Smoke and your heart out!

After a 4 month wait for episode's finally here.

And it was totally worth it, in my opinion.

This is more of a first impressions thread so my opinion may change in the future but this is it for now:

The action scenes were quite well done, with the main highlight being the intro which totally beats episode 1's intro and the song was great as well.

Rhys is still my favorite character and his chemistry with Jack and other characters is just brilliant.

I also really dug that scene in Hollow Point where Sasha and Fiona start flashing back to their past with Felix and I also liked that little character moment where Sasha struggles to forgive to accept that Felix betrayed them, it was nice to get a quiet character moment like in episode 1 with Rhys and Sasha.

Loader Bot was so adorable in this episode with how much of a bro he was since I saved him.

Vasquez is getting close to being one of Patrick Warburton's best characters he's played.

HUB areas return with little mini puzzles similar to Walking Dead's! THAT made me smile hard.

And the final scene was really well done and quite intense, it was pretty good climax if you ask me.

I was a bit disappointed that Dave Fennoy and Adam Harrington's characters didn't really do much and were just kind of "there", but it was cool cameo none the less, hopefully we see them again and I think we will.

Now, this episode may not quite have the "Wow" factor of episode 1, but it was still damn good and made me laugh a lot, and I'm really loving on where it's going.

And.....Handsome Jack.....I can see why everyone loves him......cause I love him now too. <3


  • Well to be fair smoke and mirrors was rewritten....

  • Both were good in the end doh ;3

  • Yeah, but Harrison Pink left after Tales episode 1, so that might have caused the delay.

    Well to be fair smoke and mirrors was rewritten....

  • Considering I had low expectations for the first episode, this episode did a great job of being satisfying going up against some monster expectations. Only thing I really disliked was the ending, and that is mainly just for that goddamn cliffhanger. Next episode sure as hell better not be five months out with a cliffhanger like that.

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