Episode 3 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS4&3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Android Out Now



  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    1.18 GB looks closer to what i would expect a episode size to be, hopefully we don't need to wait too much longer :)

    WAIT! We've just had a massive down-size - when that happened for Atlas Mugged the release quickly followed! (Also, it looks like a similar size to the last episode - which I'm totally satisfied with!)

  • I still think J9 is pushing it (especially with no AU classification and no teasing whatsoever), but that may be (unintentional!) wishful thinking on my part, as that's the only week that I won't be able to play it straight away. :(

    But who knows, maybe they'll take a leaf out of GoT's book and it'll come out of nowhere? If the Aussie classification gets put up within the next two days I'll be more on board, but for the time being I'm team #J16.

    Pipas posted: »

    We still need Au classification though. But I still believe in J9 release date.

  • I know man, but we can do it! #J9

    "So I'm hoping for #J9"

  • J9, loader bot agrees!

    Pipas posted: »

    We still need Au classification though. But I still believe in J9 release date.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I agree that J9 might be pushing it but J16 is the same week as E3 so that could also be pushing it as they would probably want to put more focus on their E3 announcement.

    J23 could also be another date to look at.

    I still think J9 is pushing it (especially with no AU classification and no teasing whatsoever), but that may be (unintentional!) wishful th

  • J23

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    OzzyUK posted: »

    I agree that J9 might be pushing it but J16 is the same week as E3 so that could also be pushing it as they would probably want to put more focus on their E3 announcement. J23 could also be another date to look at.

  • Why did you guys decide on J23rd?

  • J2 isn't happening considering it's tomorrow, J9 is very unlikely with a little over a week to go and no Au classification yet. J16 overlaps with E3, and Telltale probably doesn't want to take the spotlight from whatever they're showing at E3.

    Why did you guys decide on J23rd?

  • Because:

    • 1 - Content is almost always released on a Tuesday.
    • 2 - J9 is very unlikely due to the lack of teases, trailer, etc.
    • 3 - J16 is also unlikely due to the fact that this is the same week as E3, and TT have confirmed updates on TWD and possibly other stuff as well and an episode release at this time may overshadow these.

    Why did you guys decide on J23rd?

  • And the worst thing is that each episode only lasts 1-2,5 hours. I know this is Telltalegame not the original Borderlands but still...

    My point is that this long waiting time between "short episodes" is ridiculous.

    A depressing thought; In the unlikely event that it doesn't come out until near the end of the month (J23), That would mean a gap of 14 w

  • hope not, want s3 og wd and s2 of wolf to start in nov/dec

    JackMarco posted: »

    Episode 4: November 14th. Calling it now!

  • didnt got ep get announced 3 days b4 release? Also new episodes usually dont sell more cause people either have the season pass or wait until season is done. If they wait until after e3 by that logic they will have to "fight" batman and 10 week waiting period would be kinda ridiculous.

    Because: * 1 - Content is almost always released on a Tuesday. * 2 - J9 is very unlikely due to the lack of teases, trailer, etc. * 3

  • Alt text

    WAIT! We've just had a massive down-size - when that happened for Atlas Mugged the release quickly followed! (Also, it looks like a similar size to the last episode - which I'm totally satisfied with!)

  • rip ep3

    Bacbi posted: »

    didnt got ep get announced 3 days b4 release? Also new episodes usually dont sell more cause people either have the season pass or wait unti

  • edited June 2015

    That's perfect...

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    A depressing thought; In the unlikely event that it doesn't come out until near the end of the month (J23), That would mean a gap of 14 w

  • We need a reassuring @JobJStauffer_TTG update.

    Remember how wonderful and satiated we felt after the Atlas Mugged one?

    Alt text

  • WHAT?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fuck why they hell they took out so much content?! Last episode of GoT hat 2,5 Gb for Chirist sake! It almost look like they have ep is 4 done! I mean come on!? 1.6 Gb of content gone!? ARGH!

    WAIT! We've just had a massive down-size - when that happened for Atlas Mugged the release quickly followed! (Also, it looks like a similar size to the last episode - which I'm totally satisfied with!)

  • They didn't take out content. What always happens before an episode comes out is that they compress the episode. It's the exact same content, it just takes up less room.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    WHAT?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fuck why they hell they took out so much content?! Last episode of GoT hat 2,5 Gb for Chirist sake! It almost look like they have ep is 4 done! I mean come on!? 1.6 Gb of content gone!? ARGH!

  • It hadn't happened to Got, it had 2.5 Gb when it loaded,

    derrickd95 posted: »

    They didn't take out content. What always happens before an episode comes out is that they compress the episode. It's the exact same content, it just takes up less room.

  • This. ^^^

    Atlas Mugged had the same drop too - in the end it was 1.17gb.

    derrickd95 posted: »

    They didn't take out content. What always happens before an episode comes out is that they compress the episode. It's the exact same content, it just takes up less room.

  • YES!

    I don't want words (unless it's a release date) I want screenshots! Remember how much fun it was to speculate those last time? I want!

    We need a reassuring @JobJStauffer_TTG update. Remember how wonderful and satiated we felt after the Atlas Mugged one?

  • Hmm strage, well then I hope we really get this game in this month pity that it won't be longer,,,

    This. ^^^ Atlas Mugged had the same drop too - in the end it was 1.17gb.

  • So anyone else really feeling Febuary 17th?

  • edited June 2015

    At this rate episode 5 could very well release February 17, 2016 (or whatever Tuesday is closest) :(

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So anyone else really feeling Febuary 17th?

  • Or maybe a @puzzlebox update ;-;

    We need a reassuring @JobJStauffer_TTG update. Remember how wonderful and satiated we felt after the Atlas Mugged one?

  • Episode 5 for F17 2026 HYPE!

  • alright telltale, I'm tired of waiting, and I won't f*ck around anymore Alt text as you can see, I have an hostage. I will only say this once: I want my new episode. I want it now, and if I don't get it until tomorrow, this guy soon has a bullet in his head. you've been warned. I have a very nervous trigger-finger. tic-tac, telltale

  • maybe the reason why they're taking so long is..that..they are working on The WOLF AMONG US 2


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  • edited June 2015

    Maybe just a little bit.

  • Telltale:

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    sSOPHOo posted: »

    maybe the reason why they're taking so long is..that..they are working on The WOLF AMONG US 2 YES! YES YES!<,,,YEEEEES!

  • Haha, I read Starbender Handsome Jack.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    alright telltale, I'm tired of waiting, and I won't f*ck around anymore as you can see, I have an hostage. I will only say this once: I wan

  • edited June 2015

    I hope Ep. 3 is longer than the last 2. This wait is too long for just an hour. Not 2 hour. 14 or whatever weeks for just 1, singular hour. Then they leave us with a cliff hanger, and make us wait h10 more week. Whatever your game is TT, your playing your cards close to you chest.

  • Except that it's more like an hour and a half+.

    Still sucks though.

    I hope Ep. 3 is longer than the last 2. This wait is too long for just an hour. Not 2 hour. 14 or whatever weeks for just 1, singular hour.

  • SURE

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    sSOPHOo posted: »

    maybe the reason why they're taking so long is..that..they are working on The WOLF AMONG US 2 YES! YES YES!<,,,YEEEEES!

  • s2 of wolf

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    Bacbi posted: »

    hope not, want s3 og wd and s2 of wolf to start in nov/dec

  • Alt text

    WAIT! We've just had a massive down-size - when that happened for Atlas Mugged the release quickly followed! (Also, it looks like a similar size to the last episode - which I'm totally satisfied with!)

  • Yeah... ha...ha....ha...ha

    Alt text

    sSOPHOo posted: »

    maybe the reason why they're taking so long is..that..they are working on The WOLF AMONG US 2 YES! YES YES!<,,,YEEEEES!

  • I'm fine with the length of the current Telltale game episodes. It's a nice improvement from TWAU/TWD S2 days.

    I hope Ep. 3 is longer than the last 2. This wait is too long for just an hour. Not 2 hour. 14 or whatever weeks for just 1, singular hour.

  • I read that second objective as "Bring es zu Ente" which means "Bring it to duck".

    And now I can't stop laughing xD

    Dracu98 posted: »

    alright telltale, I'm tired of waiting, and I won't f*ck around anymore as you can see, I have an hostage. I will only say this once: I wan

  • edited June 2015

    I guess I have to thank Telltale in a way.

    Because of the long wait, I've managed to become fluent in basic German, and know a lot of advanced German also.

    I've also been getting a ton of messages from people wanting me to design for them because of the art I've posted in this very forum.

    So. I guess.... Thank you for taking so long Telltale? Not sure how to feel...

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