There have been some minor changes like one of the images on the choices page for Episode 1 changed and I think Loader Bot's design changed a bit (namely his machine gun)
What if at the end of Ep3 there will be a message ''OK, that's it, you're getting the episode a week later than others, you ungrateful person!''
Actually, I was asking if there had been a large change since episode 2 (not stating it), but from your reply I guess there has been
Also, remember, for every skip they add a week to the wait time I wonder what will happen for episode 3?
What a relief! I'm glad people came to their senses and trusted the savior of Pandora. I mean, look at that adorable face! What could possibly go wrong?! :P
I've heard about this too and it sounds interesting to me. Definitely worth a shot.
And Dontnod has been doing a great job IMO with their choice based system in Life is Strange, and i love the rewind mechanic that lets you try out the different dialogue options without having to hop out of the game and go back to the title screen first.
Apparently Dontnod started development about 6 months ago on a game titled VampYr (the Y is emphasised, due to the divergent choices you can… more make; isn't that clever........well, it makes their point at least), set Post-WWI. You're supposed to play as a doctor during an outbreak of Spanish influenza, and are infected with vampiirism (somehow or other; it was unclear whether or not one of your patients infected you with some bizarre mutated disease that manifested as something akin to vampirism, or if an actual vampire infected you at some point). The tagline at the time was "Take Blood. Save A Life.".
I'm assuming the different playstyles? Give in to being a monster and devour your patients, or cling to your humanity and try and save them.
Interesting idea, I thought. I'm being cautiously optimistic.;)
I am extremely excited for Tales, but I like LiS too. I don't pay so much attention to its updates, and so when the episode is released it's a nice surprise. It's good to just have things pop up sometimes, and LiS does that for me
It's gonna come soo- distant explosion of rage
Ssss... Saturday.
what match was this? what event/PPV? Was he on crack, I have to admit I haven't seen a lot of edge matches
What, you mean SOON?
pops back in Oh hey guys whats going on here?
sees release date and keyart featuring ATHENA
ahem Capital.
Whew, I lost my saves after my computer broke but managed to finish them before 23rd.
Wow, these episodes are so old but still so fun
Give me the trailer already.
Only 6 days!
I even forgot there's a trailer still coming. But I think I won't watch it this time. (Only if I can resist the temptation)
Must be very nice to come back and get some very exciting news.
Large change in the end stats?
I've noticed that too :P
Also, ''Seriously, again?! These people worked really hard on this!'' when skipping credits for the second time after EP2 xD
Actually, I was asking if there had been a large change since episode 2 (not stating it), but from your reply I guess there has been
Also, remember, for every skip they add a week to the wait time
I wonder what will happen for episode 3?
Guys. Is it bad that I've managed to put 29 hours into just 2 episodes of Tales? Yikes.
There have been some minor changes like one of the images on the choices page for Episode 1 changed and I think Loader Bot's design changed a bit (namely his machine gun)
What if at the end of Ep3 there will be a message ''OK, that's it, you're getting the episode a week later than others, you ungrateful person!''
0 Friends Online? Forever alone.
I'm more of a console gamer myself.
But I'll grab hold of a game on Steam when it becomes so cheap that it's pretty much begging to be bought haha.
And of course, I prefer playing the Telltale Games series' on PC, 'cause it just feels right.
How many times have you replayed the episodes? I only have 4 hours in Tales O___O
Haaa, I've got 6, I'm officially better than Green
Replying to yourself : the only instance it was entertaining
8 here.
Better than erryone. >:D
I got 19.
I got 40.
I don't think it's an accomplishment... Pretty sure something's wrong with me.
Im feelin that Ep 3 trailer tomorrow!
Good job man, you got 40 hours out of 4 hours of content for 1 playthrough. Might need to go check your eyes tho
I'm feeling the trailer monday idk why,welp me with the haip.
It's worth it just to see the look on Rhys' face when Jack finger shoots him. Lol! God i love the faces that Rhys makes!
Feeling it... as it slips through our grasps ;__;
(Though I really hope you're right)
I'm more hyped with lis ep4 more news from that beta tester than ever.I got more hype with lis,with tales meh old stuff i am.
21 hours
I've heard about this too and it sounds interesting to me. Definitely worth a shot.
And Dontnod has been doing a great job IMO with their choice based system in Life is Strange, and i love the rewind mechanic that lets you try out the different dialogue options without having to hop out of the game and go back to the title screen first.
32 Friends?! Wow, you've got connections to everywhere.
I think about friday. GoT trailer came out friday and episode 4 was out tuesday.
Those are just the ones I have online, I have like 80 in total. But that isn't even that much
Yiss. It's so close that I can almost taste it.
I am extremely excited for Tales, but I like LiS too. I don't pay so much attention to its updates, and so when the episode is released it's a nice surprise. It's good to just have things pop up sometimes, and LiS does that for me
To me, it is. I have a small circle of friends. How small? Like, 7 friends.
trailer is gonna be probably at 1PM