yourself it was wonderful, smartass. Did you know that you're such a hypocritical b*tch, Rhys?" Fiona soon noticed that Rhys didn't said anything back, which was so not like him, so she decided to check out what was the matter now.
When Fiona turned around she saw Rhys with her precious hat on his head as he made some strange movements, along with saying stupid stuff, which was so usual for him, such as Yeeha! Ridin' da horse, babe.I'm the coolest cowboy in the town.
Definitely too drunk. Or just too stupid. Or both. Both is the answer, yeah. Fiona thought to herself as she made her way to Rhys, who still hasn't noticed her sneaking up on him. Fiona could forgive him stupid words, or other things, but he has just stolen her hat! Well ,truth to be told she'd stole, very often, a lot of different things, but her hat wasn't a toy. Especially not a toy for Rhys's entertainment.
And now she was here, just behind the heartless thief, and she needed just to be quick to take it off of him. That shouldn't be a problem to a skilled con artist like her. As soon as she reacher out her arm Rhys took the hat off and held it up in the air, turining around to face irritated Fiona.
"Aw, look Fi, I've got a hat here. Up there. Far away from youuuuuu. Hahaha." He laughed as he swang the hat slowly in the air, using the height difference between them.
"You, you stole it, idiot! Give it back to me now and I won't kill you." She tried to reach her favourite hat, but Rhys was obviously much taller than her. Shitty shit!
"Nope. That's not gonna work now, Fiona. It's just a hat, what's the maaaaatter?" Fiona even tried to jump, but this damn height difference was basically killing her. She just wanted her hat and go back to sleep.I shouldn't have even come here.
"Aw, you're so cuuuuute when you're mad. Just reeeeelax, Fi. The hat's gonna be fine, trust meeee. We're friends, right?" His silly teasing made her even angrier. She should've known better than to expect drunk Rhys would be any better that the usual 'normal' Rhys .
"Give.it.to.me. You know, real friends don't steal each others' stuff, Rhys." Her arm even started to hurt from all this miserable attempts to bring her hat back. She couldn't just give up, it was just Rhys, there was no way he's gonna win.
"Reaaaal friends trust each other, Fi. I was just plaaaaying a bit with your hat, but now I'm having fun like this sooooooo.....nope." Rhys was smiling the whole time, having fun because he's just found Fiona's weak spot. He couldn't just let this opportunity pass.
Fiona backed off for a bit, pacing around and thinking where the hell to hit him so her hat would finally be set free from his grip.Stomach? Nah. Arm? Uh, he's got that robo-arm. Legs? They are even taller than his damn arms. I wonder how the hell is he so tall...Neck? Sounds good. He's weak, anyways.
"Hey Fi, don't trouble youuuuuur little mind over there. Maybe we can just make some sort of a deeeeeeal." She could see him raising his eyebrow, waving to her with her hat.
Fiona was rather interested in what kind of deal can a totally drunk and stupid person make so she decided to give it a try "So, what would that deal be exactly?"
"Oh, you just have to get on your knees and with a hand on your heart say something like Oh my beloved Rhys! I'm deeply sorry for calling you a hypocritical b#tch. And also I love you. You're perfect just like those damn socks of yours. And to sparkle up the scene you could bring me some flowers. I think there are some flowers behind the caravaaaan." Fiona stood, unmoving, with her both hand on hips as she stared in Rhys.
"T-That just gave me cancer." She faked a cough so that her statament would feel more 'believable', letting a few spits out of her mouth. "No way I'm doing that crazy crap. You're out of your stupid mind."
Rhys just shrugged "Guess that makes it two apologies you'll need to say, 'cause you're not getting your haaaaaat then."
With her arms crossed, she took a few steps to approach him, with a small smirk on her tired face "Oh, really?"
Before Rhys could say or do anything, Fiona was fastly running toward him, and in a second he could feel a hard hit on his neck. Just as Fiona was about to get her hat back from this dirty thief, Rhys somehow managed to get his head up, making their faces almost touching.
In all that rush where Fiona finally grabbed her wonderful hat, of course by hitting Rhys in his most weak spot, because he had lots of those, he swiftly grabbed her neck with his cold hand and unexpectedly kissed her, on the lips.
Fiona stood frozen, surprised by this action, until Rhys stopped and looked at her wide opened green eyes. She could feel sudden heat coming on her pale cheecks, and her heart racing fast.
"I just made another deal for ya. Couldn't let you escape with your hat without a punishment. Buuuut now you're free. And your hat." Fiona quickly turned around, finally realizing what has just happened.
This night definitely was fun. So she decided to turn around, in order to give her friend a sweet good night. "Sleep well, Rhys." He just smiled and followed her to the caravan, because they were both tired from everything that has happened. They deserved some rest. "Oh, I will, don't you worry. Good night to you too, Fi."
The duo entered the caravan where everybody else was already asleep. But Fiona didn't really regret bringing the alcohol, and she started to like drunk Rhys, a bit.
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody (FANFICTION, STORY, words : 2,155) sorry if it sucks
It was just another night for the 'dream team' … moreon the wild Pandora, filled with pretty much snores, some laugh and bad jokes, especially coming from those two Hyperion 'boys' who have just seen what's life on Pandora like. Of course they had a lot of other things to see, but and this was enough to make them feel afraid of their own shadow but also sometimes they'd feel ....alive, if that was the right word. Maybe even too much. They just haven't seen what real life was really like. Vaughn eventually got kind of bored from all those numbers, boring co-workers and the same stuff that was always happening back on the Helios. All this came to to them unexpectedly, but they've met a couple of friends? They've known each other for almost a week, but friends wasn't really the right word, but neither was acquaintances so they were stuck somewhere in the midd… [view original content]
Nice, a work of art
"Anything you can do I can do better"?
^What Wolf said
"Rhys is mine!!" >:(
Haha nice! That Rhys' face is hilarious!
forgiving gnome noises
OHHHHHHH i've tried that one but i couldn't get the lyrics to match their lips like i wanted and it made me angry lmao... i'll try again !!
"Dear art block...
..I hate you so much!"
Oh, it just feels like a very Rhyiona song.
No wonder everyone thinks about it!
lmao this is still cute as hell
Finally got to the point where I deleted the last story.
Yes! Perfect song suggestion Wolf
Fits them perfectly.
Wolf, I think you ought to severely punish your tablet... eh, more severely than burning it up, that is.
What art block?
@Crips and @JumpyJoey posting the exact same thing at the exact same time too.
Wow Crips, same gif
I didn't even see yours...
look what i found just a moment ago on the road between Markarth and Falkreath
Maybe I'll poke it harder than usual. That'll teach it!
Thank you, it fits their interactions!
we r wizards
Pandas and kangaroos think alike.
Hate to break it to you, but if your tablet can withstand being burned to crisp then it probably won't even feel the pokes. It's worth a try, though.
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody (FANFICTION, STORY, words : 2,155) sorry if it sucks
It was just another night for the 'dream team' on the wild Pandora, filled with pretty much snores, some laugh and bad jokes, especially coming from those two Hyperion 'boys' who have just seen what's life on Pandora like. Of course they had a lot of other things to see, but and this was enough to make them feel afraid of their own shadow but also sometimes they'd feel ....alive, if that was the right word. Maybe even too much. They just haven't seen what real life was really like. Vaughn eventually got kind of bored from all those numbers, boring co-workers and the same stuff that was always happening back on the Helios. All this came to to them unexpectedly, but they've met a couple of friends? They've known each other for almost a week, but friends wasn't really the right word, but neither was acquaintances so they were stuck somewhere in the middle. Truthfully, Fiona and Sasha were anything but glad when they first met them, and a certain mark on Rhys's clothes, Hyperion, made their first introduction very...bad, full of anger directed toward those two young men.
Now they have gotten a few new members, like Athena, who was pretty scary and badass, Loader Bot, that was pretty fun, and Sasha and Fiona definitely didn't expect that, but robots were...robots? Also Gortys, the cutest robot ever. Like ever ever. Don't ever ever forget that. Okay?
Although Fiona hasn't still admitted to anyone, not even fully to herself, she had fun with all of them. Occasionaly! like she'd always say to herself.
But now they had maybe a little too much fun, of course when the alcohol was included. They even made Athena drink, a bit.
"Come on Athena, just a sip. It isn't gonna kill you, I swear." Sasha basically begged the tough gladiator, and Fiona didn't exactly understand why Sasha was overreacting over Athena not drinking. Oh, she's drunk as hell. Gee, Fiona. And she mentally facepalmed herself for expecting anyone here to behave normal.
This was probably the thirty seventh time Sasha or anybody else from their little 'crew' begged Athena to just take a small sip of alcohol which Fiona found near some bandit's crappy car. She couldn't resist not taking it without asking, along with some money. That was most likely called stealing, but why make it easy when it can be difficult?
"You swear on what? Something important to you or else it doesn't matter." Athena raised her eyebrow as she crossed her arms, a little smirk written on her face.
"I sweaaaaaar on...." Sasha put her finger on her lips, and stared at the ceiling as she was trying to think hard, Fiona smiled a bit at her sister. "Oooooooon...I swear on that ol' dude's grave." She quickly muttered so Athena didn't even hear that. Thankfully. "Yeah, Athy, I swear on Felix's grave."
A little smirk vanished from Athena's face, making her feel a bit sorry for Sasha because yes, Felix did actually die. This situation made her uncomfortable.
"Um, I'm sorry...for Felix, you know. Uh...I was just joking, you-you don't have to actually swear or...anything." Fiona knew Sasha was drunk as hell, and Felix didn't actually have any grave because he well...died from a bomb explosion.
"Ughh. Stop. Just drink already. " Sasha's reaction changed a bit, after all she was still angry at Felix and the whole messed up situation but Fiona didn't really know how to feel about that.
"Okay. Hopefully you will all shut the hell up after i just drink this...thing?" And so Sasha has finally made Athena drink after many failed and miserable attempts, but Fiona didn't drink nearly as much as Sasha, Vaugh and Rhys. They acted like it was the first time they actually drank alcohol. Just like children.
Only then Fiona noticed how Rhys was..misssing. No, he was just outside, doing something, stupid, probably, but Fiona's curiousity rised so she decided to see what was up with him. She didn't know why was she exactly interested in finding out what's some drunk moron doing right now, but she did it nonetheless.
She swiftly put her hat on as she existed the caravan, only to be greeted by dark empty surroundings. It didn't take much before Fiona found Rhys sitting on some rock, staring into distance and giggling like some idiot.
She sighed as she took a seat next to him, still not sure why was she even doing this. He looked up to see who it was, and by his reaction he wasn't disappointed, at all.
"Oooooh, isn't that my favourite cowgirl over here? What's up, Fi?" His stupid words caused by drinking made her facepalm, and this time it wasn't mentally. He sounded so stupid and idiotic, and fun at the same time. She let a small smile on her face just for a second, but after that she just rolled her eyes, an usual habit she had when she was around Rhys.
"Co-Cowgirl? Seriously? Ugh. I was just bored so I came here outside." That weird smile still stayed on his face, overdrinking isn't good, especially for weak-ish guys like him.
"I can assure you that you won't get bored now that I'm in the hoooouse." To make it even worse he wiggled his thick eyebrows as if that was supposed to be something funny or something else. Fiona just stared at him with a "Are You Serious?" face and finally made him clear that what he had just said didn't come out good. Ouch.
"Well, you already failed. Have you ever gotten drunk before? Because it definitely doesn't seem so." He just rolled his eyes and quickly responded "Duuuh. You're a bad judge of character, Fi."
"Just don't call me Fi anymore. I assure you that you'll regret it." Rhys just fastly nodded, getting his gaze lost in the numerous bright stars in the sky. The moon was also shining bright, illuminating their faces in the dark.
Soon Fiona joined him as well, also not disappointed by the scene. It wasn't like she saw the sky at the night for the first time in her whole life, but something was prettier than ever before. A few colorful rays of some light slowly moved throught the whole sky, making it even mroe beautiful.
"It's just...." Fiona softly said, her eyes focused on the pretty lights as Rhys finished the sentence for her "Wonderful. Or maybe it is just somehow totally bo-"
"Shut up, already. Just, don't ruin this moment. The scene. Wonderful is the word, yeah, congratulations." She fastly cut him off before his drunk talk could ruin this moment that she enjoyed.
"Gee, like you've never seen the starts and the crappy sky, Fi...ona." He eventually got bored of the silence and Fiona's staring at the sky so he tried to kill his boredom. It didn't work so well, because she was just so damn focused on the sky.
"You just said it yourself it was wonderful, smartass. Did you know that you're such a hypocritical b*tch, Rhys?" Fiona soon noticed that Rhys didn't said anything back, which was so not like him, so she decided to check out what was the matter now.
When Fiona turned around she saw Rhys with her precious hat on his head as he made some strange movements, along with saying stupid stuff, which was so usual for him, such as Yeeha! Ridin' da horse, babe.I'm the coolest cowboy in the town.
Definitely too drunk. Or just too stupid. Or both. Both is the answer, yeah. Fiona thought to herself as she made her way to Rhys, who still hasn't noticed her sneaking up on him. Fiona could forgive him stupid words, or other things, but he has just stolen her hat! Well ,truth to be told she'd stole, very often, a lot of different things, but her hat wasn't a toy. Especially not a toy for Rhys's entertainment.
And now she was here, just behind the heartless thief, and she needed just to be quick to take it off of him. That shouldn't be a problem to a skilled con artist like her. As soon as she reacher out her arm Rhys took the hat off and held it up in the air, turining around to face irritated Fiona.
"Aw, look Fi, I've got a hat here. Up there. Far away from youuuuuu. Hahaha." He laughed as he swang the hat slowly in the air, using the height difference between them.
"You, you stole it, idiot! Give it back to me now and I won't kill you." She tried to reach her favourite hat, but Rhys was obviously much taller than her. Shitty shit!
"Nope. That's not gonna work now, Fiona. It's just a hat, what's the maaaaatter?" Fiona even tried to jump, but this damn height difference was basically killing her. She just wanted her hat and go back to sleep.I shouldn't have even come here.
"Aw, you're so cuuuuute when you're mad. Just reeeeelax, Fi. The hat's gonna be fine, trust meeee. We're friends, right?" His silly teasing made her even angrier. She should've known better than to expect drunk Rhys would be any better that the usual 'normal' Rhys .
"Give.it.to.me. You know, real friends don't steal each others' stuff, Rhys." Her arm even started to hurt from all this miserable attempts to bring her hat back. She couldn't just give up, it was just Rhys, there was no way he's gonna win.
"Reaaaal friends trust each other, Fi. I was just plaaaaying a bit with your hat, but now I'm having fun like this sooooooo.....nope." Rhys was smiling the whole time, having fun because he's just found Fiona's weak spot. He couldn't just let this opportunity pass.
Fiona backed off for a bit, pacing around and thinking where the hell to hit him so her hat would finally be set free from his grip.Stomach? Nah. Arm? Uh, he's got that robo-arm. Legs? They are even taller than his damn arms. I wonder how the hell is he so tall...Neck? Sounds good. He's weak, anyways.
"Hey Fi, don't trouble youuuuuur little mind over there. Maybe we can just make some sort of a deeeeeeal." She could see him raising his eyebrow, waving to her with her hat.
Fiona was rather interested in what kind of deal can a totally drunk and stupid person make so she decided to give it a try "So, what would that deal be exactly?"
"Oh, you just have to get on your knees and with a hand on your heart say something like Oh my beloved Rhys! I'm deeply sorry for calling you a hypocritical b#tch. And also I love you. You're perfect just like those damn socks of yours. And to sparkle up the scene you could bring me some flowers. I think there are some flowers behind the caravaaaan." Fiona stood, unmoving, with her both hand on hips as she stared in Rhys.
"T-That just gave me cancer." She faked a cough so that her statament would feel more 'believable', letting a few spits out of her mouth. "No way I'm doing that crazy crap. You're out of your stupid mind."
Rhys just shrugged "Guess that makes it two apologies you'll need to say, 'cause you're not getting your haaaaaat then."
With her arms crossed, she took a few steps to approach him, with a small smirk on her tired face "Oh, really?"
Before Rhys could say or do anything, Fiona was fastly running toward him, and in a second he could feel a hard hit on his neck. Just as Fiona was about to get her hat back from this dirty thief, Rhys somehow managed to get his head up, making their faces almost touching.
In all that rush where Fiona finally grabbed her wonderful hat, of course by hitting Rhys in his most weak spot, because he had lots of those, he swiftly grabbed her neck with his cold hand and unexpectedly kissed her, on the lips.
Fiona stood frozen, surprised by this action, until Rhys stopped and looked at her wide opened green eyes. She could feel sudden heat coming on her pale cheecks, and her heart racing fast.
"I just made another deal for ya. Couldn't let you escape with your hat without a punishment. Buuuut now you're free. And your hat." Fiona quickly turned around, finally realizing what has just happened.
This night definitely was fun. So she decided to turn around, in order to give her friend a sweet good night. "Sleep well, Rhys." He just smiled and followed her to the caravan, because they were both tired from everything that has happened. They deserved some rest. "Oh, I will, don't you worry. Good night to you too, Fi."
The duo entered the caravan where everybody else was already asleep. But Fiona didn't really regret bringing the alcohol, and she started to like drunk Rhys, a bit.
Or maybe... you are... one.
I don't wanna break it, though...
Yeah, cuz we both live in Antarctica! ...oh wait...
One what? Kangaroo? Please don't insult me
I know, I know. You've got a hate-love relationship, just like Rhyiona.
You could always try blackmail?
You're saying being a kangaroo is insulting?
Joey's still here ya know :^)
Except I don't ship myself with this tablet. ;-;
Nah, being one isn't insulting, but having a pocket on your belly is pretty weird...
(Also I like you Joey pls peace yo?)
Well, think on the bright side: being an animal doesn't stop kangaroos from carrying whatever precious items they have.
Like... uh, shit I dunno.
Thank you for comforting me...
death rattling sound
EVIL, that's so unfair.
Drunk Rhys is a gem. I loved this.