hey guys, i'm pretty nervous about posting this, since this is my first fanfiction i've ever written. Word count: 842
Listening to Some T… moreunes
Nothing could've kept Rhys from falling asleep at that moment. Driving a caravan through a desert while everyone else was sleeping was harder than he thought. His eyes were almost closed when he noticed something to his side. There were very small red letters etched onto a tiny glove compartment that read: „Song Casettes“.
Maybe listening to some tunes would keep me from falling asleep, Rhys thought to himself. He opened the glove compartment, and to his surprise, hundreds of colored casettes fell out of the compartment. Rhys quickly snapped his head to see if someone woke up. Fortunately for him, everyone was sleeping soundly.
„Whatcha doing, daddy?“, sudden and unexpected voice almost made him jump out of his seat. He quickly lowered his gaze down onto the floor and saw Gortys. „Gortys, yo… [view original content]
"I didn't say anything about hating it."
I like were this is going good job BRO and like wolf said "you don't have to be nervous" we'll LOVE anything rhyiona related C=
I can't stop hearing this song reminds me of Rhys and Fiona a lot it's there Destiny 3:55 Rhyiona confirmed and me and wolf reaction at 4:01 love you wolf
I can't stop hearing this song reminds me of Rhys and Fiona a lot it's there Destiny 3:55 Rhyiona confirmed and me and wolf reaction at 4:01 love you wolf
I can't stop hearing this song reminds me of Rhys and Fiona a lot it's there Destiny 3:55 Rhyiona confirmed and me and wolf reaction at 4:01 love you wolf
"Often stupid, thought Fiona. She liked his confidence that there was something satisfying in stripping him of his ski… moren. Rhys became a hedgehog, insecurities, a storm of silly, and everything was constantly trying to hide under tons of certainty. Hard ... and Fiona did well. He had to admit. Maybe that's why so well-matched."
okay i admit rhys becoming a hedgehog is probably better than the original story
This is Project Rhyiona-1130 , a project that includes Rhyiona images with lyr… moreics of a song
The images can only be seen with the music I will post , when the music starts you can scroll down , look at the beautiful Rhyiona images and read the lyrics in the same motion with the song
Now make sure you've got your finger on the scroll down button when the song starts , because it's gonna be fast and beautiful
Thank you for your cooperation , enjoy!
hey guys, i'm pretty nervous about posting this, since this is my first fanfiction i've ever written. Word count: 842
Listening to Some T… moreunes
Nothing could've kept Rhys from falling asleep at that moment. Driving a caravan through a desert while everyone else was sleeping was harder than he thought. His eyes were almost closed when he noticed something to his side. There were very small red letters etched onto a tiny glove compartment that read: „Song Casettes“.
Maybe listening to some tunes would keep me from falling asleep, Rhys thought to himself. He opened the glove compartment, and to his surprise, hundreds of colored casettes fell out of the compartment. Rhys quickly snapped his head to see if someone woke up. Fortunately for him, everyone was sleeping soundly.
„Whatcha doing, daddy?“, sudden and unexpected voice almost made him jump out of his seat. He quickly lowered his gaze down onto the floor and saw Gortys. „Gortys, yo… [view original content]
Alright guys, random question here. I've only got enough cash for one more outfit, and I can't decide which one to get for Fiona. Which one did you guys get, or do you think the default is the best?
Ok heres the lines
Just unused lines during the Trust Fiona opening: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1CIMqEkFjVH
Fiona telling Rhys a bad joke a… morebout Garry's head being crushed: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1ESSK5XCdpu
And the best one "Your dumb!": http://vocaroo.com/i/s1z4tDqYUTRm
Alright guys, random question here. I've only got enough cash for one more outfit, and I can't decide which one to get for Fiona. Which one did you guys get, or do you think the default is the best?
So i was messing around with fonts and well i made this and thought it look alright. didn't spend too long on it
I based it on the tftb logo,i know it doesn't look exactly the same but it is similar
So i was messing around with fonts and well i made this and thought it look alright. didn't spend too long on it
I based it on the tftb logo,i know it doesn't look exactly the same but it is similar
So i was messing around with fonts and well i made this and thought it look alright. didn't spend too long on it
I based it on the tftb logo,i know it doesn't look exactly the same but it is similar
So i was messing around with fonts and well i made this and thought it look alright. didn't spend too long on it
I based it on the tftb logo,i know it doesn't look exactly the same but it is similar
I wonder why...
Welcome! Happy to have ya here!
Reminds him of Nisha, maybe.
Thank you! And I'm happy for joining you guys
Hmm, maybe.
"I didn't say anything about hating it."
I like were this is going good job BRO and like wolf said "you don't have to be nervous" we'll LOVE anything rhyiona related C=
Goodnight guys! It's time for me to rest for another Rhyiona day tomorrow. May Rhyiona be with you all!
May Rhyiona watch over you C=
when the bae quickscopes you in the heart
Sweet Rhyiona dreams.
I can't stop hearing this song reminds me of Rhys and Fiona a lot it's there Destiny 3:55 Rhyiona confirmed and me and wolf reaction at 4:01 love you wolf

What song?
lmao that escalated quickly
I should probably sleep as well, night everyone.
I promise tomorrow there'll be a story ready.
It's going to happen XD
'Chewbacca won't forget this Bro moment with you"<3
Do you ever sleep mate? or is the Rhyiona influence too strong for you
Sweet Rhyiona dreams
Night night!
Is no one here?.......good.Nightcore - Mi Mi Mi
Hmmm do I dislike the thread so we are back at the illustrious 169 likes...?
The rhyiona influence it's too strong C=
gasp How dare you!
Shake what your momma gave you XD

FINALLY RHYS IS SANIC! Remember the achievement 2fast2Fiona ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This is sooo preeettyyy
"You can't knock me down!!"
Oh Rhys.. u dum
"You knocked me down!!!!"
It would've been a great scene X3
This is....
Alright guys, random question here. I've only got enough cash for one more outfit, and I can't decide which one to get for Fiona. Which one did you guys get, or do you think the default is the best?
I was expecting Fiona to say "Your face is dumb!" And ended up Rhys running around sobbing
In the first walkthrough trusting Jack I bought her black steampunk outfit ('cause he likes hats, u know ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) ).
In the second walkthrough trusting Fiona I bought her white-orange-green outfit without hat ('cause Rhys said it made her head big).
And I prefer second one even if canon Fiona without our control bought a hat.
So i was messing around with fonts and well i made this and thought it look alright. didn't spend too long on it

I based it on the tftb logo,i know it doesn't look exactly the same but it is similar
Not bad i like it C=
it looks great!
I feel like this could go on avatars or into the OP at least