Yeah, and press - that's why when I first played episode 2 of Tales the Jack choice was at, like, 78% or something equally insane (the testers + reviewers clearly have good taste!)
I don't like to complain or anything, but I've opened this page every single day for a month now
and every time when there's not any updates or anything, I just..
I don't like to complain or anything, but I've opened this page every single day for a month now
and every time when there's not any updates or anything, I just..
I don't like to complain or anything, but I've opened this page every single day for a month now
and every time when there's not any updates or anything, I just..
Does anyone else think that telltale should get a patreon account to speed up game production?
Who wants to know the real definition of insanity?
Pure drugs,isn’t it?
I swear/If this happened/It will rain money at their HQ.
Well, Telltale really took the ''Silence is a valid option'' line seriously.
I don't play/watch GoT (I'm getting around to it, I swear!), so I have nooo idea what's going on... >_<
That’s me/Waiting for THE FUCKING EPISODE/FUCK!!!
Or maybe it was your reaction when you first saw The warrior
Good luck!
I don't play it too :Р
Don't be bloody dramatic V_V
Just Wondering, where's the TFTB Release date discussion thread for episode 1?
It’s probably closed now.
ok. It's just that I can't find it anywhere.
Ahahaha - that's actually surprisingly accurate.
checking this thread like:
seeing no news:
It's right here:
All of the episode release date discussion threads for a specific game are linked in a sticky thread at the top of that game's section
What will happen then when you see The Traveler?
LOL on YOU, Jakie xD
Hmm, I honestly don't know if we actually will see The Traveler...
Maybe next season?
Coming Soon...
This never gets old,does it?
Now, I'm a very patient person and I'm not going to start complaining like most people...But, a few updates would be nice. @Puzzlebox
Average if about two months though the wait between Wolf among us episode 3 and 4 was about a month and a half.
I don't like to complain or anything, but I've opened this page every single day for a month now
and every time when there's not any updates or anything, I just..
That's too "soon"
December 2019 hype
i'm 5% sure we'll get something this week .... yay.....
Does anyone know when is the vita version of the game coming out?
I know how you feel
Just after Half-Life 3
Day 82
No News.
You had to break a lot of computers then.
I've seen the future.
Day 83 - No News.
Guys J9 is lost. Officially. Onward to J16
(seriously though this is redonkulous)